
Showing posts with the label Racism

Evil People Trying to Prove Evolution

by Cowboy Bob Sorensen  The content of this post (and especially in the featured article below) is  both important and disturbing , so be forewarned on both counts. People want to believe they are special, and the Nazis used evolutionism, bad science, and propaganda to "prove" the Aryan "race" was superior. Background image furnished by  Why?Outreach An honest examination of evolutionary thinking reveals that it has spawned many evils, including: Medical malpractice such as  "junk" DNA  and  "vestigial" structures Communism Scientific Racism It played a major factor in  World War I Eugenics Abortion Nazi racist policies , which were not limited to the Jews,  but also Gypsies  and others As we have seen many times, many adherents of the  Darwin Death Cult® are not driven by evidence, but instead are trying to promote the atheistic naturalism narrative . (If evolutionists were indeed following the evidence, they would all be biblical creationists!

Darwinism and the Gypsy Holocaust

The trope of Gypsies traveling in wagons was rather common on television and in movies, often as comedy. They were viewed with suspicion and hostility, and some probably perpetuated their image as thieves and swindlers. However, the caricatures are inadequate. Encampment of Gypsies with Caravans , Vincent van Gogh, 1888 It is true that they had nomadic groups . Accents given to them on television seemed to be Hungarian, Romanian, and similar, but they did not originate from those areas. Gypsies are the Romani (or Roma ) people, and are a large minority in Eastern European countries even today. However, this ethnic group has a language similar to Hindi, and they probably came from India way back when. We hear about the Nazi persecution of the Jews, less about the Japanese atrocities in World War II , but not very much about the persecution and murders of many thousands of Romani people. Why pick on them? After all, Hitler didn't discuss them. It was because of Darwinian views of t

Effects of Evolutionary Thinking on Law and History

Regular readers have seen how the distraction of, "Evolution is just biology" is completely false. We recently saw how evolutionism can be a religion in its own right , and how it is a worldview through which people interpret data and make choices. Christopher Langdell portrait by Frederick Porter Vinton , modified Secular geologists "know" that the world is billions of years old. That's what the Bearded Buddha wants, that's what he gets — evidence for the young earth is suppressed or ignored. Social Darwinism was the application of his biological ideas to produce eugenics and a drastic increase in abortions , scientific racism , women as inferior , and much more. William Blackstone wrote his commentaries on the law, and those were foundational for a long time. Christopher Langell was influenced by Darwin, and decided that since evolution was true, then everything evolves. The US Constitution is something that needs to evolve as well; judges are more importa

More Follies with Darwinian Racism

by Cowboy Bob Sorensen Although some acolytes for Charles Darwin try to deny it, his racism has been abundantly documented ( here is a sampling ), so we have no need to spend much time on that. To go further, we will examine how presuppositions based on "race" and "primitive people" influenced the treatment of ethnic groups. Modern Comanche by Frederic Remington, 1890 Once again, however, it needs to be stated that racism (despite the fact that genetically and biblically we are all one race) is ancient, and was exacerbated by Darwinian views and "scientific racism" [ 1 ] . One problem with deeming people to be primitive is the evolutionary concept that our ancestors swung down from the trees and commenced to developing consciousness, hunting, language, and civilizations. Evolutionists have been repeatedly surprised that their presuppositions have been demonstrated to be fatally flawed. Roads discovered beneath ancient Roman roads in Britain [ 2

So Mother Earth is Punishing Us with COVID-19

When riding the trails of social media, it is not surprising to find some mighty strange ideas about COVID-19. An actor thinks that Earth is punishing us for our environmental crimes. Idris Elba is promoting a pagan view of Earth as a living thing , which has grown in popularity even in evolutionary circles (see " More Gaia Paganism in Evolution "). Earth is not an entity, old son. Earth image from Clker Clipart blended with COVID-19 image from the CDC It is interesting that Elba is "race conscious" by stating the obvious: black people can get the virus . His worldview probably excludes the biblical fact that there are no races . Ethnic groups, sure. But we're all the same race. It is amazing to this child that people foolishly look to uninformed but highly opinionated celebrities for medical and political advice. Since Earth is not a living being, it cannot decide to make a virus to punish us. Elba does not indicate how he knows that the pagan

Turkana Boy and the Darwin Disciples

The cloud of dust indicated two riders approaching my spread. As it turned out, Stormie Waters and her pal Ruby Slippers rode down from Deception Pass. They were all het up because personal combat was ensuing again at the Darwin Ranch, this time over how to interpret Turkana Boy. Turkana at Kenya museum, image credit Wikimedia Commons /  Akrasia25  ( CC by-SA 4.0 ) Whenever there are fossils, bones, and artifacts, evolutionary scientists commence to disagreeing. (Actually, that's a good thing in science.) Most fossils and such are sparse and scattered, so there is much to cuss and discuss. Even the more complete Turkana Boy sparks many areas of controversy, including things like his age, whether he is a he or she, the H. Erectus or H. ergaster, and if he or she was deformed. The secular science industry's fake news branch has not given this guy much coverage because the dating methods used rule him out for being an evolutionary ancestor of humans. There is only one inco

Brian Sims and the Increasing Fanaticism of Abortionists

by Cowboy Bob Sorensen People who support abortion are frequently vehement in their views, but it should give Brian Sims (a Democrat member of the Pennsylvania House of Representatives) reason to pause when both pro-life and pro-abortion people agree that he is out of line . It is obvious that he is a bully. However, I am not going to spend much time dealing with what has already been covered in the news. Instead, we are going to ride along a slightly different trail and learn some important things. Credit: Freestocks / Joanna Malinowska Before we return to Brian Sims, some other items need to be mentioned. I learned quite a bit from The Chris Stigall Show podcasts, including interviews and his own insight, so I thank him for that. I recommend the podcast called " The Great Pushback " at the 19 min. 34 sec. mark for an excellent discussion. Free to listen online or download. The Evolution Deception Regular readers know that I am strongly pro-life. A child is f

Breeding Humans and Chimpanzees

In my early 2018 article " Human-Chimp Hybrids? ",  I discussed some of the science philosophy and ethical concerns with this breeding concept. The article linked below deals with some of the science as well as other problems.   Purveyors of molecules-to-monkey evolution and other secularists have long sought to do away with the Creator in regards to their version of science. Charles Darwin was influenced by Charles Lyell's ideas of geology, and Lyell wanted to divorce geology "from Moses" . A similar view has been used in attempts to breed humans with chimpanzees. Credit: RGBStock / Stella Bogdanic No, we're not talking about actual physical contact, as breeding between the two does not and cannot happen in nature. Efforts have been made to make it happen artificially (with a racist approach, no less), but always failed. Now another sidewinder wants to use the CRISPR gene editing device to try again. He argues that humans are just animals and not

Recent Humans with the Wrong Features

Racism has been prominent in evolutionary thinking ever since Papa Darwin published his version of evolution. People seem to have an inordinate fondness of dividing things into categories, and this applies to people. Although out of fashion, racism still exists in evolutionary thinking today . Do not disunderstand me. I am not saying that all evolutionists are racists. But their theory is laden with racism and subdivisions. Ever notice that the evolutionary parade illustrations of simple to more complex humans also progress from dark to light skin? For that matter, "primitive" and "archaic" humans are dark skinned, considered more apelike because of their physical features. The Piltdown Man fraud included a human jaw and orangutan teeth. For that matter, some professing Christians who need to be quirted for their terrible science and worse theology believe in a non-Adamite (and non-white) race . Humans sure like to emphasize otherness, and not-us-ness! As

Darwinism and Chinese Communism

Some people wonder why the fuss about origins. After all, Darwin proposed a naturalistic view of origins, so let the scientists slap leather on that and we can just go on about our business. Unfortunately, evolutionary views have been applied to many areas, and even prompted tyrants and wars. Mao Zedong ca. 1950 via Wikimedia Commons If you search this site, you will find links to articles on many outgrowths of Darwin's death cult, including eugenics, abortion, "scientific" racism, and more. It is worth noting that Darwin's sidewinders saw fit to get into wars. Darwinism played a prominent role in World War One , the Nazi race holocaust , communism , and more. Remember, the religion of atheism has evolution as a cornerstone, and millions of people were murdered by atheist evolutionists. What people may have forgotten (or neglected, since evolution is adored by "wise" people and many scientists) is that the atrocities in Communist China under Chairman

Evolutionary Racism Against — Neanderthals?

Once again, I want to emphasize a couple of things. First, informed biblical creationists do not believe in "races", as evinced in Acts 17:26 and the fact that the Bible does not use the word "races". Also, we do not say that evolution causes racism. Racism has existed for millennia, but Darwinism has been used to make it scientifically respectable . If you study on it, the ones making the "science" thought darker-skinned people were of inferior evolution and Caucasians were superior. And before someone from Fallacy Central puts words in my mouth: no, being an evolutionist does not mean you're a racist. There are no races, but there are people groups. But since "people group-ism" is a mite awkward, I'll use the more widely understood and less syllabic word racist for the purpose of discussion. Despite evolutionary mythology, scientists have reluctantly admitted that Neanderthals were indeed fully human. (See the links at " Losin

Whose Life Matters?

by Cowboy Bob Sorensen I don't know about other countries, but America is very "race" conscious. Some ethnic groups claim victim status and persecution from other groups, yet little attention is given to the murders of their own "kind". We hear about the "Black Lives Matter" group, and somehow, it becomes almost acceptable in the eyes of leftist media for them to block traffic and murder police officers. A response is, "Blue Lives Matter", because we need the police to do their jobs. There's a whole heap of racism from whites, blacks, and other groups that you want to name. Somehow, the lives of unborn children are not important to many people. "College Liberal" "meme" inspired by comments from Doug McBurney . This poor girl has been used in so many "memes", and was probably just minding her own business when the picture was taken. Did you know the word slave is based on the word Slav , as in Slav

Further Studies in Scientific Racism

People like Bill Nye, Neil deGrasse Tyson, Laurence Krauss and others believe that when people lack belief in evolution, they are hindering the progress of science (equivocation fallacy, "evolution" and "science"). Evolutionary thinking has consequences; it is not just a theory of biology, but a worldview with many negative results. Nobody is saying that if you believe in evolution, you're a racist. Nor can I find anyone who thinks that racism is caused by evolutionary thinking. But evolutionary thinking accelerated racism. One of those negative results is making racism scientifically acceptable. After people began waking up to how racism cannot be scientifically justified, and when it became socially unacceptable, evolutionists were distancing themselves from their own history. (Biblical creationists who stood by their Scriptural presuppositions that man is from "one blood" have been proven justified.) When I posted " More Modern Evoluti

More Modern Evolutionary Racism

Darwinists try to distance themselves (or even deny) the racism in evolution, although that is well established . So what do evolutionary anthropologists do? Use more racism in their "research". The basic presuppositions are that evolution itself is a fact, and certain ethnic groups are less evolved than white people. In this case, the logic goes further downhill. A case of scientific racism? An anthropologist studied living Kalahari Bushmen for clues to the evolution of cognition. Human beings are long, long past any evolutionary stage anthropologists could claim they were going through 400,000 years ago when our ancestors allegedly learned to control fire. (Michael Balter in Nature asserts that date, even though evidence of cooking goes back millions of years in the evolutionary timeline; 6/17/09.) So what are anthropologists doing listening to the campfire stories of living tribesmen to draw inferences about our evolutionary past? To read the rest of this art

The Corrosive Effects of Evolutionary Thinking

In a previous post, I gave a detailed explanation of how militant atheism, evolution, paganism and Fascism have elements in common, and that atheo-fascists are aggressively pushing the pagan-based religion of evolutionism . After I posted that, I learned that Bob Enyart aired an interview with Dr. Jerry Bergman on Real Science Radio . This interview will be a good follow-up to the article linked above. Evolutionary thinking has been at the root of many atrocities. It was also a major factor in the making of mass-murdering monsters . Dr. Bergman and Bob Enyart discuss how this thinking has been behind the dehumanizing of people, racism, eugenics, genocide and yes, pagan evolutionism of the Nazi worldview. Ideas have consequences. You can listen live or download " Darwinism: The Universal Acid ".

Evolution, Racism and the Bible

Bigotry has been around for millennia. That is, about as long as there has been fear and hatred of people who are different. Sometimes it is so shallow, people are despised for living in the next town! (Personally, I think that bigots pick an excuse to hate someone so that they can build up their own weak egos by putting down others and then feebly trying to justify it.) Perhaps racism is faster and easier than other forms of bigotry. No particular ethnic group has a monopoly on receiving discrimination or racism. And no, labeling someone a racist because you dislike or disagree with them is a cheap way to manipulate emotions. People rightly point out that racism did not begin with evolutionism. However, Darwin gave a veneer of scientific respectability to racism. Some people believe that there are "less favored" groups who did not evolve as well as others. Contrast that with what the Bible says about races. Big difference. Genetically, the differences between us are qu

Evolution, Racism and Aborigines

Although some people try to deny it, evolution has been used as a "scientific" basis for racism . White Europeans had largely forgotten that their lifestyles originated with biblical principles, and believed that they were racially superior. Such ideas became justified by Darwinism, and were found in the United States and elsewhere. (Why do you think Elliot Marston thought it was just fine to hire Matthew Quigley to kill off Aborigines ?) Some people thought that blacks were "less evolved" than whites, so they should be treated like the inferiors that they considered to be. Biblical principles, genetics and medical science give a far different perspective than the fantasies resulting in evolutionary presuppositions. It is a sad fact that there is a large gap in social stability and opportunities between Australia’s Aboriginal people and the rest of the society there. But why is this so? A reader wonders whether the evolutionist sentiment that Aboriginal