
Showing posts with the label Creation Evolution Headlines

Bottlenecks and Human Population

People who have to drive on massive highways often hear of bottlenecks  where traffic is not moving well. Obviously, the principle can be seen by taking a typical bottle, removing the stopper, and inverting it. Not a whoosh , but a glug glug glug  for a spell before it finally empties. The narrowness of the bottle slowed the flow. To geneticists, a bottleneck is more complicated. Anti-creationists point out the two population bottlenecks in the Bible: Eight people on Noah's Ark who survived the Genesis Flood, then the original couple, Adam and Eve. Then they laugh. Problem is, believers in the General Theory of Evolution also  have population bottlenecks in their models. Their models have creatures that were not human yet, but even so, they believe humanity's existence was threatened. Secularists do not accurately portray the beliefs in biblical creation science, as the first couple was genetically rich, and genetic devolution was not noticeable for quite some time yet. A headl

Scrying Chimpanzee Grunts for Language Evolution

The very existence of language  testifies of the Creator . Study on it. It takes a brain to hear and make sense of incoming sounds, then to use a person's speech hardware to give an intelligible response. There are also non-verbal signals used to communicate. The smell of desperation is in the air. Some Darwinoids got a notion to throw out all the complexities of language (and reject rational thought) because of evolutionary presuppositions. These folks are saying that grunts from chimpanzees correlate to how human language evolved. Wicked Witch Darwin and monkey scrying a chimp, modified from a graphic by Why?Outreach Remember the experiment of attempting to r aise a human child with a young chimpanzee ? That failed. Yet their grunts are supposedly the precursors of human language and give clues to its development. Not hardly! Was scrying (crystal gazing, etc.) a part of their scientific process? Interesting that our alleged evolutionary cousins have had supposedly millions of yea

Ancient Log Cabins Astonish Evolutionists

Needing to get some thinking done and do it outdoors, I saddled up and took a leisurely ride to nowhere in particular. Eventually I heard the sounds of people working. It turns out I was near the Darwin Ranch, and foreman Rusty Swingset was helping build a log cabin. We can have discussions and part friendly, so we talked about notches that makes cabin building more efficient. I was surprised that he had not heard about the "Lincoln Logs" structure dated just under allegedly half a million years old. He grew pale. Lincoln Logs, Flickr / Carissa Rogers ( CC BY 2.0 ) Keep in mind that the story has ancient humans mostly evolved, but they were still stupid. Consciousness itself had not evolved — and secularists cannot explain how it supposedly did . Ancient artifacts and evidence of genius frustrates Darwin's disciples; consider the  Antikythera mechanism and the  Zhang Heng seismoscope as just two of many items. Biblical creationists know that man was created, not evolve

Charles Darwin and the White Supremacists

Something that many of totalitarian dictators and even mass murderers of the last 150 years or so is holding to belief in Darwinism. Evolution is not just a theory for academics to discuss and for ordinary people to accept because they said so. Instead, it is a worldview used to interpret science and morality. Unfortunately, white supremacy will never go away. Those sidewinders are known for despising people with darker skin, but they have particular venom for Jews. Leftists label many people as "far right" including white nationalists, but leftists as well as alleged Conservatives were joining in with hatred for Jews. People worshiping statue of Darwin, made by AI at Bing Although the Intelligent Design people wrongly want to keep God out of the discussions, an article makes a point — which is often made by presuppositional apologists. That is, if Darwinism is right, nobody  can condemn Hamas for attacking the Jews. When atheists say that something is morally wrong, they are

Evolution and Rampant Sexual Immorality

As noted previously, the secular science industry espouses leftist causes. Many of these go beyond political and into immorality. That is why we cannot stay with science here because they use Darwinian values to interpret information for their agenda. People are easily deceived because they lack critical thinking skills; what passes for thought is quite often driven by emotions. Also, their hearts are darkened (Eph. 4:18-19, Rom. 1:21), and this invariably impedes their thinking processes. Sexual immorality is a major factor. Creepy Charlie likes movies about gladiators (modified public domain image by Jean-Léon Gérôme ) Naturalists are inconsistent in their approaches to which perversions they promote — is is like choosing from a buffet table. A man has sex with multiple women? Evolution, because it propagates our species!) Gang rape and cannibalism occur in our "cousins" the chimpanzees, but we don't see that being encouraged. Animals tend to be selfish when it comes to

The Vital Vagus Nerve

Unlike the numerous details about the human body that are being discovered because of advanced technology and better research skills, the vagus nerve has been known for a mighty long time. But advanced technology and better research skills are revealing its complexity. The vagus nerve is not the vaguest nerve, being the longest cranial nerve and connecting to a huge number of other nerves. It is used to regulate many important bodily functions. This work may be impeded by various conditions and factors. Modified illustration of laryngeal and vagus nerves, WikiComm / derived by Jkwchui ( CC BY-SA 3.0 ) Scientists are discovering that the vagus nerve has several diverse but vital functions, and because of conditions or damage it may not work as designed every time. External stimulators with targeted applications can help it along with epilepsy, depression, and more. When biblical creationists and the Intelligent Design folks point out that certain things of specified complexity defy evo

The Farce of Evolutionary Medicine

Darwinists dutifully repeat the title of an essay by Theodosius Dobzhansky that "Nothing in Biology Makes Sense Except in the Light of Evolution," then smile smugly as if they cited a creation-destroying maxim. Actually, evolution is scarce in college textbooks in life sciences . It is useless when it is not harmful in medicine. As I mentioned elsewhere, nobody consulted or referenced the Darwin oracle during my extended stay in the hospital. At least, not in my presence or to discuss my treatment plan.  Darwin spirit and medical science modified from a photograph at Pixnio It's a good thing evolution is scarce in textbooks considering all the harm that evolutionary thinking has produced in medical science. For example, the  vestigial organs concept has been refuted . Using faulty presuppositions, evolutionists stifled research because they declared  large portions of DNA to be "junk ." Don't forget the risible thinking that  heart problems exist  because of

Further Fizzles of the Big Bang

The Big Bang and cosmic evolution are thought by some to be as important as descent-with-modification biological evolution. Both have their problems, and with advances in technology, those problems become glaring. Indeed, more difficulties are found. It infuriates evolutionists when their belief system is called a death cult, but study on it a spell. In biology, death of organisms is necessary for life to advance. In cosmology, the death of stars (which were never actually alive) is necessary for the evolution of the universe. So where are the supernova remnants? Supernova RCW 86 remnants, X-ray: NASA et al; Infrared [spelling corrected] NASA et al, usage does not imply endorsement of site contents Skipping many details here, but the Big Bang supposedly provided the materials necessary to build the universe. Stars and galaxies formed, stars forged heavier elements, big stars went supernova and spread the materials, other stars formed. Atheopaths say that we  are stardust. Lawrence Kra

Imagining the Evolution of the Human Skeleton

There are people who believe that scientists gather evidence, follow where it leads, and reach conclusions. Such an idea removes the human element and neglects that they form ideas and see if they can find evidence to supports them. Scientists do have biases, opinions, presuppositions, avarice, and more because they are human. In empirical science, such things need to be kept at bay. They appear to be assets when it comes to telling human evolution stories, however. Human skeleton romance via PxHere There were many assumptions tainting the research discussed below, including how bipedal locomotion is really swell because it is efficient for travel and makes it easier for us to use tools. Those things are true, but researchers also assumed that humans are great apes and seemed to indicate that walking this way was desirable, therefore, we evolved. That's teleology (purpose), old son, and not allowed in evolutionary stories. Also in this dreadful research is the thought that a gene f

Cosmologists Dancing in the Dark Energy and Matter

There is a common amazed joke about how forecasters can claim to predict climatic conditions decades in the future, but are wrong about the weather three days hence — and still keep their jobs. What is baffling to this child is how believers in cosmic and other forms of evolution can also be wrong so much and still be employed. Dark matter is supposed to comprise most of the universe, but its existence is occasionally inferred. In 2006, it was alleged is was proven, but that was not so . No real evidence has been found for dark matter and dark energy, but cosmologists still get paid. Peasants dancing image from Library of Congress , background removed , modified, public domain So many years after each of the darks has been alleged to exist, efforts to find anything substantial have failed. Cosmic evolutionists are dancing around the problems by claiming to be excited about their deficiencies (something we have often seen from biological evolutionists), and dancing with joy because they

The Enlightenment and Misrepresenting Religion

In many philosophies, to be enlightened  means to have attained a superior mental or spiritual place. Professing atheists use it to claim that they are free from the bondage of religion, therefore, are superior to religious people. This in itself is fallacious and gives lie to their claim. Misotheists even have a period in history called the Enlightenment (or Age of Reason). This was an intellectual movement that the philosophers of the time adored. Modern secularists say that religion held back scientific progress and brought in the falsely-named Dark Ages. Storming of the Bastille , Anonymous, 1789 Enlightened atheists — alleged freethinkers — are making assumptions and spreading them as facts. The most egregious is that Christianity imprisons minds, but that's the opposite of the truth. Science was more of a curiosity than something useful for many years (nor did it have the worshipful status that Scientism  has today). Nonetheless, the founders of scientific disciplines were ge

Dinosaurs Jump Through Hoops for Evolutionists

Yeah, sure. Evolution is the manipulation and omission of facts so that evidence gives the appearance of supporting it, especially since people are deceived. (This is because they have not been taught to think critically.) Secularists can tell tales of dinosaurs and make them seem to obey the bidding of naturalists. Some famous illusionists may seem to make huge statues disappear, have their heads drop off, levitate, or even the comparatively tame card tricks — which can still be impressive. The tricks have the appearance of legitimacy because only a select few know important details. Dinosaur jumping through hoop made at NightCafe AI image generator As you have probably gathered, the tricks are on those on the receiving end of evolutionary propaganda. Some of us know how to watch for weasel words where probably, scientists think, and other things are used to get people excited because they think they are learning scientific facts. They won't because dinosaurs were created, not ev

Domestic Cat Evolution Story Fails

Those of us who have known our cats and had some with us for years understand that the love exchanged remains long after they are gone. Basement Cat has been gone for over three years but I still get misty-eyed. God has created many gifts for us, whether food or things to discover and use, to better our lives. I fully believe that pets are a part of it. Believers in chemicals-to-cat evolution tell a tail about gradual domestication and call it evolution. Even though the story seems plausible, there is no evidence of evolution. Basement Cat on computer looking at Basement Cat, photo by Robert N. Sorensen Cats may have become domesticated from certain wild cats in Africa. Many are the size of house cats ( Rusty-spotted cats are a bit smaller). Some cats have a nasty disposition that can never be tamed. An example of the deceptive nature of evolutionary storytelling is the claim that thirteen genes changed by natural selection in the domestication process. Akshully, that number between

Your Inner Fish — and Heart Problems

This post is about hearts. Mine is broken. Yesterday, my wife died from complications after surgery. She is now with Jesus and others who have gone on before. That takes some of the edge off my immense sorrow. Please pray for me and all I have to deal with in the next few weeks. Long before she was stricken, I wrote this post. Interestingly, I learned that she was greatly distressed over my time away for heart surgery. Now it is the opposite. She expected me to return home, now I will meet her in our eternal home... One of the most outrageous comments I ever saw from an atheist was regarding how a biblical creationist should not be allowed in the space program. The reason? A Christian's beliefs may cause him to do stupid things and jeopardize lives of astronauts or wreck space probes and such. Obviously, he did not know what creationists actually believe, so he filled up on bigotry and prejudicial conjecture — without evidence. What if we applied the same reasoning to fish-to-fool

Racial Brain Collecting and Evolution

Everyone has presuppositions and worldviews, and these things drive science. Secular science assumes that the universe is billions of years old and that cosmic, chemical, biological, and other evolutions happened. Biblical creation science affirms recent creation, and modifications are not evolution. Evolution extends beyond academic and scientific discussions and influences the lives of people. While people disliked other ethnic groups different from their own, Darwinian evolution (and modifications) gave rise to "scientific racism" and greatly increased the problem. Smithsonian Building, Wikimedia Commons / Noclip (modified at Fotosketcher ).jpg Evolutionists often become incensed when it is pointed out that Charles Darwin was a blatant racist. Some try to improve history , but the facts cannot be changed. In the Victorian era and later, scientists attempted to justify racism and eugenics. They insisted that darker people were physically and mentally inferior to white folk

Secularists Avoiding the Important Questions

Time and time again, materialists demonstrate disdain for freedoms of speech and thought. One way this is demonstrated is when misotheists insist that certain things cannot be questioned, such as atoms-to-atheist evolution. They frequently tell people what  to think. Such an approach is contrary to true science. Indeed, it suppresses free speech — and thought. Biblical creationists encourage critical thinking, which includes asking questions. Not just to clarify, but difficult questions as well. Materialists have a tendency to leave important or even obvious questions unanswered in their reports. Question mark in system, Pixabay / Gerd Altmann (Geralt) Some very basic questions can raise the hackles of secularists, and if consumers of secular science will study on some things, they can ask probing questions as well. Asking such things takes some of the power out of the propaganda efforts; shut up and believe. This is good practice in critical thinking and may prompt secularists to be

The Horse Series is Bad Evolution, of Course, of Course

Out at the Darwin Ranch, Russell Watchtower of the Ministry of Truth and his pal Al Buehterawl were a mite giddy. Word has it that they were all excited about a new report on the horse evolution. Although the horse series has been touted as one of the best examples of evolution, it is full of difficulties . The flimsy story is something that biblical creationists have been using for many years as an example of interpreting data from a fundamentally-flawed presupposition, ignoring other possibilities for observed data, and just bad logic. But those old boys are thrilled that the mystery of the disappearing toes has been solved. Horse hoof, Pexels / Barbara Olsen Darwin's disciples selected candidates for the horse lineage from (among other things) size. They also claim that over time, the toes on the critters reduced until we have the single hoofed animal we see today. That has been a problem. Some evolutionists think that all four toes are still present, but vestigial. Hail Darwin,

Geological Dating Confused by Assumptions

There are numerous problems with the standard version of geology. It is based on uniformitarianism (slow and gradual processes; the present is the key to the past), and observed facts do not fit their paradigm. Replying to a recent post about unconformities (a problem well known in secular geology), one jasper stated that unconformities are only a problem to people who do not understand geology. That is like the absurd, "People reject evolution because they do not understand it." Unfortunately, geology is tainted by a dedication to furnish millions of years so that evolution can happen. Creek in canyon, Pixnio / Maysam Yabandeh Charles Lyell sought to free the science of geology from Moses. Actually, secular geology needs a reformation to free the science from Darwin! Like biological evolution, secular geologists tap dance around observed problems in procedures, including dating methods. When necessary, secular geologists have appealed to catastrophic processes happening with

Biological Machines Ignore Labor Day

In the formerly United States, today is Labor Day. Although labor unions like to claim credit for that holiday, its origins are uncertain . Be thankful that those ultra-tiny biological machines inside of us do not go on strike, demand and eight-hour workday, or even a day off. It is interesting that details have been found on or in living things that are small replicas of things people have designed. Designers were probably quite surprised to see that their proud achievements have already been put into place with specified complexity by the Master Engineer a very long time ago. Gears and sprockets, Pixabay / Miguel Á. Padriñán A motor in cells called RuvAB works on junctions that form during genetic recombination. The class of motors has many that operate in a rotary mode. Authors say that the machine evolved ("Hail Darwin! Blessed be!") but as is typical, they offer nothing of substance on how  it evolved. To read about this machine, visit " Molecular Machines Labor 24×

Genome Maintenance Designed, Mocks Evolution

Believers in descent with modifications evolution often claim that genetics (pioneered by Gregor Mendel, peas be upon him) supports evolution, which is false. Sure, with good spin doctoring, genetics can appear  to support it, but not really. Then we have genome maintenance. Imagine if you will that you have been given a maintenance job. You are given your uniform and shown to your special area with the supplies you need. This indicates that the supervisor anticipates what will be needed to effect repairs. This faulty analogy also applies to genetics. DNA and mechanic* Everything was fine at the beginning of Creation, but the Master Designer knew it would become corrupted and systems would break down. The blind, mad, gibbering fake god Evolution has no coherence or foresight, but God does and he put systems into place to offset the damage. Without them, humanity would already have become extinct. Our entire intellectual culture rests on the unscientific foundation of evolutionism. Evol