
Showing posts with the label Creation Evolution Headlines

The Battle of Evolution and Climate Change

As some people know, the secular science industry is flagrantly promoting the political left. Since leftists in general have disdain for God, it is not surprising that secular science and academia have long been indoctrinating people with particles-to-podiatrist evolution. Anthropogenic climate change (that is, human-caused global warming) is frequently discussed nowadays. It is based on evolutionary thinking and deep time, and creation views are rejected out of hand. Like with evolution, scientific evidence against the prevailing viewpoint is usually suppressed. The COP28 conference at the United Nations pushed communist objectives. Further, research showed that  people making decisions have no idea what is actually going on . A new study is putting forward the idea that evolution may prevent humans from stopping climate change, but the author seems as conflicted as the presentations at the COP 28 conference. Also, climate has been changing for a very long time — countless eons accord

Cyanide on Enceladus Causes Evolutionary Imaginings of Life

There are several kinds of cyanides used in various industrial applications , and it is present in many of the foods we eat. Low levels, of course. People have heard of cyanide in spy movies and such. In the correct form and concentration, cyanides are deadly. Believers in abiogenesis love it. Life from non-life has been disproved for a very long time, but Darwin's disciples desperately cling to the hope that it happened out yonder in space. Cyanide was invoked as something on the early earth to make abiogenesis possible. It exists on Enceladus. South polar region of Enceladus, NASA / JPL / Space Science Institute (usage does not imply endorsement of site contents) The discovery of this poison on a moon of Saturn has evolutionists all a-twitter, but there is no valid scientific reason for the excitement. Cyanide is only useful according to evolutionary storytelling, not actual science. Some of the mania expressed by some scientists and the propaganda outlets is amazing. It's

Gender Confusion and Regret

Before the chaos of today, young people would eventually grow comfortable in the sexes they were born with. There was therapy for them if needed. Not all that long ago, people were not demanding to have so-called gender reassignment surgery and to be called by pronouns of their choosing. Worse, children are being given puberty blockers which adversely affect their health. Medical professionals are causing harm and making big money doing it. Transsexuals are having regrets over their devastating life-changing choices. Daylily, Pixnio / Bicanski Rebellion against God's design for marriage and authority have been increasing for the past few years, and there is a great deal of pride and selfishness involved. At the beginning of creation, marriage was to be one man and one woman. Marriage has been redefined by courts and legislation by uppity humans. Also, it is impossible  to actually change genders. Hormones, laws, surgeries — but the reality of the sex one was born with persists all

Social Darwinism and Nazi Race Hygiene

Under totalitarian regimes, the best way to succeed in business and academia was to join the ruling party. There were members of the Communist Party who gave it lip service but their hearts were not really in it. In a similar way, joining the Nazi Party also gave freedom of movement. However, being a member of the party was also a way for advancement and to pursue ambitions. There were many German people who wanted to please  der Führer , and Nazi membership had its perks. War crimes were performed by Party doctors and nurses. Auschwitz gateway sign, Pixabay / Krzysztof Pluta The Lancet  is a respected medical organization that oversteps its bounds by writing screeds about global warming . In this case, they did serious research and issued a report on Darwinism and Nazi war crimes. One may think that for medical personnel to perform horrendous experiments and oversee the murders of millions of people, they had to be forced. No, they did those things enthusiastically. Eugenics (where th

The Evolution You Know is Wrong

For people who are knowledgeable about origins science, it may strike them as ironic when creationists are ridiculed by Darwin's disciples. On social(ist) media, it is not uncommon for an evolutionist to berate a creationist who knows more about evolution than he does. Creationists are stupid for not believing science, they claim. But study on it a spell. There are frequent reports coming out of the secular science industry where something happened "earlier than believed" and a new discovery causes a rethink. There are no unchanging and demonstrable laws in evolutionary science. Some believers in evolution admit that there have been quite a few challenges to their beliefs over the years. These seem to be happening more frequently. Unfortunately, "studies" and "research" deserve "scare quotes" because they raise numerous questions on their topics, and frequently do little more than produce propaganda. Secularists often seem oblivious to the fa

Fundamentally Flawed Secular Cosmology

Mistakes are made in various fields of science, which is to be expected by realistic people. Scientists try to correct them, but some try to cover them up or invent rescuing devices. In historical sciences like biological and cosmic evolution, scientists tend to wrong quite frequently. Regular readers have seen examples of failed predictions in cosmology and unexpected signs of youth  in the universe. There are a few secularists who admit their problems — even the big ones — to their lapdog press. Nebula W51, NASA / JPL-Caltech (usage does not imply endorsement of site contents) Materialists deny the Creator and formulate their own creation mythology; it's who they are and what they do. Many scientists get mighty uppity and pretend they have things figured out. It's rather startling when they admit to being wrong. (They've not been humbled enough to give God credit, but it's a start.) Some admit that observations of galaxies make them think that the standard model of

Eyes, and Evolution Falsified Again

Believers in universal common descent evolution appear to have cognitive difficulties, or mayhaps it is bravado. I say this because when faced with data they cannot explain, deep-time anomalies, theories shown to be false, they pretend to receive good news and something important about evolution has been learned. Indeed, fundamentalist evolutionists may shuffle the deck and deal again, but they do not question if the deck is valid in the first place — the deck being evolution. They need to cowboy up and question evolution itself. Fighter pilot with nice eyes wearing an oxygen mask, Flickr / Aviatrix (public domain) In their determination to give praise to Papa Darwin, some of his disciples compared the eyes of mammals with those of cephalopods. Interesting that people and critters have two eyes, but many like birds and cuttlefish use each eye independently — but some cuttlefish occasionally use stereoscopic vision. The differences in eyes also means the organisms with them need to hav

Giant Exoplanet Discredits Secular Theories

About planet formation, that is. Actually, those secular theories have already been discredited. The nebular hypothesis of planetary formation has accretion: Planets form because the stuff sticks together. Secularists know that this has problems  even in our own solar system. Also,  disk instability  is a failed rescuing device. Believers in the Big Bang and cosmic evolution apply their ideas of star and solar system formation to exoplanets (planets orbiting other stars). Problems with secular theories are seen in our own backyard ( consider axial tilt ), and are extremely apparent with exoplanets like LHS 3154b. Large planet orbiting a small star, AI graphic made at  Img2Go This maverick should not exist, and the secular science industry is in a tizzy. Interestingly, secularists frantically try to shoot down anything that threatens a prevailing viewpoint. LHS 3154b was measured by one method and nobody (including the lapdog science reporters) raised questions or wanted more data. Inte

Evolution Narrative Drives Bird Tracks in Dinosaur Strata Story

The story is that the geologic column shows fossils in an orderly progression from simple to complex, and the fossil record is complete, without gaps. Russell Watchtower and his Ministry of Truth at the Darwin Ranch up near Deception Pass have been successfully convincing folks that the preceding is a true story. In reality, there are fossils out of order. If people had healthy skepticism and dared to question evolution, they would know about fossil placement problems. A new report on fossilized bird footprints sparked a rescuing device. It did not go well. One of the birdlike footprints from Maphutseng, Lesotho (left), and a false colour depth map of the print (right) PLOS ONE 2023 / Abrahams et al. 2023 (CC-BY 4.0) via New Scientist There must be quite a few stupid people buying the malarkey that evolutionists put out. The predominant narrative dictates that dinosaurs evolved into birds despite no actual evidence. Instead of questioning the story, some other critters came around and

Jesus and the Miracle of Sight

The greatest miracle of Jesus...there are many ideas about what that may be, and those are probably influenced by personal preference or knowledge. John 11:43-44 records how Jesus raised Lazarus from the dead, and there were others as well. Those are pretty impressive. Jesus is the Creator (John 1:3, Col. 1:16, Heb. 1:2), so making the earth, life, entire universe — a substantial miracle. Calming a storm by speaking to it (he created everything by speaking), healing people, walking on water. An eye surgeon believes giving sight to the man born blind is a huge miracle. Healing the man born blind by Jesus Christ , Vasily Surikov, 1888 As a side note, in John 9:2, his disciples asked, "...who sinned, this man, or his parents, that he should be born blind?" How could he have sinned if he was born that way? Someone pointed out that the disciples were talking about reincarnation, and Jesus dismissed the idea. This child wonders if they were also toying with the idea of karma. Eithe

Fantasyland and Scientism Speculations

As people who have studied apologetics or even simply observed the way atheists treat Christians see, atheists have a penchant for playing word games. For example, when something was posted about scientism, a tinhorn lied and said we were against science . Wrong-o! Scientism essentially fits the definitions of a religion, being a way of life and a kind of salvation. People with that worldview act like science is the only way to knowledge. Ironically, it does not make them the intellectually elite — scientism is self-refuting . Oberon, Titania and Puck with Fairies Dancing , William Blake, 1786 (Darwin's watching face added, obviously) As noted several times, the secular science industry supports leftist causes ( here is a recent report ). In return, those politicians give tax money. Secularists have a materialistic belief system that provides a dubious foundation for morality . It is indeed unfortunate that many people have faith in an unrealistic view of what they consider to be

No Convergence, no Evolution, but lots of Laziness

Some of the hands at the Darwin Ranch were having a party over yonder by Stinking Lake (which is not as bad as it sounds). It seems that they had received good news that their efforts to promote convergent evolution were progressing. Papa Darwin himself would be riding over to visit. Al Buehterawl noticed that I rolled my eyes and kind of snorted, so he took a deep breath and demanded to know why I had an attitude problem. I explained that convergent evolution is unscientific, based on circular reasoning, assumptions, and consensus. Charles Darwin as a cowboy on a horse, made with Img2Go Darwinism itself is an excuse to perform lazy scientific thinking , and convergent evolution ramps it up. Different critters have the same or very similar traits, bones, or whatever, but nothing else in common. They are not biologically related. Therefore, each evolved the same things independently. To be blunt, that is stupid. Homology is classifying things according to appearance and traits, and it i

Volcano on Pluto Perplexes Secular Scientists

Something that keeps coming up is how science and technology provide ways of learning and trying to understand the universe, but also knowledge thwarts both deep time and evolution. Stars and planets do not act their age, so to speak; they give signs of being much younger than expected. Pluto has shown geologic activity , which was a big surprise. Other activity such as volcanoes  on the moon Io , one over on Mars , the volcano on Venus , and now one way out yonder on Pluto are bothersome. Volcanoes bring to mind liquid hot magma. Those farther away they blast other stuff. Pluto from New Horizons, NASA et al (usage does not imply endorsement of site contents) Upon examining a crater called Kildaze (named after a Georgian scientist who put a great deal of work into studying Pluto), they realized that it sure does look like a supervolcano that blasts water. It's also a young volcano by their standards. Rescuing devices were utilized, but this activity is yet another testimony that

Flight Evolved — Because Evolution

We looked at how people suppress the truth about evidence for the Creator , now we will see an example of how ridiculous these efforts can be. Indeed, using evolution as a vague means of explanation is just an excuse for lazy thinking . Claiming to have examples of and proof for evolution is a good way to get the grant money flowing in. Consider flight, for example. As we have seen, Darwin's acolytes tend to ignore important material in their rush to claim victory for evolution. Mosquito, CDC / James Gathany (usage does not imply endorsement of site contents) Flight involves specified complexity. No problem, an alleged researcher can just shout down the questions by citing evolution repeatedly. Also, promise to explain how something evolved, but don't deliver. True believers will not notice. New PhD grad Jeff Gau puts on his Darwin-tinted glasses and announces, “We’re looking back 400 million years into how ancient insect muscles must have behaved from an evolutionary standpoi

Reproducibility Crisis Worsens in Scientific Research

It has long been known that there is a reproducibility crisis in many areas of science. Briefly put, someone will conduct research, submit a paper for peer review, get recognition — but the research cannot be replicated by other scientists. Social sciences such as psychology are notorious for having research that is not reproduced, but other sciences have few such problems. Biology and the like have reproducibility problems as well. The public and other scientists want to be able to see results in the same way with the same data. Scientist with seaweed, Pexels / Chokniti Khongchum A big-time study on reproducibility indicates that it is a problem because of scientists themselves. That is (as mentioned many times here) scientists have strengths and weaknesses, and they have biases that influence their work. Each researcher may give a different response even when given the same data. It also reinforced what many people know: Peer review is not a guarantee of accuracy or truthfulness. Rep

Gender Confusion and Bad Evolutionary Science

As shown many times before, the secular science industry supports leftist attitudes and causes. Gender confusion and same-sex attraction are two of these. Years ago, and even today, people claimed that homosexuality was genetic, but no so-called gay gene has ever been found. There are people who claim that homosexuality exists in nature (such as the alleged gay penguin couples) and the way dogs act. However, it seems to be anthropomorphizing  by humans instead of real same-sex romance in animals. To further blur reality, research has been committed in efforts to find same-sex attraction. Evolution was not only presumed, but was claimed that homosexuality evolved many times in different animals. (It seems like an escape to say something happened many times, so evidence is not produced — or demanded. Clever.) The owlhoot who is trying to use science to deny God's order in creation did not seem to take into account that animals act in certain ways for their own reasons, and not for ro

Evosplaining Ancient DNA

When Darwin's acolytes evosplain, anything goes. The complex scientific principle of Making Things Up™ is frequently invoked, bringing along compatible principles such as bad logic, ignoring inconvenient facts, and all that good stuff. When dinosaur soft tissues were found, it was, "Katie, bar the door!" Evolutionists assume deep time (it is imperative for their storytelling), so they tried all sorts of rescuing devices to get away from the implications. Similar things happen with ancient DNA. Derived from DNA and clock images at Clker clipart DNA is fragile, so it should not last very long. Ideal conditions can extend its shelf life on occasion. The narrative demands deep time, so it is presumed that Neanderthal DNA is 50,000 years old. Because evolution. Darwinists put on top hats and tap dance around the age limits of DNA. They simply cannot allow themselves to face the fact that evidence consistently shows that the earth is far younger than they want to believe. Ther

Science Invalidating Itself

Not only has the secular science industry been promoting leftist causes and twisted morality, but it seems to be lacking the ability to do basic science. A few mavericks in their ranks will pull back on the reins and slow things down so scientific claims can be reexamined, which is a plus. When something is caught such as, say, Piltdown Man , toffee-nosed secularists may excuse it with "science is self-correcting." (That particular fraud fooled the secular science industry for over forty years!) Yes, things get corrected, but too many should have been caught much sooner. This "1889 Guy" was colorized at , further modified with  FotoSketcher Now I'm going to say a few things in defense of those in scientific practices, because scientists may not have believed certain things that have been kicked to the curb recently. Some claims are considered  scientific, but the public as a whole does not utilize healthy skepticism or critical thinking; they need t

Heartbeats of Zebrafish Mystify Evolutionists

As discussed on several occasions, biblical creationists use irreducible complexity arguments. These have been in use before Michael Behe coined the term. It essentially means that all the parts in certain organisms or devices must be in place at the same time or nothing makes sense. Zebrafish are a favorite of aquarists, and scientists like using them for study. Interesting new research startled some believers in descent with modifications evolution. A form of irreducible complexity was seen, but it happened in a different way! Zebra danio, Flickr / Bob Jenkins ( CC BY 2.0 ) Their hearts start early — too early to fit evolutionary ideas. The rest of the circulatory system has not been developed, but hearts seem to be enthusiastic about being put into their proper place. This is clearly an example of the Master Engineer's work. Harvard University Professors Bloomekat and Chi’s zebrafish research concluded that the “heart cells in zebrafish start beating suddenly and all at once to

Secular Geologists Getting Closer to Creation Science?

It bears repeating that everyone has the same evidence to work with; it is not uniformitarian evidence  in a cage match against creationist evidence . (This principle extends to other fields of science, of course.) It is the interpretations  of the evidence that are controversial — even within their fields. Worldviews drive the interpretations. The uniformitarian worldview adheres to slow and gradual processes over long periods of time. At least, it's supposed to, but we have seen that scientists invoke rapid catastrophic processes when they find it necessary. They are doing this more nowadays. Grand Canyon , Maxfield Parrish, 1902 People scoff at creation scientists as if they obtained their degrees at Billy Joe's Bible Church Academy and Bait Shop. Nope. They have legitimate degrees and have published scientific papers, and put a tremendous amount of work into their Genesis Flood models. It is interesting how some of the secular proposals have creationist leanings (some even