
Showing posts with the label DNA

Giraffe Genome Unhelpful to Evolution

It seems that anyone who has seen pictures of nature knows about the giraffe, what with the spots, iconic neck, and those knobby things on their heads. They may look cute, but their kicks can kill lions. Those necks are heavy and muscular, and they use them for fighting each other. Best keep your distance. Of course, the long neck is the giraffe's most famous feature. Lamarck told a just-so story that involved giraffes stretching for food up high, then this was passed on to succeeding generations. (For some reason, this technique never worked for other critters.) Then Charles Darwin made the long neck origin story better because he was the wisest and most brilliant scientist who ever lived. Credit: Freeimages /  Leslie van Veenhuyzen Neither Lamarck nor the Bearded Buddha gave satisfactory answers, and even raised other questions by their speculations that could not be sufficiently answered. Darwin's disciples try to tell us that giraffes have seven neck vertebrae , so do other

Zebra Danios and Fake Evolution News

Creationists try to be patient with evolutionary scientists, realizing that they are conditioned to think and work within the atheistic naturalism narrative. Many do not realize there are other ways to think other than what is pleasing to Papa Darwin and the evolution industry. From what we see, however, many are deceitful owlhoots. With sensationalistic and misleading secular science industry news outlets as well as iniquitous research statements coming at us, the public must be vigilant before accepting reports of evolution. For example, "limb-like structures" in zebra danios. Credit: Flickr / Bob Jenkins  ( CC BY 2.0 ) Zebra danios are popular with researchers as well as aquarists — "I can see the zebra part, Cowboy Bob, but why danios?" They are from Denmark. Actually, it's a combination of the descriptor and the Latin  Danio rerio . Some people of a different stripe skip that name and just go with zebrafish . If their markings didn't demand their monike

The Wonder of Gorillas

Local inhabitants are frightened of something that looks like a human, but is hairy and can be savage. It keeps to itself for the most part, but it is best to stay away from its turf. Reports were made by reliable witnesses, but people tended to scoff at the idea that something with such a description that is unknown to science may exist; they have not seen it, so it is not real. Very scientific attitude, old son. However, not every bit of the surface of our blue marble has been explored. Credit: Wikimedia Commons / Brocken Inaglory  ( CC BY-SA 3.0 ) Although my title gave away what I was up to in the above paragraphs, it read like Sasquatch sightings and such. The first zoologist to see a live gorilla observed it in about 1847, and the mountain gorilla was not identified until 1902. So, these creatures are comparatively new in the annals of taxonomy. Quick notes: Gorillas have alarming incisors, but appearances with assumptions are often deceiving: they are primarily herbivorous. The

Disagreements about Dinosaur DNA Half-Life

Yes, I know, half-life  refers to the amount of time it takes for something radioactive to go through changes and decay. For example, Carbon-14 is unstable and is thought to decay into nitrogen-14 after 5,730 years. The term half-life has been appropriated for other uses, including how long half of a drug takes to leave a body. It seems fitting that since DNA deteriorates, similar calculations and curves are used for that as well. Secular scientists (as well as some of their churchian allies) are committed to narratives involving millions and billions of years, so they have having trouble with dinosaur soft tissues existing today and come up with rescuing devices to evosplain them away . If the half-life of dinosaur DNA in bone is 512 years, secularists have a passel of problems. This is causing cognitive dissonance because DNA in dinosaurs exists, but according to the narrative, it cannot. (To quote Chico Marx , "Who ya gonna believe, me or your own eyes?") Debates are occur

Stupid Evolution Tricks with Radiation and Mutations

After Darwin's idea of evolution through natural selection grew in popularity, it began to fade in the early twentieth century. Katie, bar the door! Gotta keep that ancient pagan philosophy dressed up in a lab coat going so there is an excuse for denying the truth of the Creator! The science of genetics, pioneered by Gregor Mendel (peas be upon him) was added, yielding neo-Darwinism. Skipping forward several years, the effects of radiation and mutations were also incorporated into the naturalistic monstrosity. Scientists seemed to have had a grand time researching radiation, but it did not go well. Artificially mutated from an illustration by Sidney Paget , 1895 The pagan nature of evolutionism was once again revealed, giving Darwin's version of natural selection the ability to make choices and decide from the mutation buffet which traits to use. They even thought that by subjecting living things to X-rays, forcing and accelerating mutations would make wonderful things happen.

Chromosome 2 Fusion is Folly

Over at the Darwin Ranch, Rusty Swingset is having his employees put in extensive overtime at the propaganda mill again. Many of their efforts are easily dismissed by thinking people, but others such as the alleged chromosome 2 fusion  seem plausible on the surface. Credit: FreeDigitalPhotos / dream designs , modified at PhotoFunia One reason biblical creation science ministries exist is to provide information and analysis of "evidence" for evolution that secularists misinterpreted and are less than true. Some professing Christians claim to have lost their faith because they thought the Bible was refuted by evolution. However, there are many resources available, and there is really no excuse for not making a reasonable effort to learn the facts. One example is Rhett McLaughlin, a media figure who obtained evolutionary material from biased and unreliable sources such as Wikipedia . Did he check biblical sources? (See " An open letter to Rhett McLaughlin — and anyone else

Bloodlines, Racism, and other Evolutionary Lunacies

It sure does look like the hands at the Darwin Ranch have been slipping away from Deception Pass, heading down Folly Road, and harvesting the peyote buttons that grow near there. Not only is peyote an endangered species, but it causes hallucinations — useful in making evolutionary propaganda. We have three connected articles to consider. The first is a prairie schooner-full of unscientific and illogical foolishness, such as moving the goalposts by redating inconvenient facts. Some falsehoods were mixed in: Although Neanderthals were fully human with ranges overlapping those of other humans (and a passel of interbreeding going on), dishonest Darwinists are playing fast and loose with dates associated with tool making. Speaking of Neanderthals, evolutionists are asserting they had the capacity for speech. (That is a big problem for them on several levels. See " Children, Reading, and Failed Evolutionary Paradigms " for more.) Although biblical creationists know they could talk,

Natural Selection and Building a Better Mouse

by Cowboy Bob Sorensen You have probably heard the expression, "If you build a better mousetrap, the world will beat a path to your door", which is wrongly attributed to Ralph Waldo Emerson (even though sites like Brainy Quote spread the error ). Another saying is, "If you build a better mousetrap, nature will build a better mouse". Really? Credits: Original from RGBStock / Krzysztof (Kriss) Szkurlatowski , modified with cat, frame, etc. at PhotoFunia Purveyors of molecules-to-mouse evolution have been known to personify evolution, natural selection, and nature (or "mother nature') as intelligent beings ( which is reification ). Sometimes those beings make choices on evolution. Because they are invoking teleology , this is a direct contradiction of the random purposeless evolution that Darwin proposed. An article on irreducible complexity by Dr. Jason Lisle has images of a mousetrap at the beginning. Mousetraps have been used as illustrations for this pr

Secularists Moving DNA Goalposts

When the numbers are not working out the way the Party desires, change them. It is known that DNA is a fragile molecule and cannot last indefinitely. When the Darwin Party's deep-time dogma was challenged by DNA in a mammoth tusk, they changed the numbers. Credit: Flickr / Andrew Wilkinson  ( CC BY-SA 2.0 ) Naturalists protect their storyline. We have seen many other instances where they ignored data, tampered with the evidence, and lied outright. Not content to play the cards they're dealt, they deal from the bottom of the deck — or even print their own cards to stash in their sleeves to play as needed. We have two articles showing how these Darwinoids are acting in an extremely unscientific manner to deny recent creation and the Genesis Flood. That stinks, Sebastian. There is an upper limit on how long DNA can last. That number was adjusted because Darwin needs mega years to make his magick. Since the DNA in a mammoth's tusk was in permafrost, that changed things. Sure, c

Pesticide Resistance Falsely Called Evolution

Several icons of particles-to-pilot evolution are proudly proclaimed by Darwin's disciples, who cry, "Aha! Gotcha!" at creationists. However, subjects like antibiotic resistance ,  whale evolution , and others cannot withstand true science and logic. We can add pesticide resistance to the list of fake evolution claims. Credit: Flickr / jetsandzeppelins ( CC BY 2.0 ) Indeed, the similarities between antibiotic and pesticide resistances are quite evident, but evolutionists will pull bait-n-switch shenanigans on us, conflating variations and change with vertical evolution. Resistance already existed in organisms, and when Designer-programmed epigenetics kicks in, organisms use existing genetic information. When PBC used pesticide resistance in their Darwin-worshiping propaganda, they accidentally admitted that no new genetic information is added — which means no vertical evolution. For that matter, pest control advisers are inadvertently working from a creationist perspec

Lack of Fingerprints is not a "Beneficial Mutation"

The idea of having no fingerprints may seem a novelty, and obviously, criminals may like the idea. There is a mutation that causes this, and some people may consider it to be beneficial. Beneficial is in the eye of the beholder. Credit: Pixabay / byrev What some may call advantageous, others would say is detrimental. Sickle cell anemia is "beneficial" because those afflicted can resist malaria, but there are serious disadvantages as well. Some organisms have mutations in the lab that Darwin's votaries consider helpful, but those organisms would not survive in the wild. Having a mutation where people have no fingerprints is the opposite of fish-to-forensic scientist evolution, and there are many societal and physiological disadvantages to this rare condition. In the modern theory of evolution, mutations in the genome are a key driving force in creating new information. In reality though most mutations are either harmful, or neutral at best. A recent BBC news story has high

Human and Chimpanzee Genomes in 3-D Trouble Evolutionists

Using bad science and Darwinian presuppositions, evolutionists in the 1970s stitched together the chimp genome , compared it with the human genome, and declared we were 98% similar. That falsehood lingers despite being refuted. Now 3-D genomes show even greater differences between us. Credits: Good Free Photos /  Petr Kratochvil , modified at PhotoFunia Secular scientists lack humility. That's right, I said it!  First of all, they deny the masterful work of the Creator and pretend everything happened through atheistic naturalism. Then they learn a few things, pontificate on the secular concept of reality, and collect grant money. When inconvenient information comes to light, they act like being wrong about many things is "exciting". Amazing how they can keep their jobs. Here, we see that the human genome is further removed from chimpanzees. (I wonder what they'll do when they get serious about studying the four dimensional genome ). Keep this information available so

Evolution and Genetic Information Proposal Failures

Proponents of particles-to-pianist evolution try to persuade the world that they have evidence for their views in many fields on science, including biology. Although Papa Darwin hijacked natural selection for his own purposes, that failed. Evolutionists appeal to genetics, but the problems are huge. Credit: Pixabay / Marcelo C. Domingues Although simple organisms are far from simple when their internal workings are considered, they are much simpler than humans. But naturalists attempt to use a combination of luck, time, natural selection, and other unseen and untestable processes to add complex genetic information. This would not be for a single instance or a few occurrences, but numerous times as our alleged evolution from simple to complex travailed; the human genome is astonishingly complex . If you study on it, such ideas are desperately absurd contrivances to avoid admitting that God is our Creator. But we've seen how it is: the narrative of naturalism supersedes science and r

Lying for Darwin about "Junk" DNA

A few days ago, Jacqueline Hyde, the lady friend of Rusty Swingset from the Darwin Ranch, wanted to meet up with me over at Gravel Gulch. Although an evolutionist, she has some doubts. She also was not happy about recent dishonesty regarding so-called junk DNA. If interested, you can find the original 1895 photo at  Wikimedia Commons , Papa Darwin's image is found all over the web, and the source of the DNA image is at openclipart Evolution is essential for making an evolutionary worldview appear rational. Its adherents despise anything that even hints at design, since they are committed to time, luck, time, chance, time, mutations, and especially time. They make up ridiculous dysteleology arguments that our Creator is a bad designer, therefore he must not exist. However, their specious arguments have been clearly refuted in creation science, the Intelligent Design organizations, and the secular science industry. Pre-refuted for your convenience. Who do they think they are, Bill Ny

The "One Gene, One Trait" Myth

For many years, it has been taught that our traits are the result of our genes. Did Ellen touch the cleft in your chin after you were putting up the Christmas lights, Sparky? That crease was caused by a gene, they say. Credit: RGBStock / Helmut Gevert Eye and hair color, straight or curled, sizes of various body parts, other things — a gene for each. While this idea is useful to advance the particles-to-paralegal storyline, it is not true. Unfortunately, bad science ideas (especially those that support evolution) tend to remain in textbooks. The truth is much more complicated; Dr. Robert Carter said, "If life were really simple, evolution might be possible"; evolution is increasingly less possible relative to the complexity of life. Several genes are involved in traits and trait expressions, and other factors come into play. Indeed, our Creator likes variety, and he gave us many factors to express our individual characteristics. I taught college level human genetics and was c

Anti-Science Extremists in Power

by Cowboy Bob Sorensen  Detractors of biblical creation science often refer to us with the epithet "science deniers", which is ironic because they claim to believe in reason as well as science, but are using logical fallacies to make that assertion. Actual  science deniers are now in power. Picture of someone who is probably not anti-science: FreeDigitalPhotos / Toeytoey It is a regrettable to spend time discussing politically-oriented matters on this weblog, but as we have seen several times before, secularists are hijacking science . Nowadays, secular scientists are saddling up and riding with the totalitarian leftist brand . That means things that were originally considered scientific facts are now subject to the whims of political power and moral degeneration. People have been getting gradually prepared for the acceptance of moral degradation, and this has been increasing in the formerly United States — as well as other parts of the world. Those with influence and power

Genetic Study Fails to Find Platypus Evolution

Strange, I thought the mystery of how the duck-billed platypus evolved was settled by someone who expressed an opinion on long ago. No? That might explain why there has been a spate of news on this funky biofluorescent critter that defies traditional and Neo-Darwinism. Credit: Flickr / Brisbane City Council ( CC BY 2.0 ) We have a couple of articles to consider. While there is some overlap, each has material that is worth our time. DNA sequencing is interesting and useful, but when researchers presuppose particles-to-platypus evolution and have a flawed epistemology ( the study of knowledge ), they find lack of genetic information support for evolution. They also draw conclusions by using their Charles Darwin Club Secret Decoder Rings™, but dance around actual evidence. How in the world did a creature as odd as the duck-billed platypus originate? This creature lays eggs like a reptile, has venom like a reptile, spurs like a chicken, excretes milk from belly

Molecular Darwinism and Fake Medical Science

Darwin's acolytes have been conjuring up more pseudoscience based on guesswork, and these tinhorns suggest it can be helpful for medical science. Drawing on thermodynamics, they decided that DNA has an energy code because, so they commenced to working with their Charles Darwin Club Secret Decoder Rings®. Background image furnished by  Why?Outreach The human genome is very complex , but materialists are unwilling to give credit to the Creator. Instead, they want to take ideas from Papa Darwin and apply it to the problem of how DNA became the shuttle train for genetic information. With fundamentally flawed presuppositions and bad reasoning, it is not going well. In an attempt to bring DNA under Darwin’s mechanism and thermodynamics, this theory ignores the elephant in the room. Genetic Code Evolution and Darwin’s Evolution Theory Should Consider DNA an ‘Energy Code’ (Rutgers University). They call it “molecular Darwinism.” Evolutionists at Rutgers University tackle the steep hurdle a