Eating at the Table of Another
We all probably know someone who is a taker but not a giver. They rely on the efforts of others, but are actually harmful to others. There is a word for someone or something that takes from another, essentially eating from the table of another.
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Credit: Flickr / NIH-NIAID (CC BY 2.0) |
We have all been exposed to parasites at one time or another. Perhaps your dog or cat has come home with hookworms or roundworms—or even you’ve been told you were the unwilling host of lice or fleas! They’re everywhere. In fact, far more parasites inhabit our planet than nonparasites, and three out of every five people are host to at least one. What a miserable thought!How is this possible? Such nasty things really bother those who think God’s creation is one big “bright and beautiful” banquet of bounty. Surely the Lord didn’t include such icky things in His original creation.And yet they seem too sophisticated to have arisen by accident. Their existence has caused stomachs to turn and hands to wring for centuries, but it doesn’t have to be so.
You can finish reading by visiting "Parasites—Unwelcome Guests". Bonus: Just hours before this was scheduled to post, a new article was published that is helpful. Let's look.
In 1993, two evolutionists stated, “Parasites are still an enigma.” Not much has changed for the naturalist since then. “Hence, tempo and mode of host-parasite co-evolution at the macro-evolutionary scale remain a major challenge to understand.” Evolutionary biologists Eric Loker and Bruce Hofkin stated, “Macroevolutionary patterns among parasites are not yet very clear.” The origin of these fascinating creatures is still a puzzle for secular zoologists.
What is the origin of parasites? Were Adam and Eve infected with them at creation?
You can read the rest of this short article at "Did God Make Harmful Parasites in the Beginning?"
Also, you may want to see a recent post on a very similar subject, "Insect Parasites, Disease, and Creation". For related information, see this feedback article (the second on the page), look for the falcon picture. Better yet, use your browser's search function and type "Andrew".