Tails of Mice and Men

There are a few things that I keep repeating because they are so important, the primary of which is that scientists (and everyone else) operate from their worldviews. These are comprised of presuppositions (things believed without experimental support). Most evolutionists presuppose materialism, creationists presuppose the truth of the Bible.

Believers in descent with modifications look at information through their Darwin spectacles, usually rejecting contrary evidence and predictions. Some researchers had numerous assumptions about humans having lost tails through evolution, so they studied the tails of mice.

Using many assumptions and Darwin spectacles and bad logic, evolutionists studied tails of mice to see how human and apes supposedly lost their tails.
Darwin Spectacles and mouse tail, spectacles image by kkiser at Freeimages
A prairie schooner-load of assumptions is involved in the study. First, evolution is not questioned, so that is assumed. Add to that the dogma of humans and apes diverged from a common ancestor millions of years ago. Somewhere in the mix, apes lost their tails.

That is historical science — or would be if there was evidence to support the narrative. Researchers used the science of genetics that was pioneered by Gregor Mendel (peas be upon him), and used so-called junk DNA (which is not junk but actually quite important). They thought clues to human and mouse tails would be there.

Despite what Darwin's deceivers may say, humans do not have tails. There are occasional deformities, but nothing functional. Some of these sidewinders actually redefined "tail" so it would fit the human evolution story! Also, the researchers suppressed contrary information and did other things that display confirmation bias.

The study is full of scientific and logical holes as physiologist Dr. Kaia Kloster demonstrates (I maintain that evolutionists are unintentionally working for creationists). Once again, evolutionists should be pressured: If evolution were true, why is it bolstered by bad science and logic, deception, suppression of contrary data, and outright fraud? Observed evidence continually evinces creation, not evolution.
In the ongoing search for evidence of evolution, researchers seek to determine how and when humans lost their tails. After all, Old World monkeys and New World monkeys have tails, while apes and humans—known collectively in secular terms as hominoids—do not. According to the premise of evolution, there should be an ancestor somewhere back there that lost its tail on the way to becoming bipedal. Perhaps a mutation? Perhaps some unique genetic element that would differentiate between tailed monkeys and tailless hominoids? And, indeed, a group of researchers at NYU Langone Health recently published a paper, albeit a preprint that has not yet undergone peer review, titled “The genetic basis of tail-loss evolution in humans and apes.”

Before you continue to read the article, note that the first part is semi-technical and us reg'lar folk can still get something out of it. The rest is technical and would appeal to people with knowledge of biology and genetics. Ready? Great. Head on over to "Does New Mouse Experiment Explain How Humans Lost Their Tails?" for the rest.