Research on Naked Mole-Rat Supports Creation View

This is not a pleasant subject, but not because it is a problem for creation. The object of interest is astonishingly ugly. The more pleasant name sand puppy is not as common as naked mole-rat. Even so, they are under scrutiny because of several interesting traits — especially longevity.

Naked mole-rats are different from other mole-rats, and get their name from being mostly hairless. They inhabit one area of Africa. Being moles, they dwell in underground burrows and have a queen in charge. Strange that these mammals are cold-blooded.

Naked Mole-Rat, Wikimedia Commons / Roman Klementschitz, Wien (CC BY-SA 3.0)
Why do they live so long? They don't age like other creatures and researchers want to know why. The information may be used to help human lifespans. Darwinists believe that mutations are vital for evolution, but the greater the mutation rate, lifespans decrease and diseases increase. Evolutionary predictions fail. Naked mole-rats were given a highly-efficient maintenance of cells by their Creator.
Naked mole-rats are one of the ugliest animals one will ever encounter in the study of nature; ugly but amazing . . . . Their wrinkly grayish-pink skin makes them appear very old even when young. They can live up to 30 years, a lifespan unprecedented among small rodents. Most rats and mice have a lifespan from 24 months to, in the most ideal conditions, 4 years.

To find out the details and see another picture of Our Lady of Perpetual Buck Teeth, click on "How Naked Mole-Rats Avoid Mutations." You may also like, "Bizarre Burrowing Rodent Befuddles Darwinists."