
Showing posts with the label Morality

Draconian Darwinism Spreads Anti-Science

Regular readers have caught on that science thrives when challenged, and when views are protected, it stagnates. Atheism is where science goes to die in darkness. Despite the claim to follow where the evidence leads, scientists tend to protect their beliefs. Just ask  Ignaz Semmelweis . Creation science is rejected by the secular science industry because of their precommitment to naturalism, so evidence against evolution and in favor of special creation is suppressed. Draconian measures keep bad information in the public minds. Thanks to Why?Outreach for the background image Because the secular science industry has attitudes that are actually anti-science, they promote evolution — which is harmful to medical science . Vestigial organs/structures have been redefined because those alleged leftovers from our evolutionary past have been found to be useful. There are numerous examples where evolutionary thinking harmful to medicine. Many of Darwin's acolytes are passionate about their

Charles Darwin was not a Slavery Abolitionist

Disciples of Charles Darwin try to brush aside or ignore his view of women as inferior , and especially his blatant racism . Some build a straw man by claiming that we said evolution is racist when we talk about scientific racism and other extensions of his conjectures. There have been owlhoots who claim that saying Darwin was a racist is an ad hominem , but that conveniently ignores the fact that his beliefs were fundamental in his development of evolution — ideas have consequences . People also point out that he was opposed to slavery, and a couple of authors try to make Charlie appear to be a passionate abolitionist. Public domain image, run through removebg , colorized at Palette , flames added at LunaPic A couple of biographers wrote a book that portrayed Darwin as someone who was concerned with the abolition of slavery. His work on species was with abolition in mind. When Dr. Robert F. Shedinger gave the tome close scrutiny, he realized it was stuff and nonsense. Sure, it was

The Huxleys and Darwinian Deviance

A spell back, we discussed how the Huxley family was promoting Charles Darwin's myth of origins by developing conspiracies , but they wanted to keep up appearances in Victorian England. Looking proper was important in that era, perhaps more so than it is today. One reason is that they wanted to promote evolution, but did not want their activities to besmirch Papa Darwin. What was under the surface did not remain hidden much longer. For many atheists, Darwin is a sacred character. Satire, irreverence, and the truth about him are not to be tolerated. Some folks in the secular science industry are iconoclasts, willing to pull his statue off the pedestal and be straightforward about him. In addition, the extreme immorality of the Huxleys (who were some of Darwin's biggest supporters, remember) are shown as bearing bitter fruit. It is worth considering that evolution is the necessary creation myth for those who deny God. It is not just an intellectual choice (since the evidence for

Darwinists, Leave those Hospitals Alone!

There is a personal and coincidental reason for my interest in the article featured below. Today is 8 March, and I am recovering from knee surgery. The article came out on the first, and my surgical testing was on the second. When someone has a reputation for repeatedly fouling things up, do you want to entrust that person with something extremely important? Of course not. The same can be said for an ideology. It has been shown repeatedly that evolutionary thinking has been harmful to medical science, yet Darwin's acolytes want it entrenched. Original operating room photo at Pexels / Anna Shvets , then modified* Apparently, secularists are repeatedly given a pass: Racism in medical research Vestigial organs/structures such as the appendix are not vestigial Declaring not-understood DNA to be "junk,"  which has been refuted The false claim that antibiotic resistance proves evolution Fake science to support evolution in COVID-19 research We have also seen that secularists o

Evolutionists and their Love of Abortion

A few years ago, I noticed that atheists tend to be political leftists and approve of many behaviors that are against the commands of God. Particles-to-politician evolution is a tenet of atheism, so they fight red in tooth and claw to defend and promote it. To be blunt, evolutionism is a death cult, because advancement up the tree of life happens because of death. Things die and new ones evolve. You savvy that? Like people in various religious cults, people involved seldom consider in depth what their organizations believe. Bassinet, Freestocks / Joanna Malinowska While society is deteriorating, the murder of unborn children is gaining ground. It has been said that abortion is a sacrament to Democrats and other leftists. Many people know full well that they are ending lives (they admit it), and they do not care. Some are proud of the number of abortions they've had! That's depravity. Those people need to humble themselves and repent to Jesus Christ. Two things I've said bef

Animal Rights and Criminality

by Cowboy Bob Sorensen  It seems reasonable to assume that most thinking people would laugh at the idea of animals being granted human rights and personhood status, but it is happening (for one example, see " An Elephant is now a Person? "), and is increasing. ( Even rivers are getting personhood status !) Non-humans are being given rights that include the ability to have legal representation — to file lawsuits. It is common to file on behalf of people  with reduced mental capabilities since they are human, after all. As much as Basement Cat had a unique personality and awareness of many things, she did not show advanced cognitive abilities. She did not know catness . Horses fighting, Pexels / Kenzhar Sharap The article that inspired this one pointed out that certain cognitive tests were given to animals to see if they were self-aware. Interesting, that would mean that only the most rudimentary tests would be used. Some can recognize themselves in mirrors. Some cannot, so tha

A Biblical View of Transhumanism

People may have a simplistic view of transhumanism, possibly thinking it is just enhancements like prosthetics and pacemakers. It is actually quite a bit more. Essentially, it is rooted in evolutionary thinking. Evolution is being actively helped along in this way also, but it is not just enhancements. People want to improve their lives and even extend them. They push God aside and implement ongoing creations of humans in an image they choose. There are several surprising moral considerations. Cyborg woman, Pixabay / Julius H . Who am I anymore? Where does the hardware end and I begin, or is it the other way around? I remember having skin...I think. Maybe the memories are from a glitch in the system. After all, I know that I'm very, very old. Friends and family — those concepts are obsolete. My questions went unasked. What have I evolved into? I don't think it was such a great idea after all.  You can be a part of Question Evolution Day , no charge, no sign-up! The angst writt

Some Evolutionists Dissatisfied with Museum Reconstructions

Believers in universal common have been known to patronizingly tell creationists and other evolution doubters to go to a natural history museum and learn. What people see are exhibits with tendentious usages of evidence, displays involving artistic license, and so on. Actual science, not so much. Remember, facts do not speak for themselves, but are interpreted according to worldviews , and then presented. Secularists presuppose evolution and make that their starting point. Unfortunately, many are so convinced that it is true (despite contradictory or nonexistent evidence), they play fast and loose with their presentations. Australopithecus afarensis , WikiComm /  Wolfgang Sauber ( CC BY-SA 4.0 ) Take a look at photos of  A. afarensis  (Lucy) models as well as other illustrations. I found some where a male specimen is gazing heavenward, as if contemplating the mysteries of the universe. Another exhibit has Lucy overjoyed that Alan arrived at the museum — or is that Steve? One model has

The Coelacanth Continues to Frustrate Evolutionists

Long ago, the coelacanth was considered extinct. Its fossils got believers in fish-to-fire marshal evolution all excited because it had nubbin fins that they thought resembled feet. Yee haw boy howdy, this bad boy was a transitional form. It was evolving for land life as required by the Darwinian narrative! The geologic column has numerous problems including fossils in the wrong order and so-called ghost lineages (where certain fossils appear, disappear for a few million Darwin years, and then reappear). That stuff gets left out of the millions of years with transitions narrative. The coelacanth was not willing to be a part of it. Coelacanth,  NOAA  (usage does not imply endorsement of site contents) Evolutionists made their pronouncements about the fossils according to their presuppositions. Then the coelacanth decided to stop playing hide and seek. One was found, but not in good enough condition for detailed study. Eventually, more were found, and were pretty much identical to their

Uncertainty in Scientific Interpretations

When someone says that the facts speak for themselves , not only is that a bit of the reification fallacy, but facts need to be interpreted. This is taught in introductory creation science where it is pointed out that we all have the same facts. Science is involved, sure, but worldviews are extremely important. From the beginnings of COVID-19 through variants today, people are proclaiming facts that seemingly support differing viewpoints. People supposedly prove the vaccines cause more harm than good, others point to the efficacy of the Fauci jab. However, there is a greater principle involved here. Medical material, Pixnio / Bicanski One of the problems in the peer review process is that results in papers often cannot be replicated. Similarly, there are "facts" that have gone unchallenged for years, then someone wants to do science and discovers that those facts aren't. Some rabidly believe in Scientism  as the only means to truth. It doesn't work that way. Whether i

Science is Scrooged by Evolutionism

That beloved story by Charles Dickens, A Christmas Carol , is superficially a story about the conversion of Ebenezer Scrooge from selfishness to kindness and altruism. According to fundamental evolutionism, Darwin intended his theory to be selfish and purposeless in its operation. Because evolution is made of squishy pliable stuff, Darwin's disciples appeal to teleology and design (using Natural Selection and Evolution as entities) and get away with it. This Scrooge of science cannot account for altruism in birds or in animals . Not just niceness out of convenience, but taking risks as well. If you study on it, evolution cannot account for altruism in humans, either. Scrooge looking at his dressing gown, A Christmas Carol  illustration by Arthur Rackham , 1915 Secularists try to evosplain kindness and altruism as something that animals do so they can have better "fitness" and increase their survivability, so animal behavior is a virtue. (Except when it's not. They

Some Evolutionary Censorship Tactics

On Fakebook, I saw an exchange with an angry misotheist who is also an evolutionist and an anti-Christian bigot. It was about " Lizards Foul Up Evolutionary Timeline ," and the misotheist said, " never see anything like this in legitimate scientific literature." (Note the genetic fallacy with the word "legitimate".) A supporter showed the references from that featured post including Science , Live Science , and others. This showed that the attacker did not even look at the material, and I reckon self-humiliation is unimportant as long as he expresses hatred. It's who they are and what they do. But what of professional evolutionists? Atlantic white shark, National Park Service / Bill Fisher (usage does not imply endorsement of site contents) We have seen that secularists have money and power, so they make the rules. Creationists come along with evidence that is contrary to the faith, and they circle the wagons to fire back or simply exclude unple

Pre-Neanderthal Hominin Footprints Fake Science News

As indicated here numerous times, when it comes to origins science, secularists prioritize the narrative above logic and evidence. As we recently saw, Darwinoids have no problem with rearranging 35 million years in conventional dating for their purposes. Now we have human footprints that do not fit evolutionary schemes, so the age is conveniently redated. In addition, they use dubious reasoning and even the complex scientific principle of Making Things Up™. Unfortunately, people who are committed to their faith in evolution will accept such nonsense because it appears to support their views. What in the world is a "pre-Neanderthal," anyway? There was also reference to the failed Heidelberg Man story. The well-preserved  footprints were given a drastic increase in their assigned age, and all this stuff raises a number of questions that evolution's true believers are loathe to ask. It is clearly evident that human nature involves investigation, creativity, and making life

Brain-Computer Interfaces Raise Serious Questions

Since the beginning, humans have been using implements to improve their existence. Adam probably fashioned a rake and a hoe to tend the garden. Jump forward to advanced technology with computers and artificial intelligence, and there are some startling things going on. The quest for making self-aware artificial intelligence continues, merging humanity and machines in transhumanism , and even the possibility of mind cloning . Man tries to displace God in creation with evolution as well as with technology. The idea of brain-computer interfaces is both exciting and alarming. Network, Pixabay / Gerd Altmann The exciting part is medical, providing people with handicaps or damage to connect with the outside world. Such applications are no more along the lines of playing God as a physician treating an injury or illness. Science fiction writers have provided speculative and even cautionary stories that involve computers, androids, robots, and so on getting control of our minds through hardware

Weaponizing the Peer Review Process Backfires

As we have discussed numerous times, people think that if a paper has passed the peer review process, it is a guarantee of truth (an appeal to authority). They use that idea as a weapon to promote evolution and atheism. Of course, most people do not actually read peer-reviewed scientific papers. They are often behind an expensive paywall, too. Most of the time papers are submitted from scientists and academics working for well-heeled organizations that pay the expensive review fees. However, it gets difficult finding an actual peer to review submissions from specialists. Reviewing, Pexels / Vanessa Garcia There are many reasons for bad papers getting accepted, such as the large number of submissions, lackadaisical attitudes and lack of qualifications of reviewers, and more. Corruption exists because academics and scientists are just as prone to unethical behavior as everyone else. Indeed, some folks submitted computer-generated papers and outright hoaxes to show that the process has pr

Evolution and Mind Cloning

There is a movement called transhumanism  that is essentially an attempt to improve God's design through technology and genetic engineering. There are numerous related concepts, one of which is mind cloning. However, there are several serious problems with the whole thing. First of all, universal common descent evolution is assumed and all approaches stem from that. Another is that they are physicalists , so the mind is simply a manifestation of the brain. Generally speaking, biblical creationists believe that the mind is separate from the brain, but the mind uses it. For that matter, materialists have no idea where the mind originates . Brain graphic by  yodiyim at FreeDigitalPhotos There is not enough technology available to map the brain of a mouse, let alone a human brain. That aside, mind cloning raises a passel of questions and ethical dilemmas. Where is the soul? Is it duplicated? People change, will the clone come to have values and beliefs that are different from the orig

Secularists Making Disease Worse through Disinformation

Although the material here deals with medical science, ethics, and morality, it is disturbing in many ways. Some people may wish to stop reading. Imagine if you will a group of people that has a disease which is unsightly, painful, and itchy. They are the primary carriers. Other people outside this group can get the disease by engaging in certain behaviors with those who are infected, so the disease may spread to the general population. The secular science industry, leftists, the media (but I repeat myself) do not want to offend the infected group by telling them the facts. That group may get hurt feelings and feel ostracized. But telling them the truth can save lives. Electron micrograph of monkeypox particles, Flickr / NIAID  ( CC BY 2.0 ), modified at PhotoFunia This is what is happening with the monkeypox. (Some have suggested changing the name so people will feel better.) The word pandemic  has been uttered. Now, it may be a coincidence, but this child believes there was a resurge

Darwinism and Lazy Science

It has been shown many times here and in other places that evolutionary thinking hinders science, and has actually been harmful to medical science. A large part of the problem is how they presuppose atoms-to-atheist evolution and build on that, and most cling to their faith when evidence is contrary to evolution. This mindset gave us "junk" DNA, vestigial organs, incomplete research, bad logic, unethical behavior in the secular science industry, and other problems. To be blunt, slapping evolutionary terminology in something is a science stopper. Even worse, this can easily make researchers lazy and careless. Darwin caricature from one of the  Vanity Fair  publications, 1871, modified at  Pixlr Indeed, it is rare to find a science article, whether for general readers or more academic, that does not throw in praise to evolution. Most of the time those are both unnecessary and detract from an otherwise good story. Many times, Evolution has been made into a decision-making deity!

Learning from Bad Papers in Sedimentology

Everyone here knows what sediment is, right? "You mean getting emotional about the past, like 'I'm Getting Sedimental Over You', Cowboy Bob?" A couple of letters off, that song and what you're describing is Sentimental . Sediment is the dirt, small stones, and so on that are transported by rivers. When they are moving quickly, they carry more and heavier stuff, and when the water slows, things drop out of it. Come on, you all knew that even though I over-simplified it. A branch of geology is dedicated to the study of all this and has the sensible name of sedimentology . Sediment-laden water from a tributary, entering the clearer Chattahoochee River / USGS , Public Domain (endorsement of site contents not implied) We have seen numerous times that secular journals and the secular peer review process have numerous difficulties. Some of the peer review problems are from Darwinists consistently living the morality of their worldview and doing what they feel makes t

Monkeying Around with the Evolution of Morality

Rusty Swingset, foreman at the Darwin Ranch near Deception Pass, was all excited about new efforts that are being made to show how morality itself evolved. Those rascals keep trying to find ways of explaining immaterial things using materialistic presuppositions. That is, only naturalism: No Creator need apply. Their efforts do not go well. To have morality, it stands to reason that consciousness itself must exist. Secularists cannot explain the evolution of consciousness . Then there is the puzzle of how morality evolved, but that is not explained either . Are new efforts to explain the evolution of morality faring any better? Puzzled chimpanzee is puzzled, Pixabay / Marcel Langthim , modified at PhotoFunia Before we go any further, a bit of history. While Charles Darwin gets applause for creating evolution ( no, he did not ), Alfred Russel Wallace is sometimes credited as a co-discoverer of evolution through natural selection. What is less known is that, although they maintained a c