Inner Workings of DNA Repair

Believers in molecules-to-mechanic evolution maintain that vertical change happens through natural selection and mutations. However, those mutations need huge amounts of time to accumulate, and a strong argument for a young earth is genetic entropy.

That is, at the rate of mutations seen today factored into the assumed age of humans on Earth, we should be extinct. Evolutionists have another problem to contend with, and that is how built-in biological DNA repair mechanisms are working to keep mutations at a minimum.

Welder with DNA, original image: Pixabay / Natsan P Matias; modified with DNA image from Clker clipart
From a biblical creation viewpoint, everything was very good immediately after creation (Gen. 1:31). Death and degeneration entered into creation when Adam sinned (Rom. 5:19). Things began to go downhill. Mutations slipped through the repair systems and things are increasingly worse. Even so, those repair mechanisms are extremely effective at slowing down mutations that Darwin's disciples crave.
DNA contains the instructions needed to build a whole body from one fertilized egg cell. Chromosomes consist of double-stranded DNA that uses specifically paired nucleotides in precise sequences to encode this information. Our Creator selected four nucleotides for this, with each pair comprising a “rung” in the long, ladder-like biomolecule.

In today’s sin-wrecked world, factors like certain chemicals, rogue electrons, radiation, and rare copying errors constantly assail DNA. The DNA in each cell suffers tens of thousands of damages each day. Without intervention, it wouldn’t take long for a lethal number of errors to accumulate.

The rest of the article can be read at "DNA Repair: The Built-in Toolbox That Sustains Life." Also recommended: "Contrast Biblical Worldview vs. Evolutionary Worldview."