No Evolution in Fossil Leaf Miner

Time and time again, believers in descent with modifications find a problem with their story and pretend that it gives them insight. Many even feign excitement. Interesting that they dig in deeper instead of cowboying up and admitting that their paradigm is fundamentally flawed.

Insects that burrow into leaves and eat them from the inside are known as leaf miners. In an area known for extremely well-preserved fossils, leaf miners were found — showing no change in millions of Darwin years.

Miner, Comstock Mine, 1861 via National Archives, colorized at Lunapic, then modified at PhotoFunia
It was also one of those "earlier than thought" moments that happen frequently. Insects eating the leaves at the time of fossilization were exhibiting the same behavior that their living counterparts have. The evidence better supports recent creation, old son.

The doctoral candidate in charge (was he lighting candles to Darwin to impress others in the secular science industry?) cited evolution, but there was nothing of the kind demonstrated. He should be instructed on what is evidence for evolution, not for making unwarranted claims.
Knecht et al. stated that this endophytic feeding behavior “sheds light on the evolutionary transition to true foliar endophagy.” But it does nothing of the sort. The plant and insect remain the same. Transitioning to true foliar endophagy has nothing to do with real evolution; rather, it represents an ecological shift.

To read it all, visit "Fossil Leaf Miners."