Destroying Myths of Satanic Snakes

Many people fear and loathe snakes, which frustrates people who admire them. (I admit that while searching images to use here that those with women trying to look seductive with snakes They are fascinating and do snake stuff quite well.

Unfortunately, snakes have bad press. Yes, some can kill you. Those with powerful venom are a small fraction of all species. People who feel compelled to kill any on their properties are being stupid, unless they know for certain that those are dangerous. Otherwise, they are harmless or beneficial.

There are several myths that people hold regarding snakes, such as them being emissaries of Satan. The Creator designed them to fill ecological niches, such as this rainbow boa.
Rainbow boa, Pixabay / sipa
August Kekulé said he discovered the formula for benzine when he had a dream about a snake eating its own tail. That sort of mystical science may add to people's negative perceptions. People tend to think that a snake is Satan incarnate or his emissary. Snakes were designed by the Creator to fill their ecological niches and are not evil. You savvy?

Fun moments time. Hey, ever see Octopussy where James Bond feels a big one crawling on him and tells it to "Hiss off?" Mystery Science Theater 3000's lampooning of Jungle Goddess cuts to a scene of a snake in a tree. It's given the voiceover, "Hi, I'm Satan! Enjoy the film!" at 38:21.

Yes, snakes are associated with the devil in Scripture, but that's not the only critter comparison. That does not help their image, but it's funny. Another problem is a perversion of Scripture called the Serpent Seed doctrine, and this post on Fakebook has some links explaining it.

You will never hear snake used as an expression of praise, only as an epithet.

If people will get the big picture, even from a distance, they can appreciate snakes. Even if it involves reluctantly dealing with a phobia.
When I adopted my ball python, Persephone, a few family members asked if something was wrong with me. . . .My heart aches when I hear such vitriol about these unique and beautiful animals.

This general aversion to snakes turns more insidious among some Christians who claim that snakes are evil, demonic, or satanic. These beliefs likely stem from the Genesis account of Satan taking the form of a serpent to tempt Eve in the garden of Eden (Genesis 3:1–7), ultimately leading to God cursing creation (Genesis 3:14–19). This interpretation of Scripture, combined with unfounded folklore and exaggerated portrayals of snakes in movies and other media, contributes to the fear of snakes being the second most common animal phobia, only behind the fear of spiders.1 But we can easily debunk the myths perpetuating this fear by examining snakes through a biblical lens.

To read all of this extremely interesting article, see "Satan’s Serpents or the Creator’s Creatures?"