
Showing posts with the label Dinosaurs

Dinosaurs and Dragon Art

When believers in universal common descent evolution are faced with facts contrary to deep time, they get mighty agitated, trying to find rescuing devices to keep the faith. When fossils containing soft tissues in dinosaurs and other critters were found, their excuses failed. Darwin requires millions of years to perform his magick, and secular scientist gladly manufacture ways to provide them. Dinosaurs allegedly became extinct about sixty-five million years ago, but dismissals of historical accounts and artwork are not acceptable to inquiring people. Shunosaurus, Wikimedia Commons / Smokeybjb (background colors added) ( CC BY-SA 3.0 ) We have examined several instances of art from dates that are reasonably precise. They were referred to as dragons  back then. Misotheists wave them off with remarks like, "Can't happen. Because evolution. You're stupid, haw, haw, haw!" Some "scientific" explanations are...truly bizarre. What those people (as well as more int

New Dinosaur Tracks in Wales Testify of Genesis Flood

Over yonder in southern Wales near the southern end of Cardiff Bay is the seaside resort and community of Pernath. Scientist found fossilized dinosaur tracks that indicated they were walking on soft ground. It was not that some dinosaur decided to head out for a stroll on two legs in the mud, as several of these things seemed to be in a mighty big hurry. The deposited sediments had minerals that are characteristic of a marine environment, which puzzled the scientists. These tracks were from Benedicts Rock, Wales, credit: Flickr / Dr. Mary Gillham Archive  ( CC BY 2.0 ) The secularists tried to evosplain why dinosaurs would be making tracks in ocean sediments, and even used a bit of the just-so story principle. (No mention if they found fossils of the dinosaurs that made the tracks.) For that matter, there are fossils of land and marine creatures buried together all over the world. If they weren't married up with atheistic uniformitarianism, scientists might see that observed eviden

Birds and Reptiles Not Related

One of the most common stories told by purveyors of universal common ancestor evolution is that dinosaurs evolved into birds. Atheists and other evolutionists pretend that this view, along with many others, is universally supported by secular scientists. That is not the case. There are mainstream scientists who reject dinosaur-to-bird evolution. The majority view is ridiculous for many reasons, including that  dinosaurs and birds co-existed . This should make them pull back on the reins and holler, "Whoa!". Similarly, there are important reasons to reject the dino-to-reptiles view. Looks like the lizard regrets meeting the egret. Credit: Flickr / Paul Wright  ( CC BY 2.0 ) Numerous complex changes would be necessary. Darwin's disciples evosplain that birds and reptiles are not all that different, but that requires a lack of basic science knowledge and thinking. (They should use the minds they were given and question evolution .) The differences are actually quite complica

How to Evolve Ichthyosaurs and others into Giants

Some people get on the prod when certain creatures of dinosaur times are referred to as dinosaurs, including ichthyosaurs. Considering that they were reptiles like the land dinosaurs and they were contemporaries, that bit of semantics is petty, Tom. Move on to something more important. In news about ichthyosaurs, speculations about gigantism came up. Darwinoids "know" they evolved, but have no evidence. Little ichthyosaurs and big ichthyosaurs, both evolved, but no idea what they supposedly evolved from. Assuming evolution to prove evolution is question begging, old son. Gigantism is not adequately explained, which is not surprising since the magical mystery miracle of convergent evolution is invoked as well. It's not just a matter of creatures just getting larger, so evolution stuff happens, something something something dark side natural selection something. No. There are many changes that need to happen, and since evolution is time, chance, random processes, mutations

Evolutionists Congratulate Themselves over Weak Research

A few days ago, I took the buckboard into town for supplies. There was a cacophony over at the saloon and I stopped to see what was happening. At first, I thought it was payday at the Darwin Ranch, but no. I flagged down Al Buehterawl, and when he caught his breath, he said the ranch hands got a bonus for conducting science research. It involved the alleged Chicxulub asteroid impact, dinosaur extinction, and microfossils. Also present was pride in storytelling. Asteroid And Earth image credit: /  Idea go The well-heeled secular science industry keeps getting tax money and grants to find ways to proclaim the universe is billions of years old, evolution is true, and there is no reason to believe in the Creator. Once again, research seems woefully incomplete. But making their claims seem sciency and convincing to the public makes everything okay. Circular reasoning abounds, especially in assuming the timing of the asteroid impact. Biases were confirmed with selective

Explaining the Missing Theropod Dinosaurs

Theropods such as Tyrannosaurus rex  and their kin are in several layers of the geologic column, but paleontologists wonder why those of medium size are not found. They offer speculations, but do not address obvious questions. One evolutionist offered a suggestion, but knows it is incomplete. In addition, dinosaurs appear suddenly, with no evolutionary history . Theropods seem to have been buried from small to large in geological layers, but smaller one were scattered throughout the layers in question. Flickr / Andrew Borgen  ( CC BY-ND 2.0 ) Darwin's acolytes speculate frequently, but so can creation scientists. However, creation science models based on the Genesis Flood present more plausible ideas for this dearth of medium-sized theropods. The pattern of fossils in the rock record has always been complex, and the dinosaur fossils maybe even more so. A recent article tried to explain why only small and large-size carnivorous dinosaurs (theropods) are found in Upper Cretaceous roc

Dinosaur DNA and Evolutionary Big Lies

As creationists have predicted, discoveries of dinosaur soft tissues and such have increased dramatically in recent years. The implications for the secular science industry are profound in several ways, especially regarding deep time; millions of years are vital for Darwin to work his magic. After all, time is the hero of evolutionary dogma. Dinosaurs supposedly took a dirt nap some sixty-something million years ago, but now these soft tissues and such are prompting secular scientists to reject scientific facts so they can push the evolutionary narrative. When the existence of dinosaur soft tissues was clearly established, evolutionists and deep-time proponents tried to deny their existence. They also tried to evosplain them away as well as denigrating other scientists. When DNA was discovered, Darwin's acolytes trembled in terror and argued about DNA's half life — it cannot  exist for nearly as long as they pretend in their cognitive dissonance. Worse for them, impressive sam

North Pole Dinosaurs and Creation Science

Dinosaur fossils are being discovered in unexpected places, which is challenging to secular geologists and paleontologists. Some were discovered in Alaska, but they were not created to live up yonder; they were made for warmer areas. For several months of the year, that area is not only cold, but dark. Secular scientists have speculated that these dinosaurs migrated toward warmer regions, then back. However, recent evidence buries the speculation that they were migratory. Instead, they were homesteading year round. Wikimedia Commons /  Masato Hattori  ( CC BY 4.0 ) "Wait, polar regions were not for dinosaurs, Cowboy Bob?" Never have been. Not only did scientists discover fossils of adults, but also young'uns, hatchlings, and eggs. Creation scientists at ICR have a model that involves rapid burial and plate tectonics brought about by the Genesis Flood. These critters did not reside in the upper latitudes. The land itself moved there.  Eight species of dinosaurs were recent

The Pleistocene, the Ice Age, and the Flood

In this series, we have seen distinctive features of rock layers, and how deep-time proponents have a heap of trouble explaining what is seen. The Pleistocene layer has many characteristics that are indicative of the global Genesis Flood. Secular scientists believe that there were many ice ages, but there is actually evidence for only one. The loose rock of the Pleistocene essentially lays on top of the geologic column, and models by biblical creationists show that they were deposited after the Flood and during the Ice Age. Illustration by F. John , 1902 Big critters like the wooly mammoth were a part of the Pleistocene, having big bodies and lots of hair. There were also many land bridges because the water was busy being ice, so the water levels were lower. People and animals used them, and this helps explain the dispersion from the Ark after the Flood. Ever wonder why kangaroos only live in 'Straya? Consider land bridges and 'roos in India . Creation science Flood and Ice Age

Tiny Fake Dinosaur in Amber Embarrasses Evolutionists

They sure did pick the right location for the Darwin Ranch, what with being near Deception Pass and all. (Not the one in Washington, this is where you take Folly Road past Stinking Lake, which is not as bad as it sounds.) These folks even deceive themselves. We have seen how silly stuff passes the gasconaded peer review process and that retracted papers are still referenced,  resulting in zombie science . A claim of the world's tiniest dinosaur has been refuted despite resistance, but the fake news is still there. Original image: Freeimages / Paige Foster , modified at PhotoFunia Shoddy research based on fundamentally flawed presuppositions such as dinosaur-to-bird evolution is frequently conducted. Consider the  feathered dinosaur tail in amber , or the risible Archaeoraptor  fraud . Some owlhoots said that the world's tiniest dinosaur was caught in amber, but it was published anyway despite other scientists objecting to the claim. Eventually it was retracted, but still avail

Pterosaurs Continue to Baffle Evolutionists

When looking at illustrations and dioramas of dinosaur scenes, wing lizards are usually included. Pterosaurs. When the dinosaurs went nuts in Jurassic World,  these things carried off people. They are not classified as dinosaurs (because evolution), pterosaurs just happen to be flying reptiles that lived then. When new pterosaurs are discovered, the hands at the Darwin Ranch get all a-twitter, like they did about this one . It is almost fun watching them bluff about pterosaurs as they try to act excited about them. Pteranodon by Heinrich Harder, 1916 Secularists try to hoodwink us about the evolution of powered flight, but they have no clue. (In fact, the failed transitional form Archaeopteryx  flew the friendly skies with pterosaurs .) Darwin's votaries have cannot explain the evolution of flight or pterosaurs themselves, nor can they account for the extreme variations in their sizes — but they're certain that they were not the work of the Creator. Pretty arrogant. Evolutioni

Dinosaur Fossils and Flexible Nerves

Submitted for your approval. Two rather short articles involving dinosaurs, and how new discoveries add to the cumulative evidence for the Genesis Flood and recent creation. First, we will mount up and ride out Utah way. In the Grand Staircase-Escalante National Monument is an excavation site with the cute name "Rainbows and Unicorns Quarry". I like it when scientists have a bit of fun. In this case, the area has diverse and abundant bones, so the hyperbolic name took. RGBStock /  Kevin Tuck (modified, obviously) It looks like some cousins of Tyrannosaurs rex  were out having a stroll when bam ! They were buried quickly. Interesting how the scientists used imprecise terminology in their speculations about the climate in which these critters lived. That's in case future discoveries are inconvenient, then they can weasel out of the problems. Because they were buried together, these scientists assume they lived in packs. Except when they didn't. No word on masks or soci

So Dinosaurs Were Fake All Along!

There comes a time when everyone has to cowboy up and face the failings, and this is mine. It turns out that not only have many others and I been deceived, but I have been deceiving my readers in my misguided zeal. Dinosaurs never existed. Playtime is over. Now we get to more serious but still almost unbelievable material. Although I have heard of them, I never met someone who claimed that dinosaurs are not real. The reasons for thinking this get...truly bizarre. Unsplash / Katie Smith I have to stop for a moment and say that this post almost went to Biblical Creation and Evangelism . It ended up here because, although it has to do with theology, biblical creationists emphasize critical thinking skills. To believe the outrageous idea that dinosaurs were never real, one must believe conspiracy theories on an absurdity level of September 11 "truthers" and Flat-Earthers. In all three cases, thousands  of people would have to keep secrets very well, and not have consciences that

Sheep Mummy and Dinosaur DNA

When science is done properly, it ruins atoms-to-archaeologist evolution. While too many people are gullible and simply accept what "scientists say", others are suspicious when research halts after propaganda points are reached or inconvenient questions are raised. A mummified sheep was in the news. (No, it was not mummified by ancient Egyptians, awakened, and Brendan Fraser stopped its rampage.) Natural mummification occurred where the right conditions cause drying out with little or no decomposition. A sheep mummy leg was so well preserved, its DNA was sequenced. FreeDigitalPhotos /  tawatchai (modified with Clker clipart) While decay can be slowed under ideal conditions, it cannot be stopped. This raises obvious questions about DNA in fossils buried in the ground under typical conditions. DNA deteriorates and would be too broken down to be analyzed. Once again, evidence indicates recent creation. DNA that is “extremely well preserved” has been analyzed from a sheep mumm

The Cretaceous is Crummy for Evolution

We continue the series by Dr. Tomkins of the Institute for Creation Research on geological layers, this time seeing problems presented by the Cretaceous to particles-to-paleontologist evolutionists. Slow and gradual transitions from simple to complex are just not happening. The lack of transitional forms was acknowledged by Charles Darwin to be a difficulty for his ideas, but he pressed on in the hope that maybe someday they would be found. Evolution is supposed to be built on evidence, not blind faith or wishful thinking. Edmontosaurus annectens by  Nobumichi Tamura  at Wikimedia Commons ( CC BY-SA 3.0 ) Despite their appearances in movies with the word "Jurassic" in their titles, some of the most famous dinosaurs are registered to vote in the Cretaceous. (Paleontologists are seeking rescuing devices while biblical creationists are celebrating soft tissues and more from these bad boys.) There is nothing to indicate evolution, they just suddenly appeared — which is yet anoth

Fossil Graveyards Continue to Testify of the Genesis Flood

A spell back, a Page on Fakebook dedicated to sharing Christian material for the purpose of mockery stated in part, "Another thing that supposedly confirms Noah's flood." If this troop of Darwin's Flying Monkeys™ paid attention, there are numerous evidences for the Genesis Flood, not just a couple of items. Here we have two examples of something troubling to evolutionists and deep-time proponents: massive fossil graveyards. There are many of these all around the world, and are not just anomalies to dismiss. Credit: Another work by  Nobumichi Tamura  at Wikimedia Commons ( CC BY-NC-ND 3.0 ) In an article originally posted in 2007, a passel of dinosaur fossils was discovered not all that far from Ulan Bator, Mongolia. While parrot-beaked dinosaurs were smaller than the big ones that get so much attention, they were not tiny and helpless. Paleontologists are baffled, and tried to evosplain the fossils. It did not go well. How do you fossilize 187 parrot-beaked dinosaurs

Original Lambeosaur Molecules Discovered

When scientific evidence provides bad news for evolution, Katie, bar the door! Then commence to building rescuing devices, making excuses, and spinning the details. They are on edge because hydrogen-to-hadrosaur evolution has been getting the smackdown from scientific findings in recent years. As predicted by Dr. Mark H. Armitage , dinosaur soft tissues (devastating to deep-time beliefs) are increasingly common. Other advances in technology have provided some fascinating information, but is not friendly to Darwin. Teachers of evolution , as well as the secular science industry itself, require reassurance at all costs. Lambeosaurus  image credit: Flickr / Robin Zebrowski  ( CC BY 2.0 ) Lambeosaurus  is hung on the family tree of hadrosaurid (duck-billed) dinosaurs, proudly sporting hollow crests on their heads. Using Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy, researchers examined some Lambeosaur eggs and found amino acids. Those complex molecules are alleged to have lasted well beyond est

Jurassic Problems for Evolutionists

To hear people tell it, the geologic column shows distinct, orderly layers so the history of the earth is neatly laid out. In those layers, of course, are fossils of dinosaurs and other critters as they progressed from simple to complex. Not happening. As we continue the series on how geology and fossils are distinctly unhelpful to evolution, the Jurassic layer is fraught with difficulties. Indeed, the Charles Darwin Club Secret Decoder Ring™ cannot provide a coherent message to the faithful. Durdle Door / Jurassic Coast image credit: RGBStock /  Florian Engels The ancient continent Pangea began breaking up in the Triassic (probably due to global climate change), and this continued in the Jurassic. Secular scientists believe in several extinction events, but they have many problems explaining why some creatures did just fine while others joined the choir invisible. As in previous layers, many dinosaurs appeared suddenly, without a hint of evolution. As we have seen many times before, s

Dinosaurs and Biblical Creation

Just the other day we saw a trio of articles about Tyrannosaurus rex . There has also been a spate of other articles about dinosaur bone discoveries, and the "Katie, bar the door!" bad news for deep time proponents:  DNA  and  soft tissues . Regular readers have probably noticed that not only is there a variety of subjects covered on this weblog, but the difficulty level varies. After all, different people are reading these things. The article featured below is rather easy and covers some basics of biblical creation views on dinosaurs. Credits: Derivative on Pixabay by Andrew Martin , then modified at BigHugeLabs Because we're biblical creationists, we are real  freethinkers and believe that dinosaurs and humans lived together for a while. There are descriptions of critters that seem an awful lot like them in the Bible, such as behemoth and leviathan . (I added those for people who may be interested.) The biblical view is very different from the old-earth evolutionary vi

Wrecking Three T-Rex Reports

We have items that make reference to Tyrannosaurus rex , some more direct than others. It seems that it is increasingly frequent that the attempts to bolster Darwin's fantasies involve startlingly bad research, and the logic used should be utterly appalling to thinking people. As several other creationists and I have said, we need to have healthy skepticism about claims made regarding ancient historical science. Also, critical thinking is imperative: Question assertions and whether the evidence is valid; keep the pressure on them and don't be gullible. Now, about T-rex... Credit: RGBStock / Kevin Tuck Secular researchers have a habit of working from their naturalistic presuppositions, and interpreting data in a manner that should make Darwin smile. That's not science, old son, that's simply upholding a narrative. Tyrannosaurus rex  fossils were found buried together, therefore, they were social animals. Not hardly! Also, researchers acknowledged that a seasonal flood