
Showing posts with the label Dinosaurs

Sheep Mummy and Dinosaur DNA

When science is done properly, it ruins atoms-to-archaeologist evolution. While too many people are gullible and simply accept what "scientists say", others are suspicious when research halts after propaganda points are reached or inconvenient questions are raised. A mummified sheep was in the news. (No, it was not mummified by ancient Egyptians, awakened, and Brendan Fraser stopped its rampage.) Natural mummification occurred where the right conditions cause drying out with little or no decomposition. A sheep mummy leg was so well preserved, its DNA was sequenced. FreeDigitalPhotos /  tawatchai (modified with Clker clipart) While decay can be slowed under ideal conditions, it cannot be stopped. This raises obvious questions about DNA in fossils buried in the ground under typical conditions. DNA deteriorates and would be too broken down to be analyzed. Once again, evidence indicates recent creation. DNA that is “extremely well preserved” has been analyzed from a sheep mumm

The Cretaceous is Crummy for Evolution

We continue the series by Dr. Tomkins of the Institute for Creation Research on geological layers, this time seeing problems presented by the Cretaceous to particles-to-paleontologist evolutionists. Slow and gradual transitions from simple to complex are just not happening. The lack of transitional forms was acknowledged by Charles Darwin to be a difficulty for his ideas, but he pressed on in the hope that maybe someday they would be found. Evolution is supposed to be built on evidence, not blind faith or wishful thinking. Edmontosaurus annectens by  Nobumichi Tamura  at Wikimedia Commons ( CC BY-SA 3.0 ) Despite their appearances in movies with the word "Jurassic" in their titles, some of the most famous dinosaurs are registered to vote in the Cretaceous. (Paleontologists are seeking rescuing devices while biblical creationists are celebrating soft tissues and more from these bad boys.) There is nothing to indicate evolution, they just suddenly appeared — which is yet anoth

Fossil Graveyards Continue to Testify of the Genesis Flood

A spell back, a Page on Fakebook dedicated to sharing Christian material for the purpose of mockery stated in part, "Another thing that supposedly confirms Noah's flood." If this troop of Darwin's Flying Monkeys™ paid attention, there are numerous evidences for the Genesis Flood, not just a couple of items. Here we have two examples of something troubling to evolutionists and deep-time proponents: massive fossil graveyards. There are many of these all around the world, and are not just anomalies to dismiss. Credit: Another work by  Nobumichi Tamura  at Wikimedia Commons ( CC BY-NC-ND 3.0 ) In an article originally posted in 2007, a passel of dinosaur fossils was discovered not all that far from Ulan Bator, Mongolia. While parrot-beaked dinosaurs were smaller than the big ones that get so much attention, they were not tiny and helpless. Paleontologists are baffled, and tried to evosplain the fossils. It did not go well. How do you fossilize 187 parrot-beaked dinosaurs

Original Lambeosaur Molecules Discovered

When scientific evidence provides bad news for evolution, Katie, bar the door! Then commence to building rescuing devices, making excuses, and spinning the details. They are on edge because hydrogen-to-hadrosaur evolution has been getting the smackdown from scientific findings in recent years. As predicted by Dr. Mark H. Armitage , dinosaur soft tissues (devastating to deep-time beliefs) are increasingly common. Other advances in technology have provided some fascinating information, but is not friendly to Darwin. Teachers of evolution , as well as the secular science industry itself, require reassurance at all costs. Lambeosaurus  image credit: Flickr / Robin Zebrowski  ( CC BY 2.0 ) Lambeosaurus  is hung on the family tree of hadrosaurid (duck-billed) dinosaurs, proudly sporting hollow crests on their heads. Using Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy, researchers examined some Lambeosaur eggs and found amino acids. Those complex molecules are alleged to have lasted well beyond est

Jurassic Problems for Evolutionists

To hear people tell it, the geologic column shows distinct, orderly layers so the history of the earth is neatly laid out. In those layers, of course, are fossils of dinosaurs and other critters as they progressed from simple to complex. Not happening. As we continue the series on how geology and fossils are distinctly unhelpful to evolution, the Jurassic layer is fraught with difficulties. Indeed, the Charles Darwin Club Secret Decoder Ring™ cannot provide a coherent message to the faithful. Durdle Door / Jurassic Coast image credit: RGBStock /  Florian Engels The ancient continent Pangea began breaking up in the Triassic (probably due to global climate change), and this continued in the Jurassic. Secular scientists believe in several extinction events, but they have many problems explaining why some creatures did just fine while others joined the choir invisible. As in previous layers, many dinosaurs appeared suddenly, without a hint of evolution. As we have seen many times before, s

Dinosaurs and Biblical Creation

Just the other day we saw a trio of articles about Tyrannosaurus rex . There has also been a spate of other articles about dinosaur bone discoveries, and the "Katie, bar the door!" bad news for deep time proponents:  DNA  and  soft tissues . Regular readers have probably noticed that not only is there a variety of subjects covered on this weblog, but the difficulty level varies. After all, different people are reading these things. The article featured below is rather easy and covers some basics of biblical creation views on dinosaurs. Credits: Derivative on Pixabay by Andrew Martin , then modified at BigHugeLabs Because we're biblical creationists, we are real  freethinkers and believe that dinosaurs and humans lived together for a while. There are descriptions of critters that seem an awful lot like them in the Bible, such as behemoth and leviathan . (I added those for people who may be interested.) The biblical view is very different from the old-earth evolutionary vi

Wrecking Three T-Rex Reports

We have items that make reference to Tyrannosaurus rex , some more direct than others. It seems that it is increasingly frequent that the attempts to bolster Darwin's fantasies involve startlingly bad research, and the logic used should be utterly appalling to thinking people. As several other creationists and I have said, we need to have healthy skepticism about claims made regarding ancient historical science. Also, critical thinking is imperative: Question assertions and whether the evidence is valid; keep the pressure on them and don't be gullible. Now, about T-rex... Credit: RGBStock / Kevin Tuck Secular researchers have a habit of working from their naturalistic presuppositions, and interpreting data in a manner that should make Darwin smile. That's not science, old son, that's simply upholding a narrative. Tyrannosaurus rex  fossils were found buried together, therefore, they were social animals. Not hardly! Also, researchers acknowledged that a seasonal flood

Triassic Troubles and the Genesis Flood

Continuing the series on geological formations (the previous installment was " Permian Problems and the Genesis Flood "), we are seeing the uniformitarian storyline about life forms becoming increasingly complex is not supported by observed evidence. The Triassic is no friend of naturalistic beliefs There are assumed mass extinctions in the fossils, yet life forms are found that carry on just fine. The timing of these raises questions as well, such as why land extinctions are more spread out than that of marine organisms. Other creatures (including some interesting dinosaurs) appear suddenly in the Triassic and have no evolutionary ancestry. Credit: Wikimedia Commons /  Nobumichi Tamura (I like his work) ( CC BY-SA 4.0 ) The Triassic shows how the ancient continent called Pangea began to break up. This shows in the Newark Supergroup (no, not Frankie Valli and the Four Seasons). Roving gangs of dinosaurs stole vehicles, robbed shops — "You're making that up, Cowboy B

Dinosaur Bones Discovered in Ireland

A long-lasting case of anti-Irish discrimination has been put to rest, this time because they have some dinosaur bones to call their own. (Of course, it was not actual bigotry, just the way things happened.) Ireland can join the "We have dinosaurs" club. This was another instance of scientists essentially saying, "Let's give those things another look-see now that we have better equipment than when they were first discovered". It was concluded that they had a Megalosaurus and a Scelidosaurus . Click for more bigness These critters were found in marine rocks. Yeah, so? The Emerald Isle has a lot of sedimentary rocks, you know. Dinosaur bones and fully permineralized fossils are frequently found in those rocks. Secular ad hoc excuses may be satisfying for people who are already committed to uniformitarianism, but thinking people realize that the "swept out to sea, then buried" idea is a massive failure that ignores scientific processes. What does explai

Questions about Chicxulub and Dinosaur Extinction

Devotees of Darwin and deep time often act like the Chicxulub impact was the only  cause of dinosaur extinction, but they are expressing the most common view and ignoring (or are unaware of) other ideas in the secular science industry — the majority view is not a guarantee of truth. In addition, there are several problems with hot Chicx that have been brought to light. It is not surprising that Christians and creationists want to know if and how the Chicxulub event contributed to dinosaur extinction. Credit:  NASA  (usage does not imply endorsement of site contents) Indeed, where does it fit with Genesis Flood models? Like their secular counterparts, creation scientists have various models and theories. When it comes to not only ancient history and forensic science, but how the Flood affected plate tectonics, climate change, landforms, the Ice Age, and more — theories are going to conflict. For example, see the highly technical discussion in " Flood impacts reinforce volcanic cool

Marine Creature Extinctions and the Genesis Flood

In creation science literature and videos, there are numerous discussions of dinosaurs and other creatures becoming extinct as the direct or indirect result of the Genesis Flood. Some apparently became extinct immediately while others survived longer. Changing conditions on the earth, hunting, and other factors after the Flood contributed to their eventual demise. Seems like we do not hear as much about marine creatures. Sure, we know about smaller shallow-water critters, and it seems like anyone who has tried a bite of paleontology can identify a trilobite. There are other creatures that were entirely or mostly marine organisms that seem to have disappeared, immediately or eventually. They, too, were not only caught up in the cataclysmic upheavals of the Flood year, but the underwater world changed a great deal as well. Were these disappearances caused by mass extinction events as secular scientists have proposed? It doesn’t appear so. These so-called extinctions are actually just the

Disagreements about Dinosaur DNA Half-Life

Yes, I know, half-life  refers to the amount of time it takes for something radioactive to go through changes and decay. For example, Carbon-14 is unstable and is thought to decay into nitrogen-14 after 5,730 years. The term half-life has been appropriated for other uses, including how long half of a drug takes to leave a body. It seems fitting that since DNA deteriorates, similar calculations and curves are used for that as well. Secular scientists (as well as some of their churchian allies) are committed to narratives involving millions and billions of years, so they have having trouble with dinosaur soft tissues existing today and come up with rescuing devices to evosplain them away . If the half-life of dinosaur DNA in bone is 512 years, secularists have a passel of problems. This is causing cognitive dissonance because DNA in dinosaurs exists, but according to the narrative, it cannot. (To quote Chico Marx , "Who ya gonna believe, me or your own eyes?") Debates are occur

Confusion on Numbers of Dinosaur Species

It has been discussed before that paleontologists are uncertain as to the number of dinosaur species, and this problem has been analyzed again. It did not go well. Remember that they were not there, so they are constrained by various kinds of bones, fossils, and an increasing amount of soft tissues. Several observations are offered that make little sense. Credit: Pixabay /   Marek Jackowski It would be expected in the wild and woolly days of bone hunters like Othniel Charles Marsh and Edward Drinker Cope that they would be excited about a new fossil discovery and then slap a label on it. But as paleontology evolved, it was realized that males, females, juveniles were being categorized as different species. The idea of juvenile dinosaurs were out-competing each other was run up the flagpole, but not many are saluting it. There are variations between and within individuals. Also, the areas where subjects were found and analyzed are dinosaur graveyards with many specimens quite a distance

Extrapolation and Generalization

by Cowboy Bob Sorensen  Using my new assault keyboard in the fake science resistance. This one is also unregistered. Many fallacies are closely related, and they often overlap. Sometimes it is difficult to properly identify them. I reckon it is more important to use critical thinking skills and realize when someone is dealing from the bottom of the deck than categorizing those fallacies. Generalizing Misotheists frequently use the hasty generalization fallacy to demonize Christians and creationists. This induction fallacy is used when a generalization is made from insufficient evidence. F'rinstance, atheopaths post a link to an article where members of a crackpot cult let their child die because they did not seek medical attention, and their conclusions spanned, "Christians are stupid", "Religion is evil", and some even use this to claim, "There is no God". We don't need to ride the side trail and examine each of those in depth as well as addition

Fake News for T. Rex Feathered Babies

Those fun-loving folks purveying evoporn persist in promoting the majority beliefs that not only did dinosaurs evolve into birds, but they had feathers as well. T. Rex young'uns allegedly sported them as well. Some of us demand evidence, not just inferences or just-so stories. Assembled with components from Clker clipart We have examined claims that fossils show evidence of feathers (one post is " More On Dinosaur Feather Fake News "), but there is no conclusive evidence for this. Not that it matters, really, because God may have chosen to make some with feathers. It is not a threat to biblical creation science (but perhaps a threat to real science and logic when Darwin's disciples illogically extrapolate that into proof they evolved into birds). However, there is still no real evidence for feathered dinosaurs. Some interesting paleontology was tainted by non-science when feathers on young ones was claimed. The recent discovery of a tiny tyrannosaur jaw bone fragme

Solving the Dinosaur Demise Mystery

The most common narrative is that dinosaurs lived somewhere around 250 to 65 million Darwin years ago, then they became extinct. Whyzat? Supposedly they were doing fine until something fell from the sky and killed them off. Actually, secularists argue about their extinction. Credit: Pexels /  Engin Akyurt Your typical village atheist or other evolutionist seems to think that evolution is a "fact". To have a fact, there needs to be incontrovertible evidence. Not only is there considerable evidence refuting dust-to-dinosaur evolution, secular scientists are not in agreement about it. Nor do they agree about the extinction of dinosaurs (the fact that there is no evidence for their supposed evolution might have something to do with that). Some scientists think they gradually faded away, others think it was sudden. New research shots that it was sudden — and fits right nicely with creation science Genesis Flood models. Instead of excluding biblical creationists, the scientific co

Secular Dinosaur Bone Research Indicates Massive Flood

Darwin's Handmaidens on teh interwebs and social(ist) media often utter words of profound wisdom: "Haw, haw! You idiots believe in that global Flood!" However, they reject the Genesis Flood despite the evidence. How do they react when secular sources indicate a massive flood? Credit: Wikimedia Commons / Nobu Tamura ( CC BY-SA 3.0 ) While some evolutionists are quick to run off at the mouth and make proclamations that are not necessarily supported by evidence, a study was conducted over 20 years on dinosaur bones. (For supposedly having joined the choir invisible 65 million years ago, I reckon that their bones shouldn't be sticking up out of the ground like that.) They were disarticulated (not joined together), the bones were sorted from heavy to light, and other details. The data clearly indicates a huge flood. Biblical creationists have seen evidence of the global Genesis Flood in many places around the world. This includes sedimentary rock formations spanning huge

Dinosaur Soft Tissues, the Age of the Earth, and Microscopy

People familiar with The Question Evolution Project on Facebook should remember podcasts we posted of Dr. Ben Scripture of Scripture on Creation . (In fact, they interviewed me , and one of our topicss was Question Evolution Day .) Dr. Scripture contacted me with exciting news from his interview with Dr. Mark Armitage. File photo of Dr. Scripture (left), YouTube screenshot of Mark Armitage (right) We have two items of interest about how microscopy is not conducive to universal common descent evolution, the second of which will appear below. The one I like best is first. Mark Armitage is a bad man according to believers in molecules-to-microscopist evolution as well as proponents of an old earth. His crime? Having an article published in the peer-reviewed scientific journal  Acta Histochemica with Dr. Kevin Anderson about soft tissues in a Triceratops horn in 2012. Dr. Armitage had a successful job at the biological imaging facility at California State University, Northridge. The pr

Evolutionist References Sherlock Holmes to Explain Dinosaur

Have you ever heard of the genus Lambeosaurus ? Dinosaur enthusiasts probably know of this hadrosaur (duck-billed) hatchet-headed genus that had hollow crests, probably used for storing drinks and snacks. Found in Asia, North America and Europe — but how did one get to Africa? Credit: Wikimedia Commons / Dmitry Bogdanov ( CC BY 3.0 ) According to deep time evolutionary beliefs, Africa was surrounded by water before they supposedly evolved. This discovery was described as being out of place, and one evolutionist used a famous quote by Sherlock Holmes (A. Conan Doyle). Their scenarios fail, but creation science Genesis Flood models make sense of the discovery. Unfortunately, the lecturer did not apply that quote to the Flood explanation. That seems rather inconsistent. A new species of duck-billed dinosaur, Ajnabia odysseus , was recently unearthed in North Africa. This is the first hadrosaur-type dinosaur ever discovered on the continent of Africa, and it creates a conundrum for evolut

Depictions of Dinosaurs with Humans

Although the dirt-to-dinosaur evolution narrative precludes humans coexisting with them, there are historical evidences. We have examined some of these before, such as " St. David's Dragon ", the dinosaur on Bishop Bell's tomb , and others. There are others to consider. Spinophorosaurus  image credit: Wikimedia Commons /  Nobu Tamura  ( CC BY 3.0 ) Because of naturalistic evolutionary and deep-time presuppositions, Darwin's disciples evosplain away written historical accounts  and biblical depictions  of dinosaurs. If you strip away the storyline and assumptions to look at the evidence, it is not so easy to dismiss the fact that dinosaurs and humans coexisted. In addition to arguing from presuppositions, materialists argue from silence and ignore other possibilities. Is that a carving of a stegosaurus? No, because of this and that. Other possibilities neglected would be that it's a different dinosaur altogether, the carver was unskilled or made some adjustment