Trilobites Doing an Arthropod Conga Line

One, two, three, stop and put your spines in the air, then back down. Keep going, stay with the beat. Okay, so arthropods probably did not have recreational activities, but it is fun to imagine trilobites doing a conga line.

The number of assigned trilobite species is (to use scientific terminology) a passel. None of them are friendly to Darwinian speculations, such as their sudden appearance in the "Cambrian explosion" and the exceptional optics in some species. Strange about that conga line, though.

Trilobites have a habit of defying evolutionary and deep-time views. In this case, the fossilization was excellent, and points to the Genesis Flood.
Ampyx priscus trilobite conga line, Wikimedia Commons / J. Vannier, M. Vidal, et alia (CC BY 4.0)
"It looks sorta like a peloton, Cowboy Bob!"

Well, that word is used when talking about bicycle races. The main group is in a bunch. Peloton riders may also form a straight line to reduce wind drag (slipstreaming) and trade off the front position. (Clearly exhibited in a bicycling pace line, seen here.) Geese and other migratory birds do that in their "V" formations. For these creatures it helps reduce water current resistance. Modern critters, such as some lobsters and shrimp, are known to display similar group behavior.

The kind of trilobites in the peloton have no eyes, and they did this formation on purpose. Suddenly, it became a very bad day, what with getting fossilized and all. Secularists admit that they must have died suddenly, but some of the attempts to preserve deep-time beliefs (such as poisoning) are at odds with what is observed. No, they were buried rapidly, which explains not only why they were still in formation, but also the excellent preservation. This fits Genesis Flood models presented by creation scientists.
Long before the British were famous for queuing, trilobites were showing the way. This collective action is demonstrated in a series of stunning fossil finds of linear trilobite clusters. . . . Trilobites are a group of extinct marine arthropods with a distinct three-lobed body, and some had amazing eye design.

The research team were clear that the lines of these creatures were not moved into this position by the water or sediment flowing around them. Rather, their conga line was a deliberate shared action which has been magnificently preserved.

To read the entire article, dance on over to "Trilobite conga line vs evolutionary timeline".