
Showing posts with the label Discovery Institute

The Marvel of Chameleon Vision

The 1981 remake of the song "Bette Davis Eyes" was a huge hit, but this child failed to see what was special about them. Could she move each one independently? Mayhaps a rewrite about someone who "has chameleon eyes" would be interesting. When discussing alleged facts by evolutionists, likely, probably, scientists think,  and other terms are used to dodge the issues but still promote their faith. In this case, discussing how the eyes and vision of chameleons operate practically require such words — the reptiles are not talking. Chameleon on a branch, Pixabay / Shilona We have examined the most obvious trait of chameleons before, the ability to change color . It seems their vision has been underrated, which presents problems to evolution. No other land animal has the independent eye motion which still makes sense because of the brain's intricacies. What we have here is yet another example of the Master Engineer's work. Most vertebrate animals have their eyes

Racial Brain Collecting and Evolution

Everyone has presuppositions and worldviews, and these things drive science. Secular science assumes that the universe is billions of years old and that cosmic, chemical, biological, and other evolutions happened. Biblical creation science affirms recent creation, and modifications are not evolution. Evolution extends beyond academic and scientific discussions and influences the lives of people. While people disliked other ethnic groups different from their own, Darwinian evolution (and modifications) gave rise to "scientific racism" and greatly increased the problem. Smithsonian Building, Wikimedia Commons / Noclip (modified at Fotosketcher ).jpg Evolutionists often become incensed when it is pointed out that Charles Darwin was a blatant racist. Some try to improve history , but the facts cannot be changed. In the Victorian era and later, scientists attempted to justify racism and eugenics. They insisted that darker people were physically and mentally inferior to white folk

Filtering Out their own Noise

Another word that can be used in a variety of ways and depends on context is noise . It may be rap "music," trash collection at 5 AM, or other annoying sounds. However, noise may not always refer to sound! Some critters emit odors of their own but need to sniff out things without being overwhelmed by their own. Remember neurons , for which Darwin's acolytes cannot explain the origin? Biological noise canceling happens at that level. It works in a similar manner as noise cancellation in headphones, where a receiving neuron sends information to the sending neuron to cancel the noise. Elephant fish, Wikimedia Commons / F.E. Clarke , 1866 (public domain) Experiments were conducted on mormyrid fish (such as the elephant fish), which can emit and receive electrical currents. It sends out pulses, but must be able to tune them out when necessary signals are returned. Of course, credit is given to evolution and not the Creator who designed these systems. It would be interesting if

Biological Machines Ignore Labor Day

In the formerly United States, today is Labor Day. Although labor unions like to claim credit for that holiday, its origins are uncertain . Be thankful that those ultra-tiny biological machines inside of us do not go on strike, demand and eight-hour workday, or even a day off. It is interesting that details have been found on or in living things that are small replicas of things people have designed. Designers were probably quite surprised to see that their proud achievements have already been put into place with specified complexity by the Master Engineer a very long time ago. Gears and sprockets, Pixabay / Miguel Á. Padriñán A motor in cells called RuvAB works on junctions that form during genetic recombination. The class of motors has many that operate in a rotary mode. Authors say that the machine evolved ("Hail Darwin! Blessed be!") but as is typical, they offer nothing of substance on how  it evolved. To read about this machine, visit " Molecular Machines Labor 24×

Music and the Human Mind

Some years ago, I remember the Highland Festival in Alma, Michigan. The football field was full of bagpipers and the marching band. The lone piper began "Amazing Grace," and then all those other players joined in. The sound went through me and I was moved to tears. Festivals like this are gatherings for competitions in Highland games, dancing, and the pipes. Later, I saw folks at their trailers playing impromptu songs with folk instruments and having a great time. To me, that is the spirit of  music. Celtic music in the pub (modified), Flickr / James Lloyd ( CC BY-SA 2.0 ) The word music  can mean different things to different people, such as snobs who seem to think the only real music is classical, country, or whatever their preferences. Music needs some basic elements, else it is rhythmic chanting (such as rap). Whether we realize it or not, music involves mathematics — especially the intricacies of classical. There are vibrations throughout the universe, something Easter

Defusing Cambrian Explosion Excuses, Part 2

This is the second of two installments, Part 1 is here . Several times, atheists and other evolutionists on teh interwebs attempt to wave off the Cambrian Explosion by downplaying its importance. One tinhorn challenged me by demanding to know why it is important, and how creationists deal with it. If they do not know its importance, they should not be apologists for evolution and deep time. But I think people like this enjoy attempting to put creationists on the defensive. It has been a major difficulty for many years, and efforts to solve the problem are doomed to failure. Life on Cambrian Miaolingian sea, WikiComm / Zhixin Sun et. al . ( CC BY 4.0 ), modified at PhotoFunia Note that in all of these things, evolutionists believe  despite  the evidence, and even resort to bad science and bad logic to protect Darwin from mean looks as he saunters down Evolution Street. They get downright deceptive. That's right, I said it!  No amount of tampering with data or reimagining it can cha

Radical Environmentalism and Hating Humanity as a Cancer

Intelligent Design sites have some useful information, and some of the concepts they discuss are interesting to people who use critical thinking. While rejecting or affirming material because of its source has fragrance notes of the genetic fallacy, the worldviews of environmental extremists play an important part. In this case, the ID article discusses on a book by Dr. Warren Hern that claims we are a cancer. The "diagnosis" uses medical thinking to predict what will happen in our future. Downtown crowd, modified frim Pixnio / david Stuff like this uses invalid comparisons, incomplete information (for example, a person is far more complex than a cancer cell!), arbitrary assertions, ignore pertinent details, and more. People believe it, and this child maintains that one reason is because people do not use logical thinking, but simply accept sciency stuff. Also, radical environmentalists who declare war on humans  tend to come from an atheistic evolutionary worldview. Christia

Never Mind the Brain

by Cowboy Bob Sorensen  One person may admonish another to use his or her brain when thinking is desired, which is a common mistake. That is because the brain itself has no consciousness. The mind uses the brain. Look at this correct wording on Doctor Who  between the Fourth Doctor and Harry Sullivan in " Ark in Space ": DOCTOR: You're improving, Harry. HARRY: Am I really? DOCTOR: Yes, your mind is beginning to work. It's entirely due my influence, of course. You mustn't take any credit. Although searching for a place in the brain where consciousness (the soul) resides is a flaming inconsistency in their worldview, materialists (all that exists is matter, no God, no spirits) continue to search. The question is even worse for them when dealing with artificial intelligence . Brain and consciousness, Pixabay / Gerd Altmann (Geralt) Materialists cling to evolution to explain origins as a major part of their worldview. Creationists know that God created man in his im

Put a Soul in that Robot!

by Cowboy Bob Sorensen  Yesterday we looked at how artificial intelligence and transhumanism can work together in an effort to replace the true God with a god of our own making . There is talk of giving souls to robots, but that idea has several built-in problems. Materialists contradict their worldviews when they try to find consciousness (or a conscious spot) in the brain. They have not found it . For that matter, consciousness is difficult to define. Many equate it with the soul. Computers and robots do not have those things that are considered soul-ish. Laughing robot made at Bing AI Image Creator Those stories and fears about AI becoming self-aware and taking over the world are about pragmatism: It is reasonable to eliminate inferior humans (a biased, pessimistic outlook by the writers). But getting a soul or consciousness? Mayhaps it would be through spontaneous generation. In 1972, Robert Sheckley wrote a short story called "Can You Feel Anything When I Do This?" about

Neanderthal Intelligence Threatening to Evolutionists

There is a substance called pitch  that is the result of geological processes, and that has been presented as a problem for biblical creationists. Pitch is the result of the Genesis Flood, so how could Noah coat the Ark with this waterproof tar-like substance (Gen. 6:14)? That is not such a "gotcha" as scoffers think, since pitch also comes from plant material . It has been learned that Neanderthals learned how to make and use pitch from birch trees. This shows yet again that they were smarter than secularists previously thought — and this threatens them. Neanderthal reconstruction, Flickr / Michael (a.k.a. moik) McCullough ( CC BY-NC-SA 2.0 ) Obviously, denizens of the secular science industry will not accept the fact that these fully-human folks were descendants of Adam, who was created intelligent from the get-go. Secularists are reluctant to relinquish the evolutionary link concept. Like my Question Evolution Day breakfast, there are link problems.   Excuses are made,

Honeybee Engineering and You

If you study on it a spell, there are some amazing similarities between organizational structures and honeybee lifestyles. Scientists often discover new functions and processes in existing cells — oh, look, a new organelle ! We have micro- and macroscopic bodily parts work together for the whole. Analogies are usually imperfect, but compare the lifestyles of honeybees to more complex organisms. But first, consider a workplace. The supervisor assigns a task to an even if it is not their usual area, then normal duties resume. Bees take on new duties for a while, then often resume the old ones. Honeybees swarm, Flickr / USFWS, Sarah Swenty ( CC BY 2.0 ) Individual honeybees can be interesting, but the way they work like an organism is fascinating. They were designed with knowledge of various functions. Bees use their wings for flying but also cooling the hive. They also know that the hexagon is the ideal shape for the honeycomb. God provides for us with honey via bees, and bees are desig

Nature has the Right to Evolve?

Regular readers have seen how the secular science industry is supporting leftist causes, and how evolution is the centerpiece on the table. This child wants to keep political matters to other weblogs, but when secularists infuse themselves into policy making, things need to be discussed. Once again, it should be said that genuine  environmental concerns are well in keeping with biblical creation principles , but leftist politicians are taking environmentalism to extremes. Elitists in the secular science industry are joining in to further the agenda. Range of the Caucasus mountains , Ivan Aivazovsky, 1869 Biblical creationists point out how believers in descent-with-modifications evolution play fast 'n' loose with their definitions. They tend to broaden them so that variation, speciation, and other changes (which are compatible with creation science) are deceitfully termed evolution  so people will think that Darwin was right. It's who they are and what they do. Similar word

Why James Tour Lost the Origins Debate to Dave Farina

by Cowboy Bob Sorensen  Something that keeps getting slipped over the transom in my study is news about Dr. James Tour. He is a professor of several things including chemistry at Rice University, and friendly with the Discovery Institute, an Intelligent Design organization. He makes Darwin sad by refuting claims of materialists on the origin of life. No, I refuse to accept the claims of Darwin's acolytes on social(ist) media and elsewhere that the OoL has nothing to do with evolution, as that has been handily refuted many times over. Background image by Cowboy Bob Sorensen , photos from James Tour's YouTube post, then modified* Dave Farina considers himself an educator on science topic and has made good use of the popularity of YouTube. His channel is Professor Dave Explains . (People call themselves whatever they want, but in science and academia, claiming titles like doctor or professor is akin to stolen valor in the military .) Like other atheists, he presupposes a materiali

Sanitizing Darwin's Racist History Again

Sometimes when creationists bring up Charles Darwin's racism, it puts  burrs under the saddles of his followers. They claim it is an ad homiem  and a distraction, but the fact remains despite their protestations. It has also been extensively documented. His racism is extremely relevant, as it is entrenched in his evolutionary conjectures. We saw how a couple of his biographers falsely tried to say that his theory had a noble motive , the abolition of slavery. Professor Joseph L. Graves, Jr. is up to something similar. Celebration of Abolition of 1866 via NYPL , colorized at Palette , then modified at PhotoFunia The professor is celebrated as the first black man to get a doctorate in evolutionary biology, and my response is, "Big deal." Evolutionary biology is self-serving and has little value to real science. Also, how many black people are attracted to studying something this area? (Asking for a friend.) Seems strange to prop up a field where your "rac

Transsexuality and Transhumanism

by Cowboy Bob Sorensen There are deviant people loudly demanding what they think are their rights, but there are more subtle thing that happen with movements. They often start small and over time. Deviants have been with the rest of civilization for a long time. However, their acceptance, normalization, preferential treatment  and more seem to have sprung up overnight. Many people are bewildered about all this. There is more going on than it may seem upon first examination. Writing for the Discovery Institute, agnostic Wesley J. Smith postulates that this ties into the transhumanist movement. Bionic eye, Pixabay / intographics Let's study on transhumanism . Using medical technology to repair bodily injuries or defects is commonplace. Transhumanism goes beyond healing and intends to upgrade humanity . Some proponents think they are helping human evolution, which is definitely not the correct use of that word. Wesley Smith suggests that transsexuality is using transhumanism (the cont

Refuting Bad Design Claims of Human Foot and Ankle

Misotheists and other evolutionists frequently use dysteleology arguments, which basically mean that they think something was the product of bad design, therefore, no Creator. The human eye  and the panda's thumb  are two of their favorites. Not too long ago, we considered similar claims about knee joints . This time we go a mite lower and dispense with bad design arguments about the human foot and ankle. Like knees, feet and ankles give us problems. The Master Engineer cannot be blamed when people do not use them in keeping with their design. Feet and ankles, Unsplash / Jan Romero Professor Nathan Lents wanted to slap leather with creationists and Intelligent Design proponents (and possibly to bolster the faith of fundamentalist evolutionists). Like other evolutionists, he apparently argued from ignorance instead of knowledge of the subjects he discussed. Lentz wrote a book about the things that are supposedly products of evolution, no designer need apply. It did not go well. Befo

Programmed Biases and Artificial Intelligence

The subject of artificial intelligence keeps cropping up, and it will continue to do so for quite some time. Having "machines" become sentient and taking over has been a favorite theme in science fiction for decades. Some of those stories are fanciful, others may be cautionary tales. In the earlier post " Artificial Intelligence and Replacing Humanity ," several articles were linked that show how humanity really has nothing to fear. A primary reason is that AI can never become equal to, let alone surpass, the human brain. Artificial Intelligence, Pixabay /  Gerd Altmann  (geralt) As discussed previously, AI and other computers are subject to their programming. This was recently illustrated in an opinion column by Robert Marks . Western civilization has been distancing itself from biblical principles, so it shouldn't be surprising when ChatGPT has to practically be begged to mention what many biblical creationists believe: Behemoth in the book of Job is a sauropo

Charles Darwin was not a Slavery Abolitionist

Disciples of Charles Darwin try to brush aside or ignore his view of women as inferior , and especially his blatant racism . Some build a straw man by claiming that we said evolution is racist when we talk about scientific racism and other extensions of his conjectures. There have been owlhoots who claim that saying Darwin was a racist is an ad hominem , but that conveniently ignores the fact that his beliefs were fundamental in his development of evolution — ideas have consequences . People also point out that he was opposed to slavery, and a couple of authors try to make Charlie appear to be a passionate abolitionist. Public domain image, run through removebg , colorized at Palette , flames added at LunaPic A couple of biographers wrote a book that portrayed Darwin as someone who was concerned with the abolition of slavery. His work on species was with abolition in mind. When Dr. Robert F. Shedinger gave the tome close scrutiny, he realized it was stuff and nonsense. Sure, it was