Imagining the Evolution of the Human Skeleton
There are people who believe that scientists gather evidence, follow where it leads, and reach conclusions. Such an idea removes the human element and neglects that they form ideas and see if they can find evidence to supports them.
Scientists do have biases, opinions, presuppositions, avarice, and more because they are human. In empirical science, such things need to be kept at bay. They appear to be assets when it comes to telling human evolution stories, however.
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Human skeleton romance via PxHere |
A new research project is touted as not only supporting the evolution of the human skeleton, but also as providing “new insights into the evolution of the human skeletal form.” The introduction to the report on the research observed thatHumans are the only great apes to routinely walk on two legs, a posture that relies on us having long legs, short arms and narrow hips. A study, published this week in Science, has generated a map of genomic regions that could explain how our unique skeletal architecture evolved.Because bipedal locomotion is critical to a large number of human achievements, the question that must be asked is why are humans the only great apes, actually the only mammal, to exclusively walk on two legs?
The rest of the article is found at "Did Humans’ Unique Skeletal Architecture Evolve?" Be sure to come back for the other exciting episode!
When they want to look for evidence that bones evolved, secularists still come up with nothing. That little detail doesn't stop them from assuming they evolved in the first place, out in yonder oceans where all life supposedly evolved. Bones evolved in our putative fish ancestors. The researcher discussed below tells a magical Just-So Story that competes with our previous study. It is my contention that the more people rebel and suppress the knowledge of the God they know exists (Rom. 1:18-23), the more their minds fail to function as designed.
According to Dr Gillis from the Marine Biology Institute at Woods Hole, Massachusetts, all of the above wonders of the human skeleton (and of every other vertebrate skeleton, from naked mole rat to sauropod), began in the ocean long ago. A stem cell in the neural crest in an ancient invertebrate “gave rise to” the osteoblast: the specialized cell that builds bone. Presto: vertebrates were born!
You can read the entire article and giggle a bit by clicking on "Giving Rise to Skeletons with Darwin’s Magic Wand." The following video is another illustration of how science can be explained without invoking Darwin: