Chicxulub Asteroid Impact Story Unravels

When discussions turn to dinosaur extinction, those of a secular mindset invariably say that it was caused by the huge rock from the sky that hit Chicxulub. Although it is the most common claim, there is no consensus. Indeed, this smashing story raises a prairie schooner-full of questions.

The Chicxulub impact is a non-answer for dinosaur extinction, and people with any knowledge in this area should be aware of it. Some scientists think it was the big slam and volcanic activity that did in the dinosaurs. Well, there are still unanswered questions — and more are being asked.

While the Chicxulub strike is a favorite among secularists, scientists know it has many glaring problems. More questions are raised than answered.
Artist's conception of Chicxulub impact, NASA Goddard
Evolution is a death cult, and that is painfully obvious here because death supposedly causes new creatures to spring into life. The asteroid/comet/meteorite/whatever hits and things die such as those big and bad dinosaurs.

Delicate things like butterflies and small critters survived, as did flowering plants (the Bearded Buddha hates those things). Meanwhile, evolutionists are personifying Evolution and expecting their puny god to divvy out mutational benefits, letting natural selection do the job. Evolution doesn't work, old son, nor do radiometric dating methods. Strip off the presuppositions and run the evidence through the main Genesis Flood model, and the answers make a lot more sense.
Evolutionists have a strange theory of causation. Disasters drive living things to emerge and arise, like Phoenix out of the flames, into greater levels of complexity and beauty. What in the blazes of a conflagration awards regenerative power to survivors?

We have roses, petunias, and orchids, we are told, because a big rock slammed into the Earth 65 million years ago. We also have delicate butterflies and shrews, but none of the dinosaurs, pterosaurs, or ichthyosaurs. Dinosaurs, the fossil record shows, ranged in size from the mighty T. rex and long-necked sauropods down to species the size of chickens. They lived in all parts of the world, even in the Arctic.

The rest of the article is found at "Chinks in the Chicxulub Story."