
Showing posts with the label Cosmology

Quasars Trouble Big Bang Concepts

Great news for creationists, bad for believers in current cosmic evolution ideas. A paper was published that examined galaxies and their associations with quasars. This gets into some deep astronomy and mathematics, such as redshift and whether or not the association is random. Galaxy Cluster, Quasar 3C 186 image credits: NASA /CXC/SAO/A.Siemiginowska et al. Optical: AURA/Gemini Obs. (Usage does not imply endorsement of site contents) "This is all very interesting, but what is a quasar, Cowboy Bob?" Glad you asked. Like a social media relationship status, it's complicated. When first detected, astronomers were puzzled and decided to call them  quasi-stellar  objects, shortened to quasars.  Has a catchy sound do it. They are very bright and contain a great deal of energy, and seem to be the products of black holes at the cores of galaxies. Or are they something else? It took a mighty long time to get a handle on quasars, and that has changed. The paper is stron

SETI Wasting Money and Resources

It is eminently logical that one cannot locate something that does not exist. The fun people at the Search for Extra-terrestrial Intelligence outfit have spent many years and mucho dinero searching and hoping that space aliens are saying, "Howdy, Earth folks!" But they come up empty, and want more. Alien image credit: Pixabay / 024-657-834 Frame and other items: PhotoFunia What would they do with an alien if they found one? According to the pronouncements of deep time proponents, any signals we might receive would have been sent many years ago. Maybe they should get with the people who believe that Uncle Xaphizd and his companions have been living among us for a mighty long time. It's on YouTube, so it must be true. Biblical creationists contend that there are no intelligent life forms in outer space, and that secularists are riding at full gallop to try to find some sign of ET life because they think it would validate atoms-to alien evolution so they can deny t

Betelgeuse Befuddles Astronomers

Secular astronomers and scientists doing the research with space probes are constantly being amazed by what they have found. That is because the universe is recalcitrant when it comes to obeying celestial evolution dogma. So, some of us are not so surprised that they are surprised about Betelgeuse. Orion with Betelgeuse emphasized Modified from an image by Pixabay / sl1990 Betelgeuse is a red giant. Secularists have their scheme of things regarding how stars are formed and eventually "die", but this extremely large star is not acting in an expected manner. Mayhaps they should put aside their deep time assumptions and check out the truth of recent creation. Anyway, that dimming thing leaves us wondering what Betelgeuse will do, but seeing it growing dimmer is baffling. Astronomers are puzzled by the dimming of one of the brightest stars in the sky, Betelgeuse in Orion. Amateur astronomers quickly learn to identify Betelgeuse, the right shoulder in the constellation

Can Astrobiology Ever Become a Real Science?

In the previous post, we saw that secular astronomers are all wound up about yet another exoplanet and what they think is hope for extraterrestrial life. Up yonder at Deception Pass, the hands at the Darwin Ranch have themselves a highly profitable enterprise that they call astrobiology.   Astronomy / Gentile da Fabriano, ca. 1400s As we have already seen,  astrobiology is a pseudoscience  that is used to promote atoms-to-alien evolution; the faulty reasoning is that if it happened  out there , then it  must  have happened  here  and humans can dismiss the necessary responses to our Creator.  However, there is a tremendous amount of observed data produced while working in astrobiology. If scientists wanted to do something productive, they could drop Darwin on the trial and ride on with their observations. Of course, a name change would be in order. Despite its propensity for wild speculation about life in space, there’s one way Astrobiology could provide useful science.

Pardon My Lack of Enthusiasm over Exoplanet ToI 700d

Let the trumpeters trumpet and the drummers drum, get a sheet cake and invite your friends, exoplanet ToI 700d may be earth-like. We have heard that kind of thing before, then the additional information drops in. If I recollect rightly, there was news about Earth's twin, but only if Earth was a ball of magma. Still, the newly-discovered planet is in the "habitable zone", so it's got that going for it. Credit:  NASA 's Goddard Space Flight Center TESS found it. No, not the woman that works in the mail room. It's NASA's own Transiting Exoplanet Survey Satellite, and ToI is used to denote  Transiting Exoplanet Survey Satellite Object of Interest . An astronomer may want to switch me with snakes for this, but I'm skeptical because observations are limited and conclusions are inferred. Indeed, some think that the outer reaches of our own solar system may be  home to a small black hole , others think a  massive planet  is out there. There are plenty o

Stellar Dust and Cosmic Evolution

If I am cognating on this proper-like, there are potential planets under my bed. Them there dust bunnies need static electricity. There is quite a bit of static in this place, which can be quite shocking to my visitors. Static and dust can form planets. Sound ridiculous? It is as sensible as some research. Do NOT go to that link in the picture. The original lapsed and has been taken over by someone else. Secularists presuppose naturalism, so when the evidence testifies of creation (Rom. 1:18), they try to find rescuing devices rather than admit the truth. Going back to the best of the failed planetary formation speculations, researchers insist that dust has to stick together instead of bouncing off other dust particles. Add static electricity, and in a controlled environment, balls of dust were produced. A passel of assumptions are included, and then other aspects are left floating around. The whole thing just won't slide down the chimney and give naturalistic presents to s

So Many Large Galaxies, So Little Evolutionary Time

Secular astronomers and cosmologists are finding more problems with their deep time paradigm, so once again they have to trot out rescuing devices. Their own assumptions are working against them. According to expectations from the current Big Bang model, huge galaxies should not exist. But there they are. Derivative from  The Passion of Creation by Leonid Pasternak, 1880s Once again, the secular version of the history of the universe has to be rewritten. Sure, the rescuing devices look like they may work, but circular reasoning is involved; these "explanations" refute themselves. Muy grande galaxies exist before stars had time to form, explode, and seed the universe with stuff to make the universe (and ultimately, you and me) exist. All varieties of evolutionists, whether cosmic, biological, or geological, essentially believe in luck in the cosmic throws of the dice. When science is misused used to defy recent creation, the problems keep on piling up. This is God'

The Mysterious Moons of Mars

As you may recollect from school days, Ares was the ancient Greek god of war, later merged with the more personable Roman god known as Mars. While astronomers of yesteryear was finding and cataloging moons around Jupiter and Saturn, the moons of Mars were not discovered until the 19th century. Credits: Mars and Moons from NASA 's Goddard Space Flight Center Art gallery effect by PhotoFunia The discoverer named the Martian moons Phobos and Deimos (basically, fear and terror) after two sons of Ares in a blending of mythologies. Then the speculations started. Why weren't the moons discovered until comparatively recently? Could be that people just weren't looking in the right place. Some thought that since Mars may be inhabited, the Martians built the moons and placed them there. Let's ride on this fun side trail for a spell. Percival Lowell was convinced (as were others) that Mars had canals , which had to be built by intelligent beings. In the late 1890s, Herb

Underdetermination and Cosmology

People tend to use cosmology when they are really discussing cosmogony, but that is not surprising because the fields tend to overlap. Scientists riding for the cosmic evolution brand tend to get a mite pretentious and make proclamations about how the universe formed and operates, then get surprised when their beliefs turn out wrong . Image credit: NASA , ESA, M. J. Jee and H. Ford et al. (Johns Hopkins Univ)  (Usage does not imply endorsement of site contents) Secularists reject recent creation, and do not even consider the evidence for it. There are several materialistic models for the origin and development of the universe, but they are continually changing. The Big Bang is the best of the bad ideas, so secularists cling to it and continually patch it up.  Atheists and anti-creationists show their lack of knowledge regarding science and fields related to astronomy by insisting that the evidence requires certain conclusions. Not hardly! This is where underdetermination  comes i

A Nice Day to Consider Saturn

Sometimes we may wonder why the names of planets were chosen after some very unsavory characters. Kronos was a Greek titan, son of sky and earth (Uranus and Gaia). In a violent coup with the help of Gaia, he overthrew Uranus which caused giants, fairies, and nymphs to form. He later ate his own children, but was forced to cough them up years later — none the worse for wear. False-color image combination of Saturn Credit: NASA / E. Karkoschka (University of Arizona) His rule was not much help against the Romans, who conquered and also merged Kronos with Saturn . Except for varying accounts of mythology, a nifty evolution-defying planet and its helpful moons, and the name of a day of the week, this sidewinder is pretty much forgotten. Misotheists say that the Bible reads like "fairy tales" or "mythology", but I lack belief that they are intellectually honest when making such foolish comparisons. No need to put on a saturnine countenance as we will now l

Lunar Water Cannot Last Billions of Years

My soda was warm, so I wanted to stop by the moon and get some ice. I stopped by one of the hidey-hole craters and it was gone, having been smashed and scattered by a meteoroid or something. Another error for deep time, ice on the moon is not forever. Sure, these perspective things can be overused, but this one is pretty good. Credit: Unsplash / Valery Sysoev First they find water on the moon which threatens one of their lunar origin theories , now this. Water ice gets tucked away where it is hidden from sunlight and the solar wind, and it is supposed to last a mighty long time. However, secular scientists did not take into account all the activity up there that spreads the ice around and causes it to get out of Dodge. Rescuing devices like comets and the like seem weak — desperate, even. The truth is that the earth, moon, and everything else were created a few thousand years ago. The water detected on the moon by orbiters can only last thousands of years, not billions. A

Another Alleged Earth-Like Planet Discovered

Astrobiologists are promoting their pseudoscience like chariot racers in the Circus Maximus, hoping to find evidence of habitable planets in deep space. Although they fail every time and their hopes are dimming because the habitable zone has multiple caveats, bio-astrologers keep on a-trying. Credits: NASA's Goddard Space Flight Center / Chris Smith (Usage does not imply endorsement of site contents) The desire is to find evidence of life out there, even though nobody can even see the planets, let alone, conditions on them. (Also, exoplanets are young , created recently like our own solar system. No time for Darwin to work his magic.) I maintain that it would be illogical to claim that even if life was found and evolution was proven, it would not justify that all life evolved; it would be the hasty generalization fallacy. Materialists don't seem to care. Exoplanet GJ 357 d is supposedly in the habitable zone, yee haw boy howdy. There are many unknown factors as well a

Evolution, the Disreputable Girlfriend of Science

by Cowboy Bob Sorensen Although science is a tool for interpreting observable evidence, people treat it like an entity, such as in the expression "science says". Scientists say, not science, but we can work with this later. Science is used by fallible humans who have biases and make mistakes, sometimes clinging to bad ideas despite evidence. Made with PhotoFunia For example, the phlogiston theor y of combustion was disproved but it took a while before it was put out to pasture. Ignaz Semmelweis demonstrated that medical people needed to wash their hands before touching patients, but his evidence was rejected for many years . The views of Charles Darwin gained acceptance despite contrary evidence, which includes deep time in geology and also cosmic evolution. Evolution is the girlfriend of ill-repute of Science. They go to parties together, and Science uses Evolution to impress people. However, Evolution is unfaithful and even invites her brother Scientism over for

Jupiter has a Purpose

We have several large planets in our solar system, the gas giants, and Jupiter is the largest in the herd. It has 79 satellites, two of which are larger than our own moon. Speaking of which, the gravitational effect of our own moon is obvious, but massive Jupiter and its own moons also have an effect. Credit: NASA / JPL (usage does not imply endorsement of site contents) Scientists and other wonder why those planets are out yonder. Indeed, it has been learned that the outer planets keep the solar system in balance . Jupiter's gravity is powerful (as indicated before) and it helps protect Earth from asteroids and such. For that matter, one flamed out over there on August 7, 2019 . Seems mighty clear that our Creator put it there as not only a stabilizing presence, but as a kind of cosmic vacuum sweeper to protect us. Some secular scientists were none to keen on the protector idea, trying to force in come other slant on cosmic evolution. They borrowed a discredited idea of V

Further Dark Matter Weaseling

When materialism and evolutionary thinking bushwhack science, observed facts are lassoed, tied, and branded for the secularism brand. That is, the narrative drives the evidence instead of the other way around. We see this in stories about human evolution , our wonderful brains , and other areas. Of course, the deep time story must  control cosmology. Dark matter  is a rescuing device. Credit:  NASA / JPL-Caltech / ESA / Institute of Astrophysics of Andalusia, University of Basque Country/ J HU (Usage does not imply endorsement of site content by any of those organizations) The Big Bang is the current secular myth of origins and it is infested with rescuing devices. We recently saw how inflation  and the multiverse  are efforts to save the Big Bang, and another is dark matter.  (Dark energy is occasionally invoked as well.) This stuff has never been observed, only inferred, and that because Big Bang speculations need it to keep their conjecture together and the money coming in

Inflation and the Multiverse Failure

Believers in evolution, whether cosmic or biological, essentially depend on luck. The owlhoots at the Darwin Ranch do not like to play the hand they are dealt, so they reshuffle and cheat until they think they are winning. Attempts to rescue speculations on the origin of the universe may look good on paper, but they still fail. Made at Atom Smasher We had the Big Bang, but that bronco bucked them off for lack of evidence. Now we have the inflationary universe, and then the multiverse  concept. That is, there are many other universes (some folks think the universe is still inflating way out yonder), so despite the odds, here we are through a series of lucky accidents against all odds. That is called "science" in their eyes, old son, but it is blind faith and circular reasoning. Quite a bit of work to disavow the Creator, don't you think? Creation scientists have long pointed out the enormous difficulties with ‘goo-to-you’ evolution, and even evolutionists ha

Golden Starstuff

A spell back we learned about how secular scientists really have no understanding of how heavy metal starstuff originated . Lack of knowledge does not make them holler "Whoa!" and reign in their speculative tendencies, so we can rock on to all that glitters in fool's gold from secular cosmology and astronomy. There has been some highly scientific guesswork about the origin and dispersal of gold, using adjustments and numerous presuppositions about neutron stars. Yee haw boy howdy, they came up with something! However, like so many other things in cosmic and biological evolution, more questions are raised than their speculations can attempt to answer. One of these is, "Where's all the gold, then?" (They could ask their invisible friends the space aliens, but whenever they ask for asylum hearings, they run off.) Naturally, secularists want nothing to do with the logical conclusion that the universe was created by God, and it was created much more r

The Alleged First Molecule Detected in Space

The hands at the Darwin Ranch were whooping it up and passing around a bottle of rye to celebrate the discovery of the first molecule. Well, they did not discover the first molecule per se, but they found helium hydride. Cosmologists think that was the first molecule that formed after the Big Bang, but they have no actual scientific evidence. Looks good on paper, though. Credit: Hubble, NASA , ESA; Processing & License : Judy Schmidt Space is full of atoms and molecules, but the ones that are the least likely to react are in the areas between stars. Planetary nebula NGC 7027 was the area being studied, and yee ha boy howdy, they found themselves the molecule that doesn't occur naturally on Earth! This thing is essential for the Big Bang, but all naturalists have are theories and guesswork. In reality, the discovery is not all that impressive happening because the helium hydride will probably react with other molecules quite soon. Try as they might, secularists cannot ove

Our Cooling and Shrinking Moon

You would think that if the solar system was several zillion Darwin years old, things would have settled down. Instead, we have planets and moons showing signs of youth . On July 20, 1969, Apollo 11 landed on the moon and left behind some equipment (as did other missions). Seismometers on the moon detected quakes. Apollo 11 astronaut Buzz Aldrin with the seismic experiment Credit: NASA (usage does not imply endorsement of site contents) Secular scientists were shaken by the data and unable to explain it. The moon should not have any tectonic activity, but yee haw boy howdy, it's there! This also indicates that  the moon is cooling , which it "should be" cold long ago according to secular views. Yet more evidence that Earth and the rest of the solar system were created recently. Scientists have concluded that our moon is probably still in the process of slightly shrinking as it cools. Photographs from the Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter (LRO) showed embankments c