
Showing posts with the label Morality

Upgrading Ourselves with Transhumanism

Replacing limbs and such that are the results of birth defects or injuries goes back centuries. The image of a pirate with a pegleg comes to mind. It was a budget prothesis. There are countless other applications throughout history. Advanced forms of prosthesis are from the field of bionics . They are medical biological electronics, popularized by Martin Caidin in his Cyborg  novels and The Six Million Dollar Man television shows. (That much money would only be a down payment today.) Bionic limbs use existing nerves and muscles to operate. Some bionics can even involve robotics and artificial intelligence. Bionic eye, Pixabay / intographics Bionics are used in many ways, and people may not associate their implants and such with that word. What about taking it further? While there's no defying God's creation by mitigating damag caused through defects and mutations (originating in the Fall of Man), some folks with a worldview rooted in naturalism want to help evolution along thro

Social Sciences Promoting Darwinism and the Left

It should be obvious that the public has a right to expect scientists to act like scientists: using logic, presenting evidence, being useful, and all that good stuff. Unfortunately, we see researchers ignoring logic, torturing evidence until it seems to support their claims, being elitists , and supporting leftist political views. This is even more evident with the so-called social sciences (for example, see " Freedom and Evolutionary Psychology "). It is debatable if those things can legitimately be called sciences, since they only have a modicum of the requirements of the others. Darwin trash dumpster fire, Flickr / Cowboy Bob Sorensen ( CC BY-NC 2.0 ) One of the unscientific reports recently presented could easily fall under the leftist "Men are Bad" heading. Boys and men build up muscle, so they will have violent behaviors. Well, forget nature, then (as well as their own evolutionary myths). Also, define "violence" because those of us who use our thi

Freedom and Evolutionary Psychology

What is arguably the best job security for a secular scientist is something that has the word evolutionary  in the title. Those things are self-serving, requiring assumptions of Darwinism, then working from there in efforts to prop up evolution and do research that has no practical value. It is interesting that atheists sometimes say that Christianity does not allow free will, but they use theirs to reject God. Then they argue from their materialistic presuppositions and preach evolution — which means that we are all just animals responding to our electro-chemical impulses. Wolf pack, Unsplash / Thomas Bonometti What atheists and other evolutionists don't understand is that ought  or should  that can not be justified in their worldview. If an atheist complains that a Christian is doing something wrong (or creationists "lying" about evolution by presenting material that refutes it), they are appealing to a higher moral standard . By doing so, they are tacitly admitting tha

Scientific Elitism and Critical Thinking

When scientists write papers or give presentations to the public, obviously they should have superior knowledge on their areas of expertise. The problem is when scientists act like they are superior to other people beyond this. People have been told to trust and follow the science in many areas such as COVID-19, global warming, evolution, and others. Many experts who are considered outsiders raise questions and present contrary evidence to their claims, and the elitist attitudes of the previous are revealed. The performance masques have slipped quite a bit lately. This "1889 Guy" was colorized at , further modified with FotoSketcher This elitism is especially evident in the secular science industry. They "know" they are right, and have also been married up with leftist political agenda. Elitists are motivated to make others agree with them. Unlike biblical creationists, for example, who do not shield people from evolutionary views but encourage critical

The Kobayashi Maru of Lizard Evolution

In Star Trek II: The Wrath of Kahn , a training exercise called the  Kobayashi Maru was presented. It was named after a spaceship, and the exercise was a no-win situation. The only time it was beaten is when cadet James Tiberius Kirk reprogrammed the simulation. He was commended for original thinking. Some may view that as cheating, but computer simulations are incomplete. However, when it comes to the evolution of lizards, which is one of many evolutionist  Kobayashi Maru scenarios, cheating is blatant. It is also applauded because the end result makes Darwin smile. Lizard, RGBStock / Michal Zacharzewski Once again, the "earlier than thought" expression is utilized. In this case, it was about the alleged evolution of lizards, snakes, and so on. The researchers claimed that these critters evolved in the Jurassic, and that was a time of evolutionary "innovation." Now this  is beyond just using a metaphor, and it is clearly reification; evolution is not an entity tha

Abortion and Rebellion against the Created Order

The ideal status of the family unit was established by God in the beginning, which was one man and one woman. This was attacked shortly thereafter, and has been ever since. In fact, it is increasing. The Christian worldview sees other humans as created in the image of God. It was shocking to pagan nations, but gradually began to take hold in cultures and governments. It was the Christian influences and advocacy that led to the abolition of slavery, and the elevation of women and children, because all are bearers of God's image. Empty bassinet, Freestocks /  Joanna Malinowska People who hate God (whether they admit it or not) have rebelled against his created order for the family unit. Secularists use political ideologies that are ultimately Marxist in outlook, pretending that they are doing what is best for people. They promote false alternatives for the family, and claim that abortion is a "woman's right" and "healthcare" and will keep the bassinet empty. I

Deep Time and Evolutionary Inflation

Believers in atoms-to-archaeologist evolution have long proclaimed that time is one of the heroes of their story, and that given enough time, anything can happen. Their stercoration is largely successful because few people consider probabilities, scientific facts, evolutionists' history of fraudulent and incompetence when handling science, and more. That word million  is casually thrown around, but folks generally disunderstand what it means. We are to be awestruck and fascinated when scientists use of the term  millions of years , and that is another way for them to hoodwink the public. Pixabay / Pete Linforth Claims of millions of years (unobserved, of course) are a smoke screen to assist materialists when dealing from the bottom of the deck to get a straight flush of secular miracles. Assertions of " it evolved " are shrouded in deep time. If you watch closely, they even stack the deck to gain evolutionary dates they want, even if it means contradicting other evolution

Irrational Ethical Treatment of Animals

Sensible people can agree that torturing animals for personal pleasure, as well as having callous disregard for their lives, is wrong. There are individuals and activist groups that campaign for animal rights. However, their positions are inconsistent and irrational. They have a worldview based on atoms-to-animal evolution. If Darwin's version of evolution were true (survival of the fittest and all that) humans should be able to do what we want. By saying mistreatment is wrong, they violate their worldview. In the Christian worldview, however, caring for creatures makes sense. Basement Cat, Flickr / Cowboy Bob Sorensen ( CC BY-NC-SA 2.0 ) It is interesting that vegetarians and vegans use their philosophies as a badge of honor (virtue signaling), and sit in self-appointed judgment of omnivores. To be blunt, they act like cultists (1 Tim. 4:1-5, and see " Vegetarianism Has Become an End-Time Religion ", thanks to WHYOutreach for the link). By saying that something is wrong

Quote Mining and Damage Control

Believers in universal common ancestor evolution are often presented as being united in their beliefs, with only a few small details disputed in the drawing room over cigars and brandy. Evolutionists often get on the prod when creationists refute this false image. In US law, statements against interest  are admissible in court. When we use the words of evolutionists who are candid about their doubts , accusations of quote mining  are utilized. One of the most impressive statements against interest was made by Dr. Colin Patterson. Unfortunately, some Christians have done quote mining. It usually seems to be from uninformed but enthusiastic people who want to have a "gotcha" remark against evolution. From those who are informed, and especially from creationist organizations, the charge is generally unfounded because such people know the importance of context and checking the facts. We cannot be like misotheists and anti-creationists who do  use quote mining of the Bible. In Da

Evolutionists Continuing to Tease

Even the hands at the Darwin Ranch (near Deception Pass) know that evolution is not a "proven fact", they leave that assertion to the scientifically ignorant. But they like to make promises like dangling a carrot in front of a horse to keep it moving forward. Evolution is based on faith. That's right, I said it!  Always waiting for the next big thing that might validate their beliefs, secularists believe despite lack of evidence . Lots of smoke and mirrors about mysteries of evolution. In the midst of this, they keep making promises. Cropped from Pixabay / Dede Never willing to play the cards they're dealt, they pretend to have winning hands by bluffing and saying insipid things about how facts that contradict evolution shed light on our understanding. Except that evolutionists do not give us any science, just guesses, maybes, speculations, and so on. They pick up those things on the ground behind horses, polish them, and displaying them in the evolutionary turd museu

Incomplete Science and Climate Change Policies

It must be rough being a scientist who is trying to investigate, explore, calculate, and generally do science stuff, but the secular science industry has leftist and materialistic agendas. (I know myself the feeling of working for dishonest companies while trying to make a living, but it must be worse for a genuine scientist.) Especially when having questions and scientific material ignored or even suppressed. Not only is this rampant in origins research, but leftists manipulate global warming with fear and disingenuous science. Made from images at Clker and Open Clipart One blatant example of sycophants in the secular science industry is how a  vampire squid fossil was named after Joe Biden . This was done not because of paleontology, but because they approve of his "green" agenda. That stuff is  very socialist . People can be intimidated with the appeal to authority of, "Scientists say..." Political leftists and the secular science industry use that, coupled with

Now Paleontology is Racist!

The secular science industry is ruining science by supporting leftist causes , and Russell Watchtower is working overtime. He heads up the Ministry of Truth at the Darwin Ranch (west on Folly Road, past Stinking Lake, up toward Deception Pass). The wokeness gang declares that paleontology is racist. Instead of opposing or even ignoring such nonsense, secularists react, " Yahyuh, yahyuh, dat makes good sense! " White people are bad — because reasons and stuff. We developed many sciences, and obtained fossils where they are found. This includes places now occupied by people of color. Made at PhotoFunia using a Wikimedia Commons image from Daderot  ( CC0 1.0 ) In some astonishingly bad logic (frequently found when promoting fish-to-fool evolution), Nature allows numerous unsupported claims in a capitulation to leftist absurdity. In addition to anti-white, anti-wealthy assertions, they conveniently neglect how "colonialism" occurred throughout history. When asserting t

Darwin Did Evolutionary Fraud Before it was Cool

When votaries in Evolutionism accuse biblical creationists of lying about evolution, they are unable to back up their claims. As I have said numerous times before, disagreements, errors, jokes, disliking facts and so forth — those are not lies. But lies are fine when promoting evolution. Charles Robert Darwin as a great scientist, even though he had no formal scientific training. (His only degree was in theology.) While he made many observations and took copious notes, his science skills were lacking. In his third major book, his integrity was conspicuously absent. When one makes charges of lying or fraud, extreme caution is necessary and the facts must support the accuser. Darwin presupposed evolution when writing about expressions in animals. Our "closest relatives" have far fewer muscles for facial expressions than humans, but he used animals as a basis for expressions in humans anyway. It did not go well. The expression "pictures don't lie" is definitely unt

Decolonization and the Destruction of Science

Several instances of how the secular science industry is espousing leftist causes have been examined, and to be blunt, their worldview of atheistic naturalism and the left's Marxist ideology are compatible. Therefore, it should not be surprising to see that things are worsening. A spell back, we looked at " Wokeness and Canceling Science ." By saddling up with the politically correct crowd and "being woke", the secular science industry is destroying itself — and harming many people who are trying to just do science work. Pixabay / Simona Leftists are using injustices — real and imagined — to obtain power through manipulation. This involves redefining words. "Woke" in their parlance means that white people are bad, all are automatically racist, so leftists tell people of color they're victims to get them angry. Manipulate them into being useful idiots for Marxist ideology. Tell the big lies and repeat them. Rappers Dr. Dre and Snoop Dogg have net w

Wokeness and Canceling Science

by Cowboy Bob Sorensen  Although I want to write about biblical creation science and refutations of universal common ancestor evolution, culture and politics force themselves into the material. Part of the problem is that the secular science industry supports leftist causes , so science-related discussions become tainted with the stuff . The secular science industry has tried for years to replace the Creator with false gods of Evolution and Natural Selection. Evolutionists are reaping what they have sown — and  this time it scares them .  Mostly made at PhotoFunia Materialists impose their naturalistic origins mythology on the world in the name of science and reason. Such philosophies cry "Havoc!" and let loose the dogs of absurdity. Even atheist Friedrich Nietzsche had a  glimmer of the truth  that we need God. Wokeness is a result of their worldview. In these days of postmodernism , which includes situational ethics and subjective morality , wokeness  is similar in that the

Natural Selection in the Secular Science Industry

Disciples of the Lord Darwin have a problem because they are reaping what they have sown. After all, they believe in natural selection and survival of the fittest, so those things logically should occur in the secular science industry. The mysterious machines at work in their mind are not consistent with their fundamentally-flawed worldview. If morality comes from evolution , they cannot be consistent and lament unethical and immoral behavior. Secularists are inadvertently appealing to God when they want an ultimate standard. Hudson River...thing, Flickr / Cowboy Bob Sorensen ( CC BY-NC-SA 2.0 ) If using fake science, referencing retracted papers , submitting fraudulent papers and having them pass peer review makes them survive better — sure, why not? Some establishments have a "publish or perish" standard that puts tremendous pressure on some folks who simply want to go about their business conducting scientific research, so that probably contributes to the temptation to ch

Darwinian Racism in American Medical Research

Regular readers have seen numerous instances where Darwinian views have not only hindered science, but been harmful as well. For example, alleged vestigial organs were surgically removed but later found to have tremendous benefits, and so-called "junk" DNA is useful after all . Darwin's disciples try to downplay  soi-disant  scientific racism and social Darwinism that ran rampant from Victorian times and well into the 20th century. Although some of those things have faded, Americans participated in a disgraceful Naziesque medical study on black men that ended in 1972. Tuskegee syphilis study / CDC (usage does not imply endorsement of site contents) The United States Public Health Service (PHS) and the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) promised a six-month study of syphilis on black men, but those men were not informed they had the disease. Nor were they given readily-available treatments. Syphilis is a nasty, sneaky disease that is preventable and can prove fatal. Like N

Evolution and Morality

by Cowboy Bob Sorensen  Although misotheists are divided on many things, some pretend that they are unified and it is the fault of Christians and creationists for not understanding them. Some time ago, I made a disparaging remark about an atheist's claim that people get morality from evolution. When I mentioned it later, another told me I was being ridiculous because they do not believe such a thing. The telegraph lines must have been down because one or the other did not get the correct message. Atheists frequently get on the prod and seem compelled to contradict anything the st00pid dujmb theist will say — even at the point of denying their own mythology or actual scientific facts for the sake of being disputatious. Trying to have a rational discussion with the average internet atheist is often like trying to teach a pig to sing (it wastes your time and irritates the pig). As a student of presuppositional apologetics , I've learned that the apologists needs to show that the u