Evolutionists go Batty about Echolocation

Humans are proud of sonar, which uses sound waves to locate objects. Waves are transmitted, strike an object, and people can calculate its size, shape, and location. Good stuff, Maynard! Sonar in animals is called echolocation, used by dolphins, bats, and others. They do it with far more sophistication than human inventions.

Lazy Darwinists are content to call the same property in different critters convergent evolution, but have not demonstrated any evolution. In fact, there is no sign of evolution in fossilized bats at all, even after supposed millions of years.

Batman Lego in egg, Pixabay / Andrew Martin (not implying endorsement of anything by anybody)
Better fossil specimens of all sorts of things are being found. Science and technology are advancing. This gives paleontologists the ability to study something and get a great deal of detail. It was thought at one time that echolocation in bats evolved after they had been around a while, but a recent finding shows that they had this trait all along. Such news is what biblical creationists expect.
In 2006, evolutionist Karen Sears said, “The earliest known bats appear in the fossil record…[about] 50 million years ago, and they appear suddenly and already possessing the anatomical hallmarks of powered flight.” Gunnell and Simmons made a similar comment in their work in the Journal of Mammalian Evolution, saying, “The phylogenetic and geographic origins of bats (Chiroptera) remain unknown.”

To read it all, flap over to "An 'Early' Origin for Modern Echolocation in Bats." Related: "Still no Sign of Bat Evolution." The short video below shows good science without groveling to Darwin.