
Showing posts with the label Evolution

Dancing with the Double Stars

Take a look at the starry skies and ponder them for a spell. We know that those points of light are not all stars. Mixed in with stars of varying sizes and colors are nebulae, planets, galaxies — and more stars. Once again, increases in technology bring new knowledge and more frustrations for cosmologists. It has been learned that many of the stars we see are binary (double) stars orbiting a gravitational point between them. Interestingly, Star Wars: A New Hope  used Tatooine, a planet in a double star system in the story before exoplanets were even discovered. Webb telescope shows dust rings around Wolf-Rayet 140, Credits: NASA, et al (usage does not imply endorsement of site contents) Remember, the prevailing view of solar system formation is that a hot, gaseous cloud coalesces into stars and planets. We can reasonably expect uniformity in orbits, content, and such. Many binary stars are doing their dance with mismatched partners, and some go beyond binaries into an even more intric

Evolutionists Cannot Explain Carnivorous Plants

Bugs for lunch, what a marvelous idea! No, this is not about nutty leftist environmentalists , but rather, something that is in the environment: carnivorous plants. Although not envying their diets, creationists have been discussing pitcher plants and Venus fly traps for years. Pitcher plants are slippery and flytraps snap shut, but there are several other kinds of these plants. While it is true that questions are raised about the existence of carnivorous plants in a very good  creation, biblical creationists take on those challenges . Venus flytraps, morgueFile / xianstudio Carnivory in the plant world is not explainable by evolutionary speculations. One way to evosplain them is to say that various types of these plants "evolved independently" multiple times, but that is sometimes annoying even to Darwin's disciples. In addition, there are disparate mechanisms in place in each kind of plant, each contributing to irreducible complexity: Every part must be in place and w

Tyrannosaurini from out of Time

Not too long ago, I finished loading supplies into my buckboard and was ready to head on out of town. Of a sudden, I saw Stevia Dolce, the lead baker at the Darwin Ranch. With her was Lotta Lyez who was promoted as an assistant to the cook. Feeling a mite playful, I asked Lotta if she was going to pick up some Tyrannosaurini, it was between the fettuccine and linguine. She stared a moment, then gave a bit of an "Oh, you!" hand flip as Stevia smiled. The wordplay may not have happened if I had not been reading about the sudden appearance of T. Rex  and family. Tyrannosaurus rex , RGBStock / Kevin Tuck Some fossil parts were examined again and the critter was renamed because of subtle differences that were found. (I wonder if that's a bit drastic since people, animals, and so on have variations without having to be branded as a different species.) In the report, homage was given to the puny god of evolution, but with a difference. It is known that dinosaurs have no evoluti

Redefining Words for Profit

The other day, I heard a supervisor in a big box store telling an employee that his next duty was to work on fast track. Being in a meddlesome mood, I asked what that meant, since it clearly was not a quick way to management or something. Instead, it was the plastic strip at the base of a shelf that holds price labels. Something I have emphasized many times (and occasionally forget) is the importance of word definitions in discussions. Businesses, regions, and so on have their own special words. A problem exists when established words are redefined to fit an agenda. Dictionary Page, Unsplash / Romain Vignes The word evolution  has several different meanings, but the most frequent connotation is of particles-to-pedagogue evolution — Darwin's disciples gleefully exploit that connotation. Also, professing atheists become furious — furious , I tell you — when it is pointed out that atheism is a religion . They say, "We don't worship a deity!" as they cry in their beer . T

Materialists Unintentionally Appeal to God for Honesty

Regular readers may notice that certain things are repeated here, but it is necessary. Those things may also benefit new readers. Atoms-to-author evolution is not just a discussion for scientists, it is a worldview that permeates many areas of life. Since scientists are not the paragons of virtue that people seem to believe, fraud and trickery have been utilized in science for many years. Fake research papers are becoming more frequent, especially with the rise of artificial intelligence . The secular science industry says bad things are happening. Late autumn bleak view from a mountain in Ulster County, NY, photo by Cowboy Bob Sorensen For the most part, secular scientists are materialists. That is, nothing exists except atoms, molecules, and all that good stuff. They have no room for God in their worldview. How can they complain about right and wrong when the Author of those things is rejected out of hand? It doesn't make sense, Stanley. They cannot even say why  something is wr

Biblical Knowledge and Creation Science

At one time, Christians were the main people doing science. (It was called natural philosophy  until the name was changed to science .) Christians and creationists were right at home here. Science operates by laws, and those were given by the Creator. They provide consistency. See how that works out? Eventually, Christians yielded to materialists. Much of that was through compromise on the authority of the Bible. Secular scientists reject the Bible in favor of naturalism. Both kinds of scientists have worldviews based on their presuppositions. Universe and Bible, Pixabay / Alex Myers and Maicon Fonseca Zanco What follows is going to be difficult for some people to accept, even creationists. Bible-believing Christians actually have an advantage in doing science. Indeed, Psalm 119:130 tells us that God's Word brings understanding. Not only does the biblical worldview rule out time, chance, errors as explanations for observed data, but Christians also have a basis for logic and scie

Paradigm Shifts in the Life Sciences?

Secular scientists, especially believers in descent with modifications evolution, work from a framework of materialism. They rule out even the possibility of a Creator or of any purpose in life. Of course, having such a priori  presuppositions handcuffs them to the radiator so they cannot work more effectively. Evolution is not supposed to have any sort of teleology. Any appearance of design is just an illusion, secularists must keep telling themselves that because design means a Designer. But reference to purpose does  get put into evolutionary materials. Dental stem cells, Flickr / NIH-NIDCR (public domain) There are discussions about intelligence all the way down to the cellular level. Although there is opposition to seeing purpose and design, if those in the secular science industry should actually "follow where the evidence leads" instead of simply giving lip service to that saying. It would also be a great benefit to medical and other life sciences. Then they may be re

Your Place in the AI Revolution

by Cowboy Bob Sorensen Give up and submit. They have won. Okay, I am being facetious because some folks indulge in too much science fiction where artificial intelligence and robots take over the world. The AI revolution is under way and developments occur so quickly that articles are often outdated as soon as they are published. You have been using AI for some time, but much of it is on a lower level. It is on websites and search engines. I used it in a recent post to remove the background of a zombie graphic so I could paste it into my photograph. Artificial intelligence is a tool that has many applications. Charles Darwin playing chess with a life-sized silver robot, made at Bing AI image creator *, then modified The computational power of AI is amazing, and some systems are self-taught in certain areas. Like any tool, it can be used for naughtiness as well as niceness. I have a coworker who disliked an AI image I showed him because he felt it takes away from the creativity of artis

Recapitulating the Pronephros Zombie

Denizens of depths of the the secular science industry keep trying to buffalo the public into believing that Charles Darwin was right, and that there is no Creator — or that he is a bungler if indeed he does exist. It is in their best interests to deny, ignore, or downplay facts against evolution. Grant money. Atheists and other evolutionists also promote outdated and false information. Although vestigial organs  (also called vestigial structures, rudimentary, or useless) were used to validate evolution, they have been debunked. Yet Darwin's disciples continue to zombify them. After I took this picture* in Rosendale, it did not go well, as you see. One way of making a zombie out of the vestigial organ nonsense is to keep acting like it is a valid argument. It came about in the first place because those in medical science did not understand the functions of the organs, so they argued from ignorance and presupposed evolution (circular reasoning). Also, the fake drawings of Ernst Haec

The Humanity of Neanderthals and their Religious Views

by Cowboy Bob Sorensen A spell back, I came across an article by a supporter of the Intelligent Design movement regarding the possible religious views of Neanderthals. This was an article about another article which appeared in Psychology Today . Believers in particles-to-professor evolution desperately want Neanderthals to be transitions between humans and apelike critters. Instead, evidence continually shows that they were fully human. The fact that they shared their DNA with other humans is strong evidence for their humanity. Le Moustier Neanderthals, AMNH / Charles R. Knight , 1920 Neanderthals may be responsible for our sneezing from allergies , their hearing was like ours , the Y chromosome sure does look "modern," and more. Scientists have also looked for indications of less material aspects other than biology, paleontology, and anthropology. These include thinking and spirituality. Although some evolutionists insist on clinging to Neanderthals as a part of their sche

Speciation, Evolution, and Creation

There are several aspects of speciation that are shocking — shocking , I tell you — to both secularists and biblical creationists alike. Although Russell Watchtower and the Ministry of Truth at the Darwin Ranch crank out propaganda that Darwinian scientists are unified (and people believe it), the truth is quite different. It is to be expected that there are disagreements among evolutionists about whether or not some critters should be classified as a different species, but there are numerous species concepts. Also, speciation and variation are well in keeping with biblical creation science! 22 species of birds, art ca. 1870s via Boston Public Library The waters continue to get a mite murky. There are four main ways that scientists explain speciation, but some of those are controversial. Other times, they may overlap. Creationists have been accused of believing in the fixity of species , where God created everything "as is". Informed creationists do not hold to that view, whi

Bad Presuppositions and Wrong Questions in Science

This is a repost, as the original disappeared after a day or so. Blogger has its own formatting ideas that I can't control. Centuries ago, I applied for a data entry job, but was hired to be a production supervisor. I knew nothing about the industry. My supervisor went out sick and my trainer quit, so I ended up discussing things with foremen and production workers. I did not ask the right questions, nor did I even know what questions to ask. Fortunately, I brought few assumptions to impede my learning. By the grace of God and with the help of other people, I was able to have reasonable success in the job. Jigsaw GRAPHIC, Freeimages /  Andronicus Riyono Imagine if I had been full of bravado and made wrong assumptions based on my presuppositions. It would not have gone well. We have seen in a similar way that many secular scientists presuppose evolution, then are puzzled when the evidence doesn't line up with expectations. Their research is often befouled at the get-go. Secular

DNA Repair and Deliberate Mutations Make Darwin Sad

As many people know, a cornerstone of particles-to-paleontologist evolution is mutations. Fundamentalist evolutionists insist that mutations are entirely random — admittedly, that is plausible on the surface. They also claim that there is no purpose (teleology) in evolution. While there are many random mutations, it has been shown (much to the dismay of the Bearded Buddha and his acolytes) that some mutations are the result of advance planning, not random at all . In addition, DNA repair systems are taking the wind out of Darwin's sails. Thale cress, Rawpixel / NASA (Public Domain) Over Eurasia and Africa way, there's a plant that the locals consider a weed. Scientists love it, though. Using the science of genetics pioneered by creationist Gregor Mendel (peas be upon him), a great deal of the genome of the thale cress has been studied. Then came some surprises. Although they won't admit it, not only is there DNA repair happening, but non-randomness in mutations. This seem

Biomimetics and Hummingbird Wing Motions

Biomimetics (or biomimicry) is an amazing area where scientists study abilities the Master Engineer has provided to creatures, then copying them for human use. Of course, secularists do not thank God for what they have learned. Hummingbirds are the subject of this study. One in particular lives on the left coast of North America, mostly in the formerly United States but also a bit north and south of what passes for its borders. Anna's hummingbird is an amazingly agile critter  the size of a table tennis ball, with an upper weight of 5.7 grams (0.2 ounces). Anna's hummingbird, Flickr / USFWS, Robert McMorran ( CC BY 2.0 ) Because of their unique wing motions, Anna's hummingbirds navigate small openings that other birds could not even consider: They can keep flapping. Studies of this bird are being conducted for possible use in small aerial vehicles. The fossil record shows that there has been no appreciable change in hummingbirds in all those Darwin years ( like other creat

The Crisis Continues for Big Bang Cosmology

Big Bang supporters have always struggled to find incontrovertible evidence for their beliefs. Something gets run up the flag pole and while some folks are saluting it, others are pointing at problems. Over the decades, the Big Bang has been Frankensteined by having numerous parts stitched in. In the 1976 Columbo  episode " Old-Fashioned Murder ," the Ruth Lytton character asked, "If the hypothesis doesn't fit the premise, isn't it more reasonable to question the hypothesis?" The same thing could be asked of secular cosmologists and cosmogonists. Love the Big Bang, JWST image ( NASA et al ) modified at PhotoFunia New discoveries keep presenting difficulties to the Big Bang and cosmic evolution, with rescuing devices and excuses conjured (including things like this at an Intelligent Design site). If the universe is as old as secularists claim, certain objects out there, thataway, should look far different — or even not exist. Instead, observed evidence and

The Fading of the Alleged Fact of Evolution

As discussed here several times before, a movement, revolution, or other large effect on a society seldom spontaneously generates. Mayhaps you have heard how something was "ahead of its time" or the world was not ready for it. Conditions were not right for that thing. Other sweeping changes occur, leaving people wondering how they took root. Slowly. Charles Darwin is treated like a brilliant scientist for creating evolution, but that is the opposite of the truth . The conditions in Victorian England were right for his conjectures, and the prominent Huxleys helped him out . Darwin caricature, 1871, Vanity Fair , modified at At the time of Darwin and even before, people were becoming more blatantly rebellious to God and disrespectful to the Bible. (Interestingly, the only degree that Charlie earned was in theology, which lends credence to the suggestion that he lifted the biblical creation narrative and was making a naturalistic religious text!) Many factors came toge

Question Evolution Day and Phylogenetic Logic

Retail merchandisers in big chain stores often use  planograms , which are basically maps for the placement of items. Those are from the dictates of corporate headquarters, and some of them are very strange. Placement of merchandise is often quite irrational. Believers in universal common descent evolution believer in the evolutionary tree of life , and the secular science industry has naturalistic versions of planograms called cladograms . This is phylogeny, attempting to show relationships between organisms. Enhanced version of Darwin's Tree of Life Sketch Clades can be useful tools showing relationships between living things, but within well-defined limits. Evolutionary planograms — I mean, cladograms — are based on the presupposition that fish-to-fool evolution happened. Although it is considered a theory, evolution is treated like a fact that should not be questioned. No free speech, no free thought. But yes, by all means, indulge in circular logic by assuming evolution to pro

Alien Visitations, Star Trek, and Science

Science fiction encompasses a wide range of topics, some with very little science, others use a great deal. Many stories have been made that were given different locations and times that could easily have been transplanted Westerns and so forth; it is versatile. Partaking in science fiction requires a substantial amount of the suspension of disbelief (accepting unlikely or impossible things so a story can be enjoyed). Some science fiction makes up principles or inventions on the fly, but others try to use real or plausible science in their stories. It is also a format for speculation on morality and ethics. Warp Speed, Pixabay / Samkh Star Trek required suspending disbelief quite a bit, but much of their science fiction was just plausible enough. It was also hardcore atheistic and evolutionary propaganda, as I discussed in " Straw Man Trek ." "Yeah, Cowboy Bob! Why are we talking about science fiction and Star Trek?" Science fiction helps people become more inquisi

Creation and Poisonous Plants

The other day, I saw a graphic called First Day in Heaven  that was meant to portray someone joyfully embracing Jesus upon their arrival. I said that this is how I pictured it with my beloved wife. Someone replied that she will greet me with open arms again. A vile atheist chided that person for "lying" to me. Aside from having the decency to let me have my comfort even though he rejects the truth of the gospel, he was assuming that there is no Heaven, so we are wrong — or lying. Because atheism. This is similar to how atheists and evolutionists call on biblical creationists to explain our views on things, yet they often assume we are wrong or lying and will not listen to us. That is not the way to have an intelligent discussion. How can some poisonous plants be a part of God's original very good  creation from a creationist perspective? Both skeptics and many Christians want to know. Sosnowsky’s hogweed, Wikimedia Commons / Krzysztof Ziarnek ( CC BY-SA 4.0 ) Creationist

Fossils Still Unchanged After All These Years

According to descent with modifications evolution, it took millions of years according to secular deep time opinions for the life forms that exist today to emerge. There are billions of fossils buried in rock layers that were laid down by water all over the globe. Evidence of critters changing into other critters should be abundant, but they are not. Instead, evolutionists fight hard to validate the few possible transitional forms they claim to have. There is another big problem: Fossils show no appreciable change over all those years. Source image furnished by Why?Outreach , sturgeon image added When something has not changed, Darwin's acolytes call it "stasis." That is, the creature was fine the way it was, so it never needed to evolve. (This rescuing device is used regarding organisms living today that are unchanged, known as living fossils .) Yet they also present evolution as a kind of irresistible force that's always at work. To say that so many things didn'