Evolution and Mind Cloning

There is a movement called transhumanism that is essentially an attempt to improve God's design through technology and genetic engineering. There are numerous related concepts, one of which is mind cloning. However, there are several serious problems with the whole thing.

First of all, universal common descent evolution is assumed and all approaches stem from that. Another is that they are physicalists, so the mind is simply a manifestation of the brain. Generally speaking, biblical creationists believe that the mind is separate from the brain, but the mind uses it. For that matter, materialists have no idea where the mind originates.

Transhumanism is an effort to advance evolution, and mind cloning is related to that. Proponents are materialists, their views will lead to failure.
Brain graphic by yodiyim at FreeDigitalPhotos
There is not enough technology available to map the brain of a mouse, let alone a human brain. That aside, mind cloning raises a passel of questions and ethical dilemmas. Where is the soul? Is it duplicated? People change, will the clone come to have values and beliefs that are different from the original?

Another version of the cloning is the hive mind. You will be assimilated. Many of these things are based on an effort to live forever and to replace God. Evolution is one effort to replace the Creator, and this would go even further. Because of their fundamentally-flawed presuppositions, they are unable to see that their goals are just chasing the wind.
The dominant view of the constitution of the human being in modern times is physicalism. This view attempts to explain mental manifestations as an epiphenomenon of the brain to the exclusion of the soul, as opposed by dualism. According to the dominant view, the mind arose at some point during evolutionary development. As such, physicalists have attempted to transfer the human mind from one substrate to another, in a process called mind cloning.

That project leads to multiple problems. Until now the connectome of only 100,000 mouse neurons have been mapped, thus calling the feasibility of the project into question. Ethical issues also arise: would I be held responsible for my mind clone’s criminal activities? What if I and my mind clone vote against each other? Would mind cloning lead to the devaluation of human life?

Although it's rather long, the rest of this fascinating article can be seen at "Mind Cloning—Is It Feasible?" Also recommended is Dr. Jason Lisle's discussion of transhumanism. It's not short, but by reading all of this, you'll be very well informed.