
Quasars Trouble Big Bang Concepts

Great news for creationists, bad for believers in current cosmic evolution ideas. A paper was published that examined galaxies and their associations with quasars. This gets into some deep astronomy and mathematics, such as redshift and whether or not the association is random. Galaxy Cluster, Quasar 3C 186 image credits: NASA /CXC/SAO/A.Siemiginowska et al. Optical: AURA/Gemini Obs. (Usage does not imply endorsement of site contents) "This is all very interesting, but what is a quasar, Cowboy Bob?" Glad you asked. Like a social media relationship status, it's complicated. When first detected, astronomers were puzzled and decided to call them  quasi-stellar  objects, shortened to quasars.  Has a catchy sound do it. They are very bright and contain a great deal of energy, and seem to be the products of black holes at the cores of galaxies. Or are they something else? It took a mighty long time to get a handle on quasars, and that has changed. The paper is stron

Nonsense in Origin-of-Live Concepts

We have seen that evolutionists are committed to naturalism (denial of the Creator), and some are taking their pantheistic religious beliefs to absurdity. Add to this the insistence that life can come from non-life by way of spontaneous generation (abiogenesis, or chemical evolution) from primordial slime, and we see what denial of God does to the mind. Background image furnished by  Why?Outreach In their desperate attempts to maintain the narrative, facts are ignored or neglected. Indeed, even basic logic has been cast aside. The scientific law of biogenesis (life can only come from life) is consistently ignored in origin-of-life research. When reading their material, watch for weasel words such as maybe , perhaps , maybe , scientists think , and more in their bad science. In reality, there was no chemical evolution nor universal common ancestry; we were created, and that was done only a few thousand years ago. Having presupposed materialism, origin-of-life scientists are st

The Danger of Darwinian Medicine

If you ride up on the hill and look down at the bigger picture, you should be able to see that Darwinism interferes with medical science. Enthusiasts try to convince us that evolutionary thinking is important , but it is harmful to medical science. Consider what has been provided to us.  Modified from a photograph from  PIXNIO Typically, purveyors of minerals-to-mycologist evolution believe in time, chance, random processes, mutations — and supposedly no design (unless they appeal to pantheism and Gaia ) and no Creator. By presupposing materialism, Papa Darwin's version of natural selection, and evolution, we have been subjected to the foolishness of vestigial structures , so-called junk DNA , and more. Indeed, it is best to realize that the Master Engineer put things in their places for specific purposes.  Real medical science has little use for evolutionary thinking, but secularists want to increase their input. Just because scientists do not understand their function do

Evolution and the Coronavirus Pandemic

Rahm Emanuel said, "You never let a serious crisis go to waste". That is, politicize it and work it to your own advantage. Leftists politicians are known for not only using and exaggerating crises, but have manufactured them. Believers in universal common descent are using the coronavirus (COVID-19) to further their agenda. Credit: Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) (Usage does not imply endorsement of site contents) In a previous post, we saw the wonders of how the Master Engineer designed our immune system , and information on the coronavirus was provided. Naturalists not only reject the Creator, but they are interpreting data from their presuppositions and personal preferences. Indeed, they even try to pull the wool over our eyes by claiming that evolution is useful ! The coronavirus is a serious health threat (see " Coronavirus: A Biblical & Practical Perspective "), but when assets of the Darwin Party claim that evolutionary thinking

Carnivorous Plants Trap Evolutionism

Despite television, movies, and animated shows, the title of  carnivorous plants  is a bit misleading. When I  did a search  for whether or not the things eat animals, results went all the way up to the kingdom level; most carnivorous plants eat insects and only a few eat small mammals. Pitcher plant image by  Elizabeth Hertel  / US National Park Service Usage does not imply endorsement of site contents Many of these plants attract insects with nectar, then they spring their traps. (The New Jersey Pitcher Plant is very brazen, shouting out, "Hey bug! I got yer nectar  right here !") These plants do not rely on prey for nutrients (they do not have a successful capture rate), but it does help photosynthesis in some cases. The digestive enzymes that convert insects to food are used for other things, such as drawing nutrition from "leaf litter" that falls down and other sources. It is interesting that they have symbiotic relationships with other organisms — some

Dinosaur DNA: More Bad News for Deep Time

New links added at the end of the post in mid-March 2020.  The atmosphere at the Darwin Ranch could accurately be described as subdued. Creationists have been trying to keep them honest, but evolutionists insist on their materialism and deep time beliefs despite science and logic. They have been faced with numerous refutations across the board, but what has been most devastating involves dinosaurs. Soft tissues were found that could not possibly have lasted for millions of Darwin years. Evolutionists then had to deal with intact skin, blood vessels, and proteins. Desperate rescuing devices ensued . Katie, bar the door! Now they are faced with dinosaur DNA, and not just dubious fragments. DNA cannot last for huge amounts of time. By the way, where did Jack Horner get his doctorate? Just joshin' with y'all, he doesn't have one. The secular science industry is committed to naturalism, and this makes it more difficult for them to find alternative explanations and more exc

More Gaia Paganism in Evolution

Humans are designed to have a knowledge of God, and this manifests itself in many ways as they try to worship something, but they suppress the knowledge of the true God (Rom. 1:18). Instead, other things are worshiped — even atheists are essentially religious . Evolutionists also express their false religion. Gaea  (another spelling of Gaia) by Anselm Feuerbach, 1875 In Jeremiah 10:3-5, God is telling Israel that pagans cut down trees, carve out idols, decorate them, and nail them down. These things that they made are the objects of their worship. In a similar manner, many evolutionists worship nature . They also acts as if evolution was an intelligent being, making decisions and causing organisms to evolve.  A variation on that is when natural selection is also deified and the religion is selectionism. This is another example of the incoherence and irrationality of atheism, as natural selection was developed by creationist Edward Blyth . Creationists accept natural s