Science, the Bible, and Islam

Someone made a galactically vapid attack on "religion", stating that since all religions cannot be right, none of them are. Misotheists often categorize religion as if they were all the same. We shall consider the two largest monotheistic religions regarding science and culture.

There are superficial resemblances between Islam and Christianity. When we look at the Koran, the Bible, and science, differences become apparent.
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When pointing out how science thrives in the proper environment and that many of the founders of modern science were not only Christians but also biblical creationists, scoffers sometimes bring up ancient Persian astronomers and mathematicians. However, Mohammedanism is not conducive to science. (How many Islamic scientists who have contributed to society can you name?) Indeed, many things attributed to ancient Persians were actually borrowed from other cultures.

For that matter, how many have contributed to culture? Their architecture is not original, and the Koran takes a dim view of music. Those who are in the performing arts are obviously not fundamentalists.

The Bible and the Koran agree superficially that life was created, but the details are extremely different. (Allah may do reverse evolution by turning someone into an ape!) When contrasting the creation narrative of the Bible with remarks about creation in the Koran, it is easy to tell that the Bible was written with knowledge and authority. Add to this that Islam has some distinctly unscientific teachings, but the Bible has never been wrong on scientific facts.

If a religion is the one true religion then the god of that religion, the claimed creator, must be a supernatural being; one who is separate from and beyond nature. If that god is a holy god who is all powerful and all knowing, then that god would know all things absolutely and would communicate accurate and truthful facts about history, medicine, music, art and science. 

The Christian Bible, although available in many translations from the original texts, is filled with accurate statements about history, medicine, music, art and science. The 14 variants (seven major texts, each with two equally accepted versions) of the Koran (also Quran or Qurʼan) are filled with inaccurate statements about history, medicine, music, art and science.

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Any religion is founded upon its “creation” account consisting of who or what is responsible and how all things came into existence. That creation foundation determines the relationship between the god and the people that were created. The first test for the one true religion must be that its creation account is rational, reasonable, logical and based in evidence (scientifically accurate). Consider the following comparisons between the creation accounts of the Bible and the Korans and get a sense of which one fits these four standards:

To read this extremely interesting by quite long article, saddle up and ride over to "Is Islam a Scientifically Valid Religion?" For the record, the article was posted in 2020, but I believe it was written before that. This only affects superficial details.