Collapsing Arches Make Darwin Sad

Dust-to-Darwin evolution requires huge amounts of time, and secular geologists try to provide them. People are assured that Earth is billions of years old. They protect their belief system includes arguing from presuppositions and neglecting alternative explanations for observed data.

Landforms that are supposed to be ancient have been collapsing — often dramatically. We recently saw how there have been large collapses of the cliffs of Dorset. Places in the American Southwest that were supposed to be millions of years old, and expected to last millions of years more, have crashed.

Stone arches, thought to be millions of years old and expected to last longer, are collapsing. The explanations are a young earth and found in Flood geology.
Metate Arch, Devil's Garden, Flickr / Ken Lund (CC BY-SA 2.0)
The guiding principle of secular geology is uniformitarianism: slow 'n' gradual processes over long periods. When asked about the causes of erosion, people will mention water and wind. Something that may not come to mind is lightning. I reckon severe weather, with heavy rainfall and lighting, is difficult to factor into secular predictions. The secular science industry throttles research by refusing to consider the explanatory power of catastrophism (especially the Genesis Flood) for the formation and erosion of landforms and for the erosion of continents. These things testify of a young earth.
Natural stone arches are commonly made of sandstone or limestone and are found in coastal cliff areas that can be eroded by wave action. Other arches have also formed as artifacts of the receding phase of the Flood.

Over the centuries, arches form due to erosion where softer rock is removed, producing alcoves and leaving harder caprock at the top. Sometimes, these result in arches. Through unrelenting erosion, even the caprock erodes and will ultimately cause collapse of these seemingly timeless features.

The rest of the article is over at "Darwin’s Fallen Arches."