The Wonder and Why of Christmas

Some folks get jaded with Christmas, reading or hearing readings of the birth of Jesus, the arrival of the Magi, the census taken while Quirinius was governor, and more. Same old thing every year, right? Some of us terribly miss the "same old" that we will never have again...

If we slow down and pay attention, there is a great deal to give us a sense of wonder. Hundreds of years before, Isaiah prophesied that Jesus would be born of a virgin. Micah 5:2 prophesied where. Ironically, some prophesies were fulfilled by unbelievers.

People probably get jaded about Christmas every year, missing important points. There are things to wonder about, and why Jesus was born at all.
Nativity of Jesus figurines, Pexels / Susanne Jutzeler
We can also find out that there are many misconceptions surrounding Christmas (especially that "Christmas is pagan and you can't celebrate it" nonsense). That bad old innkeeper who turned Mary and Joseph away, but his kindhearted wife attended to the delivery — never happened. The Magi were powerful king makers, and there was probably an entourage, not just three (three gifts are mentioned), and they probably did not arrive until a couple of years after Jesus was born. When we go deeper, we learn why Jesus was born in such a way.
In most Western countries, Christmas Day is celebrated on December 25th as the traditional birthday of Jesus, although no one knows for certain the exact day when Jesus was born, even though we know reasonably well when He was here on Earth. The Bible says: “But when the fullness of time had come, God sent forth his Son” (Galatians 4:4), so this was at exactly the right time in God’s master plan.

You can finish reading at "Christmas-Why?" Wishing you and yours a blessed Christmas, and that the humbly-born Jesus (who will return as King) will be a real part of your lives. Also, cherish those you love while you still have them.