Evosplaining Dinosaur Extinction with Volcanic Activity

Believers in descent with modifications evolution often evosplain dinosaur extinction with the Chicxulub big rock impact, insisting on consensus among evolutionists. There is some consensus, but a majority does not make truth.

There are serious problems with that impact story. One of the most obvious is that if the asteroid (or comet, or meteorite) killed off the dinosaurs, it should have taken a passel of more fragile creatures as well. It has been suggested that volcanic activity was important to destroying the dinosaurs.

The Chicxulub impact is the usual story of dinosaur extinction, but it has serious problems. Some scientists think volcanic activity is the culprit.
Artist's conception of Chicxulub impact, NASA Goddard
A fragment of agreement exists between secular and creation scientists: There was a great deal of volcanic activity in Earth's past. Of course, the two camps have no agreement on the hows and whys of the volcanism. If secularists didn't have a "Katie, bar the door!" attitude toward creation science models of the Genesis Flood and Ice Age, they might see that they are getting closer to the best explanation of the evidence.
A recent paper suggests that enormous volcanic eruptions in India caused climatic cooling that contributed to the extinction of the dinosaurs. Most mainstream scientists think an asteroid struck Mexico’s Yucatan peninsula 66 million years ago, forming the famous Chicxulub crater, and that this impact was the primary cause of the extinction of dinosaurs. However, this new paper suggests there may be other factors, such as cooling due to massive volcanic eruptions, that played a role. This is a reminder that, despite popular perception, the impact theory of dinosaur extinction has problems and is still a source of contention among even conventional scientists.

The rest of this interesting article is found at "Mainstream Dinosaur Extinction Doubts."