A Biblical View of Transhumanism

People may have a simplistic view of transhumanism, possibly thinking it is just enhancements like prosthetics and pacemakers. It is actually quite a bit more. Essentially, it is rooted in evolutionary thinking.

Evolution is being actively helped along in this way also, but it is not just enhancements. People want to improve their lives and even extend them. They push God aside and implement ongoing creations of humans in an image they choose. There are several surprising moral considerations.

Transhumanism is presented as a way of making our lives better through machinery, but it is humans trying to be the Creator. There are moral surprising considerations.
Cyborg woman, Pixabay / Julius H.
Who am I anymore? Where does the hardware end and I begin, or is it the other way around? I remember having skin...I think. Maybe the memories are from a glitch in the system. After all, I know that I'm very, very old. Friends and family — those concepts are obsolete. My questions went unasked. What have I evolved into? I don't think it was such a great idea after all. 

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The angst written above has been expressed in science fiction for many years in one form or another. Not only does transhumanism affect the individual, but it affects society. When we have its proponents trying to replace God and writing their own morality and ethics on the fly, and because of our fallen sinful nature, wickedness happens very easily.

From governments to billionaires, powerful voices tell us we stand on the brink of a biotechnological revolution that will drastically alter humanity. Technologies that enable radical modification of human genes, bodies, thinking, reproduction, and communication already exist—and are rapidly advancing. Nearly 20 years ago, the President’s Council for Bioethics urged for greater public discussion of biotechnologies meant to “enhance” humans, recognizing that today’s choices will establish a trajectory that could shape society— and humanity — in unprecedented, unintended, and irreversible ways. Given the stakes involved, Christians need tools for thinking biblically and critically about each application of these technologies as they emerge.

You can read the rest by clicking on "Thinking Biblically About Transhumanist Technologies." If you want more, see "Upgrading Ourselves with Transhumanism."