
Showing posts with the label Genesis Flood

Carnarvon Gorge Explained by the Genesis Flood

In Central Queensland, Australia, away from city life on the coasts, in Carnarvon National Park. In there is a place known as Carnarvon Gorge. Not only is it interesting geologically, but it is also the home of numerous different kinds of critters. In the gorge is Carnarvon Creek, and like Grand Canyon in the formerly United States, the tale is told that the gorge was carved out by the creek. When geologists make claims, whether uniformitarian long-age geologists or catastrophist biblical creationists, it is fair to expect observed evidence to support them. Carnarvon Gorge, Flickr / Roderick Eime ( CC BY-ND 2.0 ) A basic working knowledge of the Genesis Flood is important. It was global, and not just caused by forty days and nights of rain. The "fountains of the great deep" burst open, plus volcanic activity, tsunamis, great storms caused by warmer oceanic waters, mountains were uplifted, and more. There was deposition when the waters were rising, and also when they receded

The Folly of a Tranquil Genesis Flood

There are professing Christians that cannot accept the book of Genesis as written, so they insert huge amounts of time between the first two verses of Genesis , say that the creation account was a "framework" , and more. Why these jaspers feel the need to add atheistic interpretations of geology to the Word of God is baffling. It seems that some people grab onto practically anything, no matter how silly, if it makes them feel better. How about a Flood that did not disturb anything? No torrential waters, no flood deposition (which biblical creationists have abundantly documented), but it was tranquil . Leaf floating in water, Pexels / Mathias Reding The theological aspects of a tranquil Flood are easily dispensed by looking at both the Old and New Testaments. Let's consider the physical. Granted, there was not a passel of physics and hydrology back when the idea was proposed like we have today. Even so, it should have been laughed away. Such an amount of water leaving no m

Cave Formation and the Genesis Flood

Speleology is the study of caves, but seems to be of lesser importance to geology as a whole. These holes come in many shapes and sizes. Secular geologists took the standard uniformitarian view that involves acidic water dripping down, but they are realizing that this view does not address observed evidence. Admittedly, there are several areas where creation science needs more experts and more robust explanations. One of these is speleology. There are a few creationists who explore and discuss caves, and one aspect of the history comes from a rather surprising source. "Church Organ" - Howe Caverns, Flickr / Shelby L. Bell ( CC BY 2.0 ) Exploring caves can be great fun, and being on an organized tour in some of the larger caves keeps people from wandering off and getting lost. Speleology is a younger discipline and based on the idea of water seeping down and carving out the caves. Studying caves began to be taken seriously in Romania. People didn't pay new ideas from the

Geological Dating Confused by Assumptions

There are numerous problems with the standard version of geology. It is based on uniformitarianism (slow and gradual processes; the present is the key to the past), and observed facts do not fit their paradigm. Replying to a recent post about unconformities (a problem well known in secular geology), one jasper stated that unconformities are only a problem to people who do not understand geology. That is like the absurd, "People reject evolution because they do not understand it." Unfortunately, geology is tainted by a dedication to furnish millions of years so that evolution can happen. Creek in canyon, Pixnio / Maysam Yabandeh Charles Lyell sought to free the science of geology from Moses. Actually, secular geology needs a reformation to free the science from Darwin! Like biological evolution, secular geologists tap dance around observed problems in procedures, including dating methods. When necessary, secular geologists have appealed to catastrophic processes happening with

Defusing Cambrian Explosion Excuses, Part 1

As discussed previously, the Cambrian Explosion is classified by secular scientists as happening over 10-25 million Darwin years. Animals with very different body plans are found, but there is no evidence of precursors . This has been a problem all the way back to Darwin, and evolutionists have been attempting to solve it ever since. There has been a great deal of recent news and noise by secularists presenting rescuing devices only to have them wither in the cold light of reason. Yes, some evolutionists want to cut through fake science. We have five articles, three today and two tomorrow, to consider. Diorama of the Burgess Shale Biota, Flickr / James St. John ( CC BY 2.0 ) Creationists know that the Cambrian Explosion is best explained by the Genesis Flood, but secularists reject that out of hand. Gotta have that naturalistic philosophy intact, you betcha! So we watch as evolutionists work on plans and others shoot them down. One was a speculation that the sudden increase in diversi

A Silly Secular Excuse for Biogeography

The question of how kangaroos disembarked Noah's Ark and reached Australia is a common one, both with Christians and unbelievers. It is a question of biogeography. Also, it is a fair question. There are many things to take into account when considering it. How did roos get from Mount Ararat all the way to Straya? Scoffers will use that as a kind of "Gotcha!" question for creationists because it does seem absurd on the surface that they would have hopped all the way over there. However, they are assuming that animals evolved in the places they are found today, even though there is no evidence for their evolution. The dispersion of animals is a problem for secular scientists as well, and one came up with a really wild-eyed idea to evosplain it. Brown kangaroo, Unsplash / Ashish Upadhyay Uniformitarian scientists need to explain how critters — including kangaroos — journeyed from one place go another. How about plate tectonics? Those are moving — Nah, too slow. Rafting? Darw

Katydid Chews Up Evolution

For some reason, I never thought Katy would, but katydid. Fossilize, that is. And this fossil is extremely detailed, unlike those ammonites and things we find in the river or quarry. There have been quite a few fossils found lately that are very intricate. This katydid fossil shows so much detail, it works against particles-to-paleontologist evolution: All of the minutiae are like their modern counterparts, so no evidence of evolution. We looked at the recurrent secular miracle of convergent evolution . Here is stasis , another popular miracle among Darwin's disciples. Katydid (Tettigoniidae), Flickr / Insects Unlocked (public domain) Evolutionists want things both ways, since evolution is a "fact" and pretty much like an irresistible force (except when it's an entity making choices and decisions), or there is stasis where organisms didn't change after millions of Darwin years. Paddlefish , sharks,   tunicates , alligators,  coelacanths , and many other critters

Whales in the Desert?

When the word Egypt is mentioned, several things can come to mind: Arid conditions, the Nile River, sand, Moses, God humiliating Pharaoh, a passel of whales  — wait, what? Sure. Things change over time. Indeed, the Sahara itself was once a nice place to go swimming . Whales in the desert are not easily explained by uniformitarian dogma. Indeed, the Valley of the Whales signage uses the ludicrous “dies and sinks to the bottom” boilerplate story for fossilization. In this case there are numerous whales as well as other creatures. Wadi Al-Hitan (Whale Valley), WikiComm / Guy Debonnet ( CC BY-SA 3.0 IGO ) To have numerous well-preserved fossils (scientists can see what some had for last meals), it takes a catastrophic event. Creation science models of the Genesis Flood provide far better explanations than secular Just-So Stories. In fact, Flood geology here goes beyond fossilization and explains landforms as well. In the grand scheme of evolution, the legs of land-based animals developed

Secular Scientists Closer to Genesis Flood in Trilobite Extinction

My wife baked a trilobite pie the other day... Okay, it was really a pecan pie, but I immediately thought of trilobite fossils. Too bad those critters are extinct, and I would like it if some were found alive as living fossils . Those things fluster believers in molecules-to-musician evolution. Actually, trilobites also fluster evolutionists. Advances in technology show that they had amazing eyes and visual acuity . Trilobites are associated with the Cambrian Explosion , which is also a sore spot for secular scientists. "Trilobite pie," Flickr / Cowboy Bob Sorensen  ( CC BY-NC-SA 2.0 ) Secular paleontologists typically believe in slow 'n' gradual processes over millions of years that shaped today's landforms. Fossilization supposedly happened slowly as well, but that idea has been demonstrated to be ludicrous many times over. Because the evidence doesn't fit their narrative, some secular scientists are appealing to catastrophic events. Trilobite Fossils, Unsp

Dinosaur Biomolecules and the Iron-Toast Union

Believers in descent with modifications were aghast when Mary Schweitzer announced that soft tissues were found in dinosaur fossils. That is old news, but less old is the supercilious attempt to use iron as a preservative . Some fundamentalist evolutionists accepted that despite its glaring problems. Another rescuing device was proposed that applied the  Maillard reactions of toasted bread to dinosaur proteins , but that did not work. The secular science industry is toying with a new hope for their rebellion against the Creator. It combines the two rescuing devices. Made at  PhotoFunia  with an image on Pixabay by  Ralph Sure, why not? Since both of those ideas fail, mayhaps putting them together will make a complete answer. That'll be the day! However, like so many other explanations by advocates of deep time and evolution, devotees will pick it up and use it as ammunition against creationists — not understanding its weaknesses. Once again, the evidence indicates recent creation

Genesis Flood Geology and the Grand Canyon

When Grand Canyon is mentioned, most people probably know about the one in Arizona. There are other canyons that could be considered grand, but they are hidden away — under Greenland ice and others are underwater . They may be grander, but people can visit the famous one. Secularists say it refutes creation science Flood geology, assuming uniformitarianism (slow and gradual processes) to claim that it was carved by the Colorado River ( including Wikedpedia ) . Interesting that they cling to that story even though it denies science. Colorado River and Grand Canyon, US Geological Survey (usage does not imply endorsement of site contents) "Okay, smart guy, how do creationists explain how it formed?" The global Genesis Flood provides the best explanation for the evidence. That statement is unsatisfyingly simple as an explanation. In fact, creationists are divided on how it formed. One view is that water built up during the Ice Age in lakes, then the natural dams breached. From

The Carnian Pluvial Earth History Fiction

Every once in a while, the hands at the Darwin Ranch out yonder near Deception Pass like to join in the celebrations when secularists bring something out of mothballs and parade it like it was actual science. Since climate change is a big subject nowadays, the Carnian pluvial episode was promoted. Most people are probably unaware of this story, but it involves a supposedly wet period of a million or two years in Earth history. It was in the Carnian stage of the Triassic period. Water on rocks, Pixabay / Dominik Fuchs When the tale is told, it is said that this period was important for the evolution of dinosaurs, mammals, and other critters. There was also a great deal of climate change (when it wasn't raining). The evidence is subjective, and once again, a desperate attempt to explain history and evolution fails in light of creation and the Genesis Flood. Lots of story, very little substance This is leading up to a feedback article at Creation Ministries International, which provid

Anemones are Unfriendly to Evolution

Sea anemones are not helpful to evolution. These friends of clownfish did not fossilize easily, like their jellyfish cousins. Apparently anemone fossils are rarer than those of jellyfish. Like with so many other creatures, there is no sign of evolution in the fossil record. The old story of something dying and sinking, then getting covered up and eventually become permineralized into the fossils we all know and love is false, but secular dogma. That is why secular scientists are started by fossils of soft creatures, organs, and the like. Sea Anemone, Flickr / Bernard Spragg (public domain) For something to fossilize, it requires rapid burial. This provides the materials as well as the conditions lacking in the typical secular story. The overwhelming majority of the billions of fossils that were buried all around the globe are marine organisms. This easily indicates the Genesis Flood. Interestingly, secularists are also discussing rapid burial. Unsurprisingly, they do not mention the

Giant Ants Found in Canada

Think of Them! , the 1954 movie where atomic blasts caused ants to mutate into giants that ate people. Excellent science documentary. Well, except for the fact that mutations do not work that way at all, and it is impossible for ants to get that big . Relatively speaking, ancient ants and other creatures were giants in comparison to those living today. There were ants called  Titanomyrma by paleontologists, comparable in size to a small wren. Secular scientists saw their fossils in various places, but their arrival in Canada did not fit their paradigm. Titanomyrma gigantea , Wikimedia Commons / Ghedoghedo ( CC BY-SA 3.0 ) A Titanomyrma  fossil was found in Canada caused no small difficulty to secular scientists, such as how they crossed continents during cold times. Some weird speculations were proposed, but no go. If scientists would tear down the Darwin Wall and consider creation science Genesis Flood models, they would not need to evosplain things with nonsense. Evolutionary scie

Studying Dead Fish for Deep Time

As discussed here several times, believers in descent with modifications evolution often conduct inefficient science. Many use the principle of Making Things Up™ and telling Just-So Stories that deceive people into thinking that they were in the presence of real science. One wonders if sloppy science is in an effort to avoid the facts, such as the presence of soft tissues in dinosaur fossils . Those should not exist after an alleged 65 million years. Research was conducted using dead sea bass in an attempt to determine why some soft parts fossilize but not others. Fossil sponge, Flickr / James St. John ( CC BY 2.0 ) Once again, secularists use bad logic by presuming evolution and deep time, then basing their research on those things. These wonder what kind of environment could cause fossilization. Biblical creationists argue that the global Genesis Flood provides those conditions, and this may be why they don't cowboy up and seriously deal with soft tissues and creation science Fl

Collapsing Arches Make Darwin Sad

Dust-to-Darwin evolution requires huge amounts of time, and secular geologists try to provide them. People are assured that Earth is billions of years old. They protect their belief system includes arguing from presuppositions and neglecting alternative explanations for observed data. Landforms that are supposed to be ancient have been collapsing — often dramatically. We recently saw how there have been large collapses of the cliffs of Dorset . Places in the American Southwest that were supposed to be millions of years old, and expected to last millions of years more, have crashed. Metate Arch, Devil's Garden, Flickr / Ken Lund ( CC BY-SA 2.0 ) The guiding principle of secular geology is uniformitarianism : slow 'n' gradual processes over long periods. When asked about the causes of erosion, people will mention water and wind. Something that may not come to mind is lightning. I reckon severe weather, with heavy rainfall and lighting, is difficult to factor into secular pr

Visitors to the Americas — First by Boat?

A few days ago, Roland Meadows and I were riding out near Stinking Lake (which is not as bad as it sounds) and the horses got nervous when we drew nearer to Deception Pass and the Darwin Ranch. We took another trail. Away. The ranch got us jawing about how animals dispersed after the Flood, and humans spread out after the language incident at Babel. I said that in the early nineteenth century, Russians came to Alaska and into California — note the bear and stars on their flag. Brazilian coast, ESA ( CC BY-SA 3.0 IGO ), usage does not imply endorsement of site contents Roland stated that around the Ice Age, animals dispersed by land and by rafting on log mats . He also told me that Greenland was green when the Vikings sailed to it way back yonder. What was very interesting to me, however, that Shoeleather Express was not the only means of travel. They were able to sail the seas earlier than evolutionists thought. There is also evidence that ancient peoples came to the Americas by boat

Ham — Deified by Egyptians as Horus, Part 2

In the first part , we examined evidence that Ham, a son of Noah, was elevated to deity status by the ancient Egyptians. Numerous comparisons between Genesis and linguistics, plus recorded history, make this concept highly probable. The author draws from additional material in the second article to support his claim. Some are admittedly speculative, and it becomes difficult because of the tremendous amount of time that has elapsed. Egyptian symbolism became modified and additional symbolism had been added for special purposes. Statue of Horus, Temple of Horus at Edfu, Flickr / Warren LeMay  (given to public domain ) Noah might have been flattered, being the father of a god. Well, there are linguistic connections between Noah and two of Egypt's gods! We know that eight people were on the Ark. Like other cultures around the world , Egypt has a global flood legend with notable similarities to the biblical account — Horus/Ham features in it. Enmity between Horus/Ham and his brothers ha

Solving the Mysteries of Devils Tower

People seem to taunt the prince of the power of the air (Ephesians 2:2) with names like  Devil's Tombstone in New York, Devil's Soup Bowl in Michigan, Oregon's  Devil's Punchbowl , and so on.  (Then there are sports teams.) A more interesting location is Devils Tower National Monument . It is a sacred place to Indians, and the English name was probably a mistranslation of the Lakota . The apostrophe was dropped in the official name, but people still tend to put it in there anyway . Devils Tower is quite large, and it has baffled geologists for a long time. Devils Tower, USGS / Carol Wippich (usage does not imply endorsement of site contents) The first big mystery is its formation, and another mystery is why it is standing there all by its lonesome. Then those huge columns that are fracturing and seen in debris at the base. If it were millions of years old, the tower should be a pile of rubble. Secularists won't like this, but geology incorporating the Genesis Flo

Creation Science Geology and Cave Formation

My father would have been 100 years old today. According to the consensus of secular geologists, slow and gradual processes observed today explain what happened in the distant past. Even though this view is saturated with difficulties, it is still held by the majority of secular geologists and evolutionists. Uniformitarian puts a smile on Darwin's face because evolution needs deep time. Secularists believe the formation of caves and those decorative effects inside refute biblical creation science and the Genesis Flood. They conveniently ignore that the same charges they make against creationists also work against their own paradigms. Secularists also work from a serious lack of understanding of the Flood and subsequent Ice Age, preferring prejudicial conjecture instead. Acids occur naturally, and it is thought that caves can form by carbonic acid, but this idea does not work. Their explanations cannot overcome obstacles. Were caves formed in the past by sulfuric acid? That seems to