
Showing posts with the label Christian Rock

More Dinosaur Fossils, Further Flood Evidence

Sometimes it is difficult not to laugh when someone says that there is no evidence for the Genesis Flood, and that it played no part in dinosaur extinction. But secular scientists cannot disagree with the fact that billions of fossils are found in sedimentary rocks. Although the secular paradigm is uniformitarianism (slow and gradual process over long periods of time), even they are beginning to invoke the occasional watery catastrophe when they find it necessary. There are echoes of this in recent findings including two new dinosaurs near Morocco. Rugops primus , pencil drawing, Wikimedia Commons / Nobumichi Tamura / ( CC BY-SA 3.0 ) There are parts of North America, England, China and others that attract paleontologists. Some areas are underexplored (which makes some sense, no cause to dig when little or nothing has been found). The big Chicxulub asteroid story is the favorite for the extinction of dinosaurs, but not all secularists are on board. That's why there's a passel

Dragons and an Ancient Seismoscope

When we learn about the genius of ancient humans, most people probably find examples of it mighty interesting. Darwin's disciples who are consistent with their beliefs find these things problematic. Why? The evolutionary paradigm. We evolved some something apelike and stupid, so there should not have been time for intelligence to evolve as well. Check those streaming services for ancient inventions programs. Also, there is that Antikythera device that was discovered on a Roman ship. These and other artifacts are considered "out of place" by evolutionists. Then there is the Zhang Heng seismoscope. Zhang Cheng seismoscope, cropped from WikiComm / Thank you for visiting my page (yes, really) ( CC BY 2.0 ) Seismo...seismic...earthquake... What may be Zhang Cheng's greatest invention is the seismoscope. It was able to detect distant earthquakes and report their direction with the help of dragons. Well, images. Some folks may think that dragons are the pet animal of Chin

The Marvel of Chameleon Vision

The 1981 remake of the song "Bette Davis Eyes" was a huge hit, but this child failed to see what was special about them. Could she move each one independently? Mayhaps a rewrite about someone who "has chameleon eyes" would be interesting. When discussing alleged facts by evolutionists, likely, probably, scientists think,  and other terms are used to dodge the issues but still promote their faith. In this case, discussing how the eyes and vision of chameleons operate practically require such words — the reptiles are not talking. Chameleon on a branch, Pixabay / Shilona We have examined the most obvious trait of chameleons before, the ability to change color . It seems their vision has been underrated, which presents problems to evolution. No other land animal has the independent eye motion which still makes sense because of the brain's intricacies. What we have here is yet another example of the Master Engineer's work. Most vertebrate animals have their eyes

Secularists Avoiding the Important Questions

Time and time again, materialists demonstrate disdain for freedoms of speech and thought. One way this is demonstrated is when misotheists insist that certain things cannot be questioned, such as atoms-to-atheist evolution. They frequently tell people what  to think. Such an approach is contrary to true science. Indeed, it suppresses free speech — and thought. Biblical creationists encourage critical thinking, which includes asking questions. Not just to clarify, but difficult questions as well. Materialists have a tendency to leave important or even obvious questions unanswered in their reports. Question mark in system, Pixabay / Gerd Altmann (Geralt) Some very basic questions can raise the hackles of secularists, and if consumers of secular science will study on some things, they can ask probing questions as well. Asking such things takes some of the power out of the propaganda efforts; shut up and believe. This is good practice in critical thinking and may prompt secularists to be

Geological Dating Confused by Assumptions

There are numerous problems with the standard version of geology. It is based on uniformitarianism (slow and gradual processes; the present is the key to the past), and observed facts do not fit their paradigm. Replying to a recent post about unconformities (a problem well known in secular geology), one jasper stated that unconformities are only a problem to people who do not understand geology. That is like the absurd, "People reject evolution because they do not understand it." Unfortunately, geology is tainted by a dedication to furnish millions of years so that evolution can happen. Creek in canyon, Pixnio / Maysam Yabandeh Charles Lyell sought to free the science of geology from Moses. Actually, secular geology needs a reformation to free the science from Darwin! Like biological evolution, secular geologists tap dance around observed problems in procedures, including dating methods. When necessary, secular geologists have appealed to catastrophic processes happening with

Radical Environmentalism and Hating Humanity as a Cancer

Intelligent Design sites have some useful information, and some of the concepts they discuss are interesting to people who use critical thinking. While rejecting or affirming material because of its source has fragrance notes of the genetic fallacy, the worldviews of environmental extremists play an important part. In this case, the ID article discusses on a book by Dr. Warren Hern that claims we are a cancer. The "diagnosis" uses medical thinking to predict what will happen in our future. Downtown crowd, modified frim Pixnio / david Stuff like this uses invalid comparisons, incomplete information (for example, a person is far more complex than a cancer cell!), arbitrary assertions, ignore pertinent details, and more. People believe it, and this child maintains that one reason is because people do not use logical thinking, but simply accept sciency stuff. Also, radical environmentalists who declare war on humans  tend to come from an atheistic evolutionary worldview. Christia

Miracles, Atheism, and Science

In discussions with professing atheists about God and creation, miracles are often an important topic. Posturing atheists try to shut down that aspect of the discussion with arbitrary assertions that miracles are simply impossible. The reasoning can be summarized as, "Because atheism." That is, they have circular reasoning and other logical fallacies at their disposal that were produced by an atheistic disinformation clearinghouse; there is little original or deep thought in atheism. One simple problem they have is that to make the arbitrary assertion against miracles, the same illogical universal negative must be invoked against God. Raising of Lazarus / Carl Bloch, 1870 Indeed, I remember hearing a radio discussion between an atheist a man had written a two-volume set where miracles were substantially documented, even in modern times. The atheist refused to believe in them  despite  the evidence. But then, they must reject evidence and even logic when it threatens their wo

Never Mind the Brain

by Cowboy Bob Sorensen  One person may admonish another to use his or her brain when thinking is desired, which is a common mistake. That is because the brain itself has no consciousness. The mind uses the brain. Look at this correct wording on Doctor Who  between the Fourth Doctor and Harry Sullivan in " Ark in Space ": DOCTOR: You're improving, Harry. HARRY: Am I really? DOCTOR: Yes, your mind is beginning to work. It's entirely due my influence, of course. You mustn't take any credit. Although searching for a place in the brain where consciousness (the soul) resides is a flaming inconsistency in their worldview, materialists (all that exists is matter, no God, no spirits) continue to search. The question is even worse for them when dealing with artificial intelligence . Brain and consciousness, Pixabay / Gerd Altmann (Geralt) Materialists cling to evolution to explain origins as a major part of their worldview. Creationists know that God created man in his im

Tails of Mice and Men

There are a few things that I keep repeating because they are so important, the primary of which is that scientists (and everyone else) operate from their worldviews. These are comprised of presuppositions (things believed without experimental support). Most evolutionists presuppose materialism, creationists presuppose the truth of the Bible. Believers in descent with modifications look at information through their Darwin spectacles, usually rejecting contrary evidence and predictions. Some researchers had numerous assumptions about humans having lost tails through evolution, so they studied the tails of mice. Darwin Spectacles and mouse tail, spectacles image by kkiser at Freeimages A prairie schooner-load of assumptions is involved in the study. First, evolution is not questioned, so that is assumed. Add to that the dogma of humans and apes diverged from a common ancestor millions of years ago. Somewhere in the mix, apes lost their tails. That is historical science — or would be if

Flowers Inspire Wonder

Although professing atheists claim that living things only appear to have been designed, people who do not filter their observations through that opinion can easily see that living things were not only designed, but designed by our Creator (Rom. 1:18-23). I will go further: I believe part of his purpose was for our pleasure — and meet our needs. They are like living jewels with an incredible array of colors, but they fade away when their time is done (Isaiah 40:8). One does not have to be a botanist to appreciate them. Pink peonies, Unsplash / Cowboy Bob Sorensen , modified at PhotoFunia Flowering and reproduction are complicated systems (being a botanist is helpful for understanding these details). Birds, bees, flowers, trees have some connections to it. Many flowers need insects and sometimes animals for pollination, and seed dispersal is done through birds, insects, various animals, the wind, and so on. By the way, believers in particles-to-peonies evolution claim that everything c

Secular Scientists Closer to Genesis Flood in Trilobite Extinction

My wife baked a trilobite pie the other day... Okay, it was really a pecan pie, but I immediately thought of trilobite fossils. Too bad those critters are extinct, and I would like it if some were found alive as living fossils . Those things fluster believers in molecules-to-musician evolution. Actually, trilobites also fluster evolutionists. Advances in technology show that they had amazing eyes and visual acuity . Trilobites are associated with the Cambrian Explosion , which is also a sore spot for secular scientists. "Trilobite pie," Flickr / Cowboy Bob Sorensen  ( CC BY-NC-SA 2.0 ) Secular paleontologists typically believe in slow 'n' gradual processes over millions of years that shaped today's landforms. Fossilization supposedly happened slowly as well, but that idea has been demonstrated to be ludicrous many times over. Because the evidence doesn't fit their narrative, some secular scientists are appealing to catastrophic events. Trilobite Fossils, Unsp

Blue Sky, Red Sky

Hammond Suisse and I were out riding out of town on Folly Road, then noticed Stinking Lake (which is not as bad as it sounds). It was getting late in the day, and we saw the red sun reflecting in the water. He mentioned that he read " Nice Planet, Good Neighborhood, Great Atmosphere ." We got to jawing about the article that was linked in that post. While we both understand a little bit about light scattering to make the sky blue, we are unskilled in knowing why the atmosphere is blue, but then has those other colors early and late in the day. The Sunrize in Feodosiya , Ivan Aivazovsky, 1855 Our Creator designed our atmosphere to sustain life, and he apparently made the laws of physics so that the atmosphere itself is enjoyable. The material mentioned above provided a brief discussion about the colors of the sky, but not everyone gets why there is a variation in the colors in the evening and morning, but is pretty much the same during daylight hours. Someone wrote in to Creat

The Nebular Hypothesis and Failed Solar System Evolution

Pretty much everyone knows that the origins of the universe, the solar system, life, and humanity are fundamental questions. Believers in atoms-to-atheist evolution find science and logic abhorrent when they support special creation , so they come up with other ideas that are in keeping with materialism. There is no uniformity among scientists about the origin of the solar system, and there are several speculations that have their own adherents. The nebular hypothesis is the prize pig at the fair, the best of the worst . Artists concept of a protoplanetary disk at NASA People say that something is nebulous, meaning unformed or gaseous ( nebulous thinking is one example). In the imaginings of secularists, there was the extremely hot Big Bang, and eventually, swirling hot gasses came together to form the sun and planets. Except that this defies several laws of physics. Sure, some owlhoots may say, "A paper that says hot gases can contract," but those ignore important facts. He

Nature has the Right to Evolve?

Regular readers have seen how the secular science industry is supporting leftist causes, and how evolution is the centerpiece on the table. This child wants to keep political matters to other weblogs, but when secularists infuse themselves into policy making, things need to be discussed. Once again, it should be said that genuine  environmental concerns are well in keeping with biblical creation principles , but leftist politicians are taking environmentalism to extremes. Elitists in the secular science industry are joining in to further the agenda. Range of the Caucasus mountains , Ivan Aivazovsky, 1869 Biblical creationists point out how believers in descent-with-modifications evolution play fast 'n' loose with their definitions. They tend to broaden them so that variation, speciation, and other changes (which are compatible with creation science) are deceitfully termed evolution  so people will think that Darwin was right. It's who they are and what they do. Similar word

Warm Young Moons of Jupiter

Time and time again, evidence shows that the solar system is nowhere near the billions of years in age that secularists expect. Using their calculations, they can only get millions, not billions of years for the rings of Saturn . The moons of Jupiter add further damage to deep-time thinking. The four largest moons (one of which is bigger than the planet Mercury) are giving off heat. According to uniformitarian views and secular planetary formation, this is a cosmic evolution puzzler. Secular scientists need to provide plausible explanations. Jupiter and moons composite, NASA (usage does not imply endorsement of site contents) The moons are plenty cold for someone who may try to stand on the surface. Evidence indicates that the warmth is deep inside. How? They cannot have leftover warmth from their formation in the standard timescale. Radioactive decay? Doubtful. Tidal heating because of gravity? Maybe, but it requires conditions inside the moons to be exactly right. Then there's t

Further Refutation of the Dunning-Kruger Effect

Several months ago, we examined how the Dunning-Kruger effect, frequent fodder for anti-Christian and anti-creationist remarks, has been debunked . You know the routine: A Christian makes a statement of fact and atheopaths talk to each other as if the Christian was not seeing it, saying he is an example of the Dunning-Kruger effect. Or it is a direct insult. People who do this are not citing science. (More like they got it from the seventh planet.) The D-K effect took another hit. This time, from mathematics. Partially made at ImgFlip , plus a great deal of editing The key point for Dunning and Kruger was that people don't know that they don't know. This came from a use of statistics. In that peer-reviewed paper, those fellas did it wrong. Now it is refuted three ways. Something this child has enjoyed is showing misotheists who think they are smarter than they really are is that they are using an ad hominem  from fake science. It also illustrates how atheists and evolutionists

Sanitizing Darwin's Racist History Again

Sometimes when creationists bring up Charles Darwin's racism, it puts  burrs under the saddles of his followers. They claim it is an ad homiem  and a distraction, but the fact remains despite their protestations. It has also been extensively documented. His racism is extremely relevant, as it is entrenched in his evolutionary conjectures. We saw how a couple of his biographers falsely tried to say that his theory had a noble motive , the abolition of slavery. Professor Joseph L. Graves, Jr. is up to something similar. Celebration of Abolition of 1866 via NYPL , colorized at Palette , then modified at PhotoFunia The professor is celebrated as the first black man to get a doctorate in evolutionary biology, and my response is, "Big deal." Evolutionary biology is self-serving and has little value to real science. Also, how many black people are attracted to studying something this area? (Asking for a friend.) Seems strange to prop up a field where your "rac

An Evangelist for the Gospel of Darwin

Although they keep it under wraps, the hands at the Darwin Ranch have worship services. Sebastian the latrine digger was talking about new prayer candles on order and select writings from Charles Darwin would be printed up in smaller volumes as gospels. Study on it a spell. Everyone has a worldview. Evolution is religious in nature, with not only the origins mythology, but also salvation and the coming glorious future. They presuppose atheistic naturalism in a way similar to Christians presupposing the truth of the Bible. Evangelism photo Library of Congress , 1939, colorized at Palette , monkey photobomb added  As stated in previous posts and articles, people have their worldviews that use presuppositions. We all interpret things through those lenses. Professing atheists often lean toward Postmodernism , saying there is no absolute truth or moral standard. When atheists assert things are right or wrong, or want to use evolutionary thinking for good in the world, they are inadvertently

Giant Ants Found in Canada

Think of Them! , the 1954 movie where atomic blasts caused ants to mutate into giants that ate people. Excellent science documentary. Well, except for the fact that mutations do not work that way at all, and it is impossible for ants to get that big . Relatively speaking, ancient ants and other creatures were giants in comparison to those living today. There were ants called  Titanomyrma by paleontologists, comparable in size to a small wren. Secular scientists saw their fossils in various places, but their arrival in Canada did not fit their paradigm. Titanomyrma gigantea , Wikimedia Commons / Ghedoghedo ( CC BY-SA 3.0 ) A Titanomyrma  fossil was found in Canada caused no small difficulty to secular scientists, such as how they crossed continents during cold times. Some weird speculations were proposed, but no go. If scientists would tear down the Darwin Wall and consider creation science Genesis Flood models, they would not need to evosplain things with nonsense. Evolutionary scie

Headbangers Give the Alarm

For a while, heavy metal fans were referred to as headbangers  because of their extreme and even harmful head motions . Sure, practically everyone does some nodding to the beat, but that is excessive. We looked at headbanger woodpeckers , here is another creature. Macrotermes  are termites that actually cultivate fungus, which is good eats. This is impressive since the savannah of Africa is not conducive. They also build mounds, the largest of which are in Africa. The  Macrotermes carbonarius species take headbanging quite literally. Fungus-growing termites, Flickr / Bernard DuPont ( CC BY-SA 2.0 ), modified at PhotoFunia While termites are doing termite stuff, they have to watch out so they don't become chow for predators. When the nest is disturbed, sentinels commence to headbanging. No, they don't crank up Stryper, they bang their heads to sound the alarm. I'm sure that some folks will accept " it evolved " as an explanation 🙄but the work of the Master Engin