Carnarvon Gorge Explained by the Genesis Flood

In Central Queensland, Australia, away from city life on the coasts, in Carnarvon National Park. In there is a place known as Carnarvon Gorge. Not only is it interesting geologically, but it is also the home of numerous different kinds of critters.

In the gorge is Carnarvon Creek, and like Grand Canyon in the formerly United States, the tale is told that the gorge was carved out by the creek. When geologists make claims, whether uniformitarian long-age geologists or catastrophist biblical creationists, it is fair to expect observed evidence to support them.

Gorgeous Carnarvon Gorge is said to have been carved by a creek. The evidence does not support secular claims, but clearly shows the Genesis Flood.
Carnarvon Gorge, Flickr / Roderick Eime (CC BY-ND 2.0)
A basic working knowledge of the Genesis Flood is important. It was global, and not just caused by forty days and nights of rain. The "fountains of the great deep" burst open, plus volcanic activity, tsunamis, great storms caused by warmer oceanic waters, mountains were uplifted, and more. There was deposition when the waters were rising, and also when they receded — which did a tremendous amount of carving through erosion.

Precipice Sandstone at the Carnarvon Gorge was deposited during the rising waters, and this claim is supported by observed features such as cross-bedding in the rock strata. Also, to say that the creek carved out the gorge is baffling because that is not an area that receives a great deal of rainfall. Dr. Tasman Walker takes us through a logically and geologically satisfying scenario of the formation of the gorge by the Flood.
In the heart of central Queensland, Australia, 600 kilometres (370 miles) northwest of Brisbane, is a spectacular natural wonder known as Carnarvon Gorge (fig. 1). The clear, sparkling water of Carnarvon Creek flows down the middle of the gorge in a bed strewn with rounded boulders. The gorge is like an oasis, contrasting with the surrounding countryside, which has lower rainfall.

Part of the attraction of the gorge is its lush vegetation, which includes ferns, cycads, gums, and palms. The gorge is also home to a long list of distinctive animals and birds, such as kangaroos, wallabies, platypuses, echidnas, marsupial gliders, kookaburras, eagles, and tree snakes.

To read the rest and see how it all fits together, click on "The cataclysmic carving of Carnarvon Gorge."